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Contents of /trunk/libf/phylmd/conema3.f90

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Revision 12 - (show annotations)
Mon Jul 21 16:05:07 2008 UTC (15 years, 10 months ago) by guez
Original Path: trunk/libf/phylmd/conema3.f
File size: 11417 byte(s)
-- Minor modification of input/output:

Created procedure "read_logic". Variables of module "logic" are read
by "read_logic" instead of "conf_gcm". Variable "offline" of module
"conf_gcm" is read from namelist instead of "*.def".

Deleted arguments "dtime", "co2_ppm_etat0", "solaire_etat0",
"tabcntr0" and local variables "radpas", "tab_cntrl" of
"phyetat0". "phyetat0" does not read "controle" in "startphy.nc" any
longer. "phyetat0" now reads global attribute "itau_phy" from
"startphy.nc". "phyredem" does not create variable "controle" in
"startphy.nc" any longer. "phyredem" now writes global attribute
"itau_phy" of "startphy.nc". Deleted argument "tabcntr0" of
"printflag". Removed diagnostic messages written by "printflag" for
comparison of the variable "controle" of "startphy.nc" and the
variables read from "*.def" or namelist input.

-- Removing unwanted functionality:

Removed variable "lunout" from module "iniprint", replaced everywhere
by standard output.

Removed case "ocean == 'couple'" in "clmain", "interfsurf_hq" and
"physiq". Removed procedure "interfoce_cpl".

-- Should not change anything at run time:

Automated creation of graphs in documentation. More documentation on
input files.

Converted Fortran files to free format: "phyredem.f90", "printflag.f90".

Split module "clesphy" into "clesphys" and "clesphys2".

Removed variables "conser", "leapf", "forward", "apphys", "apdiss" and
"statcl" from module "logic". Added arguments "conser" to "advect",
"leapf" to "integrd". Added local variables "forward", "leapf",
"apphys", "conser", "apdiss" in "leapfrog".

Added intent attributes.

Deleted arguments "dtime" of "phyredem", "pdtime" of "flxdtdq", "sh"
of "phytrac", "dt" of "yamada".

Deleted local variables "dtime", "co2_ppm_etat0", "solaire_etat0",
"length", "tabcntr0" in "physiq". Replaced all references to "dtime"
by references to "pdtphys".

