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Contents of /trunk/Sources/dyn3d/leapfrog.f

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Revision 56 - (show annotations)
Tue Jan 10 19:02:02 2012 UTC (12 years, 5 months ago) by guez
Original Path: trunk/libf/dyn3d/leapfrog.f90
File size: 9064 byte(s)
Imported "writehist.f" from LMDZ.

Moved module variable "histaveid" from "com_io_dyn" to "initdynav_m".

In "inithist", access directly module variables from "com_io_dyn"
instead of going through the arguments. Copying from LMDZ, write "u"
and scalar variables to separate files. Create a new variable for the
new file in "com_io_dyn". Copying from LMDZ, change the vertical axes
of the three files.

Removed some useless initializations in "dissip".

In "bilan_dyn", removed useless variable "time". Avoiding the
approximate test on "dt_cum" being a multiple of "dt_app", just
compute "ncum" from known usage of "bilan_dyn" and compute "dt_cum"
from "ncum". Change "periodav" from real to integer in
"conf_gcm_m". Since "day_step" is required to be a multiple of
"iperiod", so is "ncum".

1 module leapfrog_m
5 contains
7 SUBROUTINE leapfrog(ucov, vcov, teta, ps, masse, phis, q, time_0)
9 ! From dyn3d/leapfrog.F, version 1.6, 2005/04/13 08:58:34
10 ! Authors: P. Le Van, L. Fairhead, F. Hourdin
11 ! Matsuno-leapfrog scheme.
13 use addfi_m, only: addfi
14 use bilan_dyn_m, only: bilan_dyn
15 use caladvtrac_m, only: caladvtrac
16 use caldyn_m, only: caldyn
17 USE calfis_m, ONLY: calfis
18 USE comconst, ONLY: daysec, dtphys, dtvr
19 USE comgeom, ONLY: aire_2d, apoln, apols
20 USE comvert, ONLY: ap, bp
21 USE conf_gcm_m, ONLY: day_step, iconser, iperiod, iphysiq, nday, offline
22 USE dimens_m, ONLY: iim, jjm, llm, nqmx
23 use dissip_m, only: dissip
24 USE dynetat0_m, ONLY: day_ini
25 use dynredem1_m, only: dynredem1
26 USE exner_hyb_m, ONLY: exner_hyb
27 use filtreg_m, only: filtreg
28 use geopot_m, only: geopot
29 USE guide_m, ONLY: guide
30 use inidissip_m, only: idissip
31 use integrd_m, only: integrd
32 USE logic, ONLY: iflag_phys, ok_guide
33 use nr_util, only: assert
34 USE pressure_var, ONLY: p3d
35 USE temps, ONLY: itau_dyn
36 use writedynav_m, only: writedynav
38 ! Variables dynamiques:
39 REAL, intent(inout):: ucov(:, :, :) ! (iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm) vent covariant
40 REAL, intent(inout):: vcov(:, :, :) ! (iim + 1, jjm, llm) ! vent covariant
42 REAL, intent(inout):: teta(:, :, :) ! (iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm)
43 ! potential temperature
45 REAL, intent(inout):: ps(:, :) ! (iim + 1, jjm + 1) pression au sol, en Pa
46 REAL masse((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1), llm) ! masse d'air
47 REAL phis((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1)) ! geopotentiel au sol
49 REAL, intent(inout):: q(:, :, :, :) ! (iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm, nqmx)
50 ! mass fractions of advected fields
52 REAL, intent(in):: time_0
54 ! Variables local to the procedure:
56 ! Variables dynamiques:
58 REAL pks((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1)) ! exner au sol
59 REAL pk(iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm) ! exner au milieu des couches
60 REAL pkf((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1), llm) ! exner filt.au milieu des couches
61 REAL phi(iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm) ! geopotential
62 REAL w((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1), llm) ! vitesse verticale