1 !
2 ! $Header: /home/cvsroot/LMDZ4/libf/phylmd/conema3.F,v 2004/05/19 12:53:09 lmdzadmin Exp $
3 !
4 SUBROUTINE conema3 (dtime,paprs,pplay,t,q,u,v,tra,ntra,
5 . work1,work2,d_t,d_q,d_u,d_v,d_tra,
6 . rain, snow, kbas, ktop,
7 . upwd,dnwd,dnwdbis,bas,top,Ma,cape,tvp,rflag,
8 . pbase,bbase,dtvpdt1,dtvpdq1,dplcldt,dplcldr,
9 . qcond_incld)
11 use dimens_m
12 use dimphy
13 use YOMCST
14 use conema3_m
15 use yoethf
16 use fcttre
17 IMPLICIT none
18 c======================================================================
19 c Auteur(s): Z.X. Li (LMD/CNRS) date: 19930818
20 c Objet: schema de convection de Emanuel (1991) interface
21 c Mai 1998: Interface modifiee pour implementation dans LMDZ
22 c======================================================================
23 c Arguments:
24 c dtime---input-R-pas d'integration (s)
25 c paprs---input-R-pression inter-couches (Pa)
26 c pplay---input-R-pression au milieu des couches (Pa)
27 c t-------input-R-temperature (K)
28 c q-------input-R-humidite specifique (kg/kg)
29 c u-------input-R-vitesse du vent zonal (m/s)
30 c v-------input-R-vitesse duvent meridien (m/s)
31 c tra-----input-R-tableau de rapport de melange des traceurs
32 c work*: input et output: deux variables de travail,
33 c on peut les mettre a 0 au debut
34 c
35 C d_t-----output-R-increment de la temperature
36 c d_q-----output-R-increment de la vapeur d'eau
37 c d_u-----output-R-increment de la vitesse zonale
38 c d_v-----output-R-increment de la vitesse meridienne
39 c d_tra---output-R-increment du contenu en traceurs
40 c rain----output-R-la pluie (mm/s)
41 c snow----output-R-la neige (mm/s)
42 c kbas----output-R-bas du nuage (integer)
43 c ktop----output-R-haut du nuage (integer)
44 c upwd----output-R-saturated updraft mass flux (kg/m**2/s)
45 c dnwd----output-R-saturated downdraft mass flux (kg/m**2/s)
46 c dnwdbis-output-R-unsaturated downdraft mass flux (kg/m**2/s)
47 c bas-----output-R-bas du nuage (real)
48 c top-----output-R-haut du nuage (real)
49 c Ma------output-R-flux ascendant non dilue (kg/m**2/s)
50 c cape----output-R-CAPE
51 c tvp-----output-R-virtual temperature of the lifted parcel
52 c rflag---output-R-flag sur le fonctionnement de convect
53 c pbase---output-R-pression a la base du nuage (Pa)
54 c bbase---output-R-buoyancy a la base du nuage (K)
55 c dtvpdt1-output-R-derivative of parcel virtual temp wrt T1
56 c dtvpdq1-output-R-derivative of parcel virtual temp wrt Q1
57 c dplcldt-output-R-derivative of the PCP pressure wrt T1
58 c dplcldr-output-R-derivative of the PCP pressure wrt Q1
59 c======================================================================
60 c
61 INTEGER i, l,m,itra
62 INTEGER ntra,ntrac !number of tracers; if no tracer transport
63 ! is needed, set ntra = 1 (or 0)
64 PARAMETER (ntrac=nqmx-2)
65 REAL, intent(in):: dtime
66 c
67 REAL d_t2(klon,klev), d_q2(klon,klev) ! sbl
68 REAL d_u2(klon,klev), d_v2(klon,klev) ! sbl
69 REAL em_d_t2(klev), em_d_q2(klev) ! sbl
70 REAL em_d_u2(klev), em_d_v2(klev) ! sbl
71 c
72 REAL, intent(in):: paprs(klon,klev+1)
73 real, intent(in):: pplay(klon,klev)
74 REAL t(klon,klev), q(klon,klev), d_t(klon,klev), d_q(klon,klev)
75 REAL u(klon,klev), v(klon,klev), tra(klon,klev,ntra)
76 REAL d_u(klon,klev), d_v(klon,klev), d_tra(klon,klev,ntra)
77 REAL work1(klon,klev), work2(klon,klev)
78 REAL upwd(klon,klev), dnwd(klon,klev), dnwdbis(klon,klev)
79 REAL rain(klon)
80 REAL snow(klon)
81 REAL cape(klon), tvp(klon,klev), rflag(klon)
82 REAL pbase(klon), bbase(klon)
83 REAL dtvpdt1(klon,klev), dtvpdq1(klon,klev)
84 REAL dplcldt(klon), dplcldr(klon)
85 INTEGER kbas(klon), ktop(klon)
87 REAL wd(klon)
88 REAL qcond_incld(klon,klev)
89 c
90 REAL em_t(klev)
91 REAL em_q(klev)
92 REAL em_qs(klev)
93 REAL em_u(klev), em_v(klev), em_tra(klev,ntrac)
94 REAL em_ph(klev+1), em_p(klev)
95 REAL em_work1(klev), em_work2(klev)
96 REAL em_precip, em_d_t(klev), em_d_q(klev)
97 REAL em_d_u(klev), em_d_v(klev), em_d_tra(klev,ntrac)
98 REAL em_upwd(klev), em_dnwd(klev), em_dnwdbis(klev)
99 REAL em_dtvpdt1(klev), em_dtvpdq1(klev)
100 REAL em_dplcldt, em_dplcldr
101 SAVE em_t,em_q, em_qs, em_ph, em_p, em_work1, em_work2
102 SAVE em_u,em_v, em_tra
103 SAVE em_d_u,em_d_v, em_d_tra
104 SAVE em_precip, em_d_t, em_d_q, em_upwd, em_dnwd, em_dnwdbis
105 INTEGER em_bas, em_top
106 SAVE em_bas, em_top
108 REAL em_wd
109 REAL em_qcond(klev)
110 REAL em_qcondc(klev)
111 c
112 REAL zx_t, zx_qs, zdelta, zcor
113 INTEGER iflag
114 REAL sigsum
115 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
117 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
119 REAL emmip(klev) !variation de flux ascnon dilue i et i+1
120 SAVE emmip
121 real emMke(klev)
122 save emMke
123 real top
124 real bas
125 real emMa(klev)
126 save emMa
127 real Ma(klon,klev)
128 real Ment(klev,klev)
129 real Qent(klev,klev)
130 real TPS(klev),TLS(klev)
131 real SIJ(klev,klev)
132 real em_CAPE, em_TVP(klev)
133 real em_pbase, em_bbase
134 integer iw,j,k,ix,iy
136 c -- sb: pour schema nuages:
138 integer iflagcon
139 integer em_ifc(klev)
141 real em_pradj
142 real em_cldf(klev), em_cldq(klev)
143 real em_ftadj(klev), em_fradj(klev)
145 integer ifc(klon,klev)
146 real pradj(klon)
147 real cldf(klon,klev), cldq(klon,klev)
148 real ftadj(klon,klev), fqadj(klon,klev)
150 c sb --
152 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
153 c
155 qcond_incld(:,:) = 0.
156 c
157 c$$$ print*,'debut conema'
159 DO 999 i = 1, klon
160 DO l = 1, klev+1
161 em_ph(l) = paprs(i,l) / 100.0
163 c
164 DO l = 1, klev
165 em_p(l) = pplay(i,l) / 100.0
166 em_t(l) = t(i,l)
167 em_q(l) = q(i,l)
168 em_u(l) = u(i,l)
169 em_v(l) = v(i,l)
170 do itra = 1, ntra
171 em_tra(l,itra) = tra(i,l,itra)
172 enddo
173 c$$$ print*,'em_t',em_t
174 c$$$ print*,'em_q',em_q
175 c$$$ print*,'em_qs',em_qs
176 c$$$ print*,'em_u',em_u
177 c$$$ print*,'em_v',em_v
178 c$$$ print*,'em_tra',em_tra
179 c$$$ print*,'em_p',em_p
182 c
183 zx_t = em_t(l)
184 zdelta=MAX(0.,SIGN(1.,rtt-zx_t))
185 zx_qs= r2es * FOEEW(zx_t,zdelta)/em_p(l)/100.0
186 zx_qs=MIN(0.5,zx_qs)
187 c$$$ print*,'zx_qs',zx_qs
188 zcor=1./(1.-retv*zx_qs)
189 zx_qs=zx_qs*zcor
190 em_qs(l) = zx_qs
191 c$$$ print*,'em_qs',em_qs
192 c
193 em_work1(l) = work1(i,l)
194 em_work2(l) = work2(i,l)
195 emMke(l)=0
196 c emMa(l)=0
197 c Ma(i,l)=0
199 em_dtvpdt1(l) = 0.
200 em_dtvpdq1(l) = 0.
201 dtvpdt1(i,l) = 0.
202 dtvpdq1(i,l) = 0.
204 c
205 em_dplcldt = 0.
206 em_dplcldr = 0.
207 rain(i) = 0.0
208 snow(i) = 0.0
209 kbas(i) = 1
210 ktop(i) = 1
211 c ajout SB:
212 bas = 1
213 top = 1
216 c sb3d write(*,1792) (em_work1(m),m=1,klev)
217 1792 format('sig avant convect ',/,10(1X,E13.5))
218 c
219 c sb d write(*,1793) (em_work2(m),m=1,klev)
220 1793 format('w avant convect ',/,10(1X,E13.5))
222 c$$$ print*,'avant convect'
223 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
224 c
226 c print*,'avant convect i=',i
227 CALL convect3(dtime,epmax,ok_adj_ema,
228 . em_t, em_q, em_qs,em_u ,em_v ,
229 . em_tra, em_p, em_ph,
230 . klev, klev+1, klev-1,ntra, dtime, iflag,