64 ! Variables dynamiques intermediaire pour le transport
65 ! Flux de masse :
66 REAL pbaru((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1), llm), pbarv((iim + 1) * jjm, llm)
68 ! Variables dynamiques au pas - 1
69 REAL vcovm1(iim + 1, jjm, llm), ucovm1(iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm)
70 REAL tetam1(iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm), psm1(iim + 1, jjm + 1)
71 REAL massem1((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1), llm)
73 ! Tendances dynamiques
74 REAL dv((iim + 1) * jjm, llm), dudyn((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1), llm)
75 REAL dteta(iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm), dq((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1), llm, nqmx)
76 real dp((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1))
78 ! Tendances de la dissipation :
79 REAL dvdis(iim + 1, jjm, llm), dudis(iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm)
80 REAL dtetadis(iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm)
82 ! Tendances physiques
83 REAL dvfi((iim + 1) * jjm, llm), dufi((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1), llm)
84 REAL dtetafi(iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm), dqfi((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1), llm, nqmx)
85 real dpfi((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1))
87 ! Variables pour le fichier histoire
89 INTEGER itau ! index of the time step of the dynamics, starts at 0
90 INTEGER itaufin
91 REAL time ! time of day, as a fraction of day length
92 real finvmaold((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1), llm)
94 REAL rdayvrai, rdaym_ini
96 ! Variables test conservation energie
97 REAL ecin(iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm), ecin0(iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm)
99 REAL vcont((iim + 1) * jjm, llm), ucont((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1), llm)
100 logical leapf
101 real dt
103 !---------------------------------------------------
105 print *, "Call sequence information: leapfrog"
106 call assert(shape(ucov) == (/iim + 1, jjm + 1, llm/), "leapfrog")
108 itaufin = nday * day_step
109 ! "day_step" is a multiple of "iperiod", therefore "itaufin" is one too
111 dq = 0.
113 ! On initialise la pression et la fonction d'Exner :
114 forall (l = 1: llm + 1) p3d(:, :, l) = ap(l) + bp(l) * ps
115 CALL exner_hyb(ps, p3d, pks, pk, pkf)
117 time_integration: do itau = 0, itaufin - 1
118 leapf = mod(itau, iperiod) /= 0
119 if (leapf) then
120 dt = 2 * dtvr
121 else
122 ! Matsuno
123 dt = dtvr
124 if (ok_guide .and. (itaufin - itau - 1) * dtvr > 21600.) &
125 call guide(itau, ucov, vcov, teta, q, masse, ps)
126 vcovm1 = vcov
127 ucovm1 = ucov
128 tetam1 = teta
129 massem1 = masse
130 psm1 = ps
131 finvmaold = masse
132 CALL filtreg(finvmaold, jjm + 1, llm, - 2, 2, .TRUE., 1)
133 end if
135 ! Calcul des tendances dynamiques:
136 CALL geopot((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1), teta, pk, pks, phis, phi)
137 CALL caldyn(itau, ucov, vcov, teta, ps, masse, pk, pkf, phis, phi, &
138 dudyn, dv, dteta, dp, w, pbaru, pbarv, time_0, &
139 conser=MOD(itau, iconser)==0)
141 ! Calcul des tendances advection des traceurs (dont l'humidité)
142 CALL caladvtrac(q, pbaru, pbarv, p3d, masse, dq, teta, pk)
144 ! Stokage du flux de masse pour traceurs offline:
145 IF (offline) CALL fluxstokenc(pbaru, pbarv, masse, teta, phi, phis, &
146 dtvr, itau)