231 . em_d_t, em_d_q,em_d_u,em_d_v,
232 . em_d_tra, em_precip,
233 . em_bas, em_top,em_upwd, em_dnwd, em_dnwdbis,
234 . em_work1, em_work2,emmip,emMke,emMa,Ment,
235 . Qent,TPS,TLS,SIJ,em_CAPE,em_TVP,em_pbase,em_bbase,
236 . em_dtvpdt1,em_dtvpdq1,em_dplcldt,em_dplcldr, ! sbl
237 . em_d_t2,em_d_q2,em_d_u2,em_d_v2,em_wd,em_qcond,em_qcondc)!sbl
238 c print*,'apres convect '
239 c
240 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
241 c
242 c -- sb: Appel schema statistique de nuages couple a la convection
243 c (Bony et Emanuel 2001):
245 c -- creer cvthermo.h qui contiendra les cstes thermo de LMDZ:
247 iflagcon = 3
248 c CALL cv_thermo(iflagcon)
250 c -- appel schema de nuages:
252 do k = 1, klev
253 cldf(i,k) = em_cldf(k) ! cloud fraction (0-1)
254 cldq(i,k) = em_cldq(k) ! in-cloud water content (kg/kg)
255 ftadj(i,k) = em_ftadj(k) ! (dT/dt)_{LS adj} (K/s)
256 fqadj(i,k) = em_fradj(k) ! (dq/dt)_{LS adj} (kg/kg/s)
257 ifc(i,k) = em_ifc(k) ! flag convergence clouds_gno (1 ou 2)
258 enddo
259 pradj(i) = em_pradj ! precip from LS supersat adj (mm/day)
261 c sb --
262 c
263 c SB:
264 if (iflag.ne.1 .and. iflag.ne.4) then
265 em_CAPE = 0.
266 do l = 1, klev
267 em_upwd(l) = 0.
268 em_dnwd(l) = 0.
269 em_dnwdbis(l) = 0.
270 emMa(l) = 0.
271 em_TVP(l) = 0.
272 enddo
273 endif
274 c fin SB
275 c
276 c If sig has been set to zero, then set Ma to zero
277 c
278 sigsum = 0.
279 do k = 1,klev
280 sigsum = sigsum + em_work1(k)
281 enddo
282 if (sigsum .eq. 0.0) then
283 do k = 1,klev
284 emMa(k) = 0.
285 enddo
286 endif
287 c
288 c sb3d print*,'i, iflag=',i,iflag
289 c
290 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
291 c
293 c en fait inb et icb correspondent au niveau ou se trouve
294 c le nuage,le numero d'interface
295 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
297 c modif SB:
298 if (iflag.EQ.1 .or. iflag.EQ.4) then
299 top=em_top
300 bas=em_bas
301 kbas(i) = em_bas
302 ktop(i) = em_top
303 endif
305 pbase(i) = em_pbase
306 bbase(i) = em_bbase
307 rain(i) = em_precip/ 86400.0
308 snow(i) = 0.0
309 cape(i) = em_CAPE
310 wd(i) = em_wd
311 rflag(i) = float(iflag)
312 c SB kbas(i) = em_bas
313 c SB ktop(i) = em_top
314 dplcldt(i) = em_dplcldt
315 dplcldr(i) = em_dplcldr
316 DO l = 1, klev
317 d_t2(i,l) = dtime * em_d_t2(l)
318 d_q2(i,l) = dtime * em_d_q2(l)
319 d_u2(i,l) = dtime * em_d_u2(l)
320 d_v2(i,l) = dtime * em_d_v2(l)
322 d_t(i,l) = dtime * em_d_t(l)
323 d_q(i,l) = dtime * em_d_q(l)
324 d_u(i,l) = dtime * em_d_u(l)
325 d_v(i,l) = dtime * em_d_v(l)
326 do itra = 1, ntra
327 d_tra(i,l,itra) = dtime * em_d_tra(l,itra)
328 enddo
329 upwd(i,l) = em_upwd(l)
330 dnwd(i,l) = em_dnwd(l)
331 dnwdbis(i,l) = em_dnwdbis(l)
332 work1(i,l) = em_work1(l)
333 work2(i,l) = em_work2(l)
334 Ma(i,l)=emMa(l)
335 tvp(i,l)=em_TVP(l)
336 dtvpdt1(i,l) = em_dtvpdt1(l)
337 dtvpdq1(i,l) = em_dtvpdq1(l)
339 if (iflag_clw.eq.0) then
340 qcond_incld(i,l) = em_qcondc(l)
341 else if (iflag_clw.eq.1) then
342 qcond_incld(i,l) = em_qcond(l)
343 endif
345 999 CONTINUE
347 c On calcule une eau liquide diagnostique en fonction de la
348 c precip.
349 if ( iflag_clw.eq.2 ) then
350 do l=1,klev
351 do i=1,klon
352 if (ktop(i)-kbas(i).gt.0.and.
353 s l.ge.kbas(i).and.l.le.ktop(i)) then
354 qcond_incld(i,l)=rain(i)*8.e4
355 s /(pplay(i,kbas(i))-pplay(i,ktop(i)))
356 c s **2
357 else
358 qcond_incld(i,l)=0.
359 endif
360 enddo
361 print*,'l=',l,', qcond_incld=',qcond_incld(1,l)
362 enddo
363 endif
367 END

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