148 ! Integrations dynamique et traceurs:
149 CALL integrd(vcovm1, ucovm1, tetam1, psm1, massem1, dv, dudyn, dteta, &
150 dp, vcov, ucov, teta, q(:, :, :, :2), ps, masse, finvmaold, dt, &
151 leapf)
153 if (.not. leapf) then
154 ! Matsuno backward
155 forall (l = 1: llm + 1) p3d(:, :, l) = ap(l) + bp(l) * ps
156 CALL exner_hyb(ps, p3d, pks, pk, pkf)
158 ! Calcul des tendances dynamiques:
159 CALL geopot((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1), teta, pk, pks, phis, phi)
160 CALL caldyn(itau + 1, ucov, vcov, teta, ps, masse, pk, pkf, phis, &
161 phi, dudyn, dv, dteta, dp, w, pbaru, pbarv, time_0, &
162 conser=.false.)
164 ! integrations dynamique et traceurs:
165 CALL integrd(vcovm1, ucovm1, tetam1, psm1, massem1, dv, dudyn, &
166 dteta, dp, vcov, ucov, teta, q(:, :, :, :2), ps, masse, &
167 finvmaold, dtvr, leapf=.false.)
168 end if
170 IF (MOD(itau + 1, iphysiq) == 0 .AND. iflag_phys /= 0) THEN
171 ! calcul des tendances physiques:
173 forall (l = 1: llm + 1) p3d(:, :, l) = ap(l) + bp(l) * ps
174 CALL exner_hyb(ps, p3d, pks, pk, pkf)
176 rdaym_ini = itau * dtvr / daysec
177 rdayvrai = rdaym_ini + day_ini
178 time = REAL(mod(itau, day_step)) / day_step + time_0
179 IF (time > 1.) time = time - 1.
181 CALL calfis(rdayvrai, time, ucov, vcov, teta, q, masse, ps, pk, &
182 phis, phi, dudyn, dv, dq, w, dufi, dvfi, dtetafi, dqfi, dpfi, &
183 lafin=itau+1==itaufin)
185 ! ajout des tendances physiques:
186 CALL addfi(nqmx, dtphys, ucov, vcov, teta, q, ps, dufi, dvfi, &
187 dtetafi, dqfi, dpfi)
190 forall (l = 1: llm + 1) p3d(:, :, l) = ap(l) + bp(l) * ps
191 CALL exner_hyb(ps, p3d, pks, pk, pkf)
193 IF (MOD(itau + 1, idissip) == 0) THEN
194 ! Dissipation horizontale et verticale des petites échelles
196 ! calcul de l'énergie cinétique avant dissipation
197 call covcont(llm, ucov, vcov, ucont, vcont)
198 call enercin(vcov, ucov, vcont, ucont, ecin0)
200 ! dissipation
201 CALL dissip(vcov, ucov, teta, p3d, dvdis, dudis, dtetadis)
202 ucov = ucov + dudis
203 vcov = vcov + dvdis
205 ! On ajoute la tendance due à la transformation énergie
206 ! cinétique en énergie thermique par la dissipation
207 call covcont(llm, ucov, vcov, ucont, vcont)
208 call enercin(vcov, ucov, vcont, ucont, ecin)
209 dtetadis = dtetadis + (ecin0 - ecin) / pk
210 teta = teta + dtetadis
212 ! Calcul de la valeur moyenne aux pôles :
213 forall (l = 1: llm)
214 teta(:, 1, l) = SUM(aire_2d(:iim, 1) * teta(:iim, 1, l)) &
215 / apoln
216 teta(:, jjm + 1, l) = SUM(aire_2d(:iim, jjm+1) &
217 * teta(:iim, jjm + 1, l)) / apols
218 END forall
220 ps(:, 1) = SUM(aire_2d(:iim, 1) * ps(:iim, 1)) / apoln
221 ps(:, jjm + 1) = SUM(aire_2d(:iim, jjm+1) * ps(:iim, jjm + 1)) &
222 / apols
223 END IF
225 IF (MOD(itau + 1, iperiod) == 0) THEN
226 ! Écriture du fichier histoire moyenne:
227 CALL writedynav(nqmx, itau + 1, vcov, ucov, teta, pk, phi, q, &
228 masse, ps, phis)
229 call bilan_dyn(ps, masse, pk, pbaru, pbarv, teta, phi, ucov, vcov, &
230 q(:, :, :, 1), dt_app = dtvr * iperiod)
232 end do time_integration
234 CALL dynredem1("restart.nc", vcov, ucov, teta, q, masse, ps, &
235 itau=itau_dyn+itaufin)
237 ! Calcul des tendances dynamiques:
238 CALL geopot((iim + 1) * (jjm + 1), teta, pk, pks, phis, phi)
239 CALL caldyn(itaufin, ucov, vcov, teta, ps, masse, pk, pkf, phis, phi, &
240 dudyn, dv, dteta, dp, w, pbaru, pbarv, time_0, &
241 conser=MOD(itaufin, iconser)==0)
243 END SUBROUTINE leapfrog
245 end module leapfrog_m

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