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Contents of /trunk/libf/phylmd/diagphy.f

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Revision 47 - (show annotations)
Fri Jul 1 15:00:48 2011 UTC (13 years ago) by guez
File size: 5101 byte(s)
Split "thermcell.f" and "cv3_routines.f".
Removed copies of files that are now in "L_util".
Moved "mva9" and "diagetpq" to their own files.
Unified variable names across procedures.

1 !
2 ! $Header: /home/cvsroot/LMDZ4/libf/phylmd/diagphy.F,v 2004/05/19 12:53:08 lmdzadmin Exp $
3 !
4 SUBROUTINE diagphy(airephy,tit,iprt
5 $ , tops, topl, sols, soll, sens
6 $ , evap, rain_fall, snow_fall, ts
7 $ , d_etp_tot, d_qt_tot, d_ec_tot
8 $ , fs_bound, fq_bound)
9 C======================================================================
10 C
11 C Purpose:
12 C Compute the thermal flux and the watter mass flux at the atmosphere
13 c boundaries. Print them and also the atmospheric enthalpy change and
14 C the atmospheric mass change.
15 C
16 C Arguments:
17 C airephy-------input-R- grid area
18 C tit---------input-A15- Comment to be added in PRINT (CHARACTER*15)
19 C iprt--------input-I- PRINT level ( <=0 : no PRINT)
20 C tops(klon)--input-R- SW rad. at TOA (W/m2), positive up.
21 C topl(klon)--input-R- LW rad. at TOA (W/m2), positive down
22 C sols(klon)--input-R- Net SW flux above surface (W/m2), positive up
23 C (i.e. -1 * flux absorbed by the surface)
24 C soll(klon)--input-R- Net LW flux above surface (W/m2), positive up
25 C (i.e. flux emited - flux absorbed by the surface)
26 C sens(klon)--input-R- Sensible Flux at surface (W/m2), positive down
27 C evap(klon)--input-R- Evaporation + sublimation watter vapour mass flux
28 C (kg/m2/s), positive up
29 C rain_fall(klon)
30 C --input-R- Liquid watter mass flux (kg/m2/s), positive down
31 C snow_fall(klon)
32 C --input-R- Solid watter mass flux (kg/m2/s), positive down
33 C ts(klon)----input-R- Surface temperature (K)
34 C d_etp_tot---input-R- Heat flux equivalent to atmospheric enthalpy
35 C change (W/m2)
36 C d_qt_tot----input-R- Mass flux equivalent to atmospheric watter mass
37 C change (kg/m2/s)
38 C d_ec_tot----input-R- Flux equivalent to atmospheric cinetic energy
39 C change (W/m2)
40 C
41 C fs_bound---output-R- Thermal flux at the atmosphere boundaries (W/m2)
42 C fq_bound---output-R- Watter mass flux at the atmosphere boundaries (kg/m2/s)
43 C
44 C J.L. Dufresne, July 2002
45 C======================================================================
46 C
47 use dimens_m
48 use dimphy
49 use SUPHEC_M
50 use yoethf_m
51 implicit none
53 C
54 C Input variables
55 real airephy(klon)
56 CHARACTER*15 tit
57 INTEGER iprt
58 real tops(klon),topl(klon),sols(klon),soll(klon)
59 real sens(klon),evap(klon),rain_fall(klon),snow_fall(klon)
60 REAL ts(klon)
61 REAL d_etp_tot, d_qt_tot, d_ec_tot
62 c Output variables
63 REAL fs_bound, fq_bound
64 C
65 C Local variables
66 real stops,stopl,ssols,ssoll
67 real ssens,sfront,slat
68 real airetot, zcpvap, zcwat, zcice
69 REAL rain_fall_tot, snow_fall_tot, evap_tot
70 C
71 integer i
72 C
73 integer pas
74 save pas
75 data pas/0/
76 C
77 pas=pas+1
78 stops=0.
79 stopl=0.
80 ssols=0.
81 ssoll=0.
82 ssens=0.
83 sfront = 0.
84 evap_tot = 0.
85 rain_fall_tot = 0.
86 snow_fall_tot = 0.
87 airetot=0.
88 C
89 C Pour les chaleur specifiques de la vapeur d'eau, de l'eau et de
90 C la glace, on travaille par difference a la chaleur specifique de l'
91 c air sec. En effet, comme on travaille a niveau de pression donne,
92 C toute variation de la masse d'un constituant est totalement
93 c compense par une variation de masse d'air.
94 C
95 zcpvap=RCPV-RCPD
96 zcwat=RCW-RCPD
97 zcice=RCS-RCPD
98 C
99 do i=1,klon
100 stops=stops+tops(i)*airephy(i)
101 stopl=stopl+topl(i)*airephy(i)
102 ssols=ssols+sols(i)*airephy(i)
103 ssoll=ssoll+soll(i)*airephy(i)
104 ssens=ssens+sens(i)*airephy(i)
105 sfront = sfront
106 $ + ( evap(i)*zcpvap-rain_fall(i)*zcwat-snow_fall(i)*zcice
107 $ ) *ts(i) *airephy(i)
108 evap_tot = evap_tot + evap(i)*airephy(i)
109 rain_fall_tot = rain_fall_tot + rain_fall(i)*airephy(i)
110 snow_fall_tot = snow_fall_tot + snow_fall(i)*airephy(i)
111 airetot=airetot+airephy(i)
112 enddo
113 stops=stops/airetot
114 stopl=stopl/airetot
115 ssols=ssols/airetot
116 ssoll=ssoll/airetot
117 ssens=ssens/airetot
118 sfront = sfront/airetot
119 evap_tot = evap_tot /airetot
120 rain_fall_tot = rain_fall_tot/airetot
121 snow_fall_tot = snow_fall_tot/airetot
122 C
123 slat = RLVTT * rain_fall_tot + RLSTT * snow_fall_tot
124 C Heat flux at atm. boundaries
125 fs_bound = stops-stopl - (ssols+ssoll)+ssens+sfront
126 $ + slat
127 C Watter flux at atm. boundaries
128 fq_bound = evap_tot - rain_fall_tot -snow_fall_tot
129 C
130 IF (iprt.ge.1) write(6,6666)
131 $ tit, pas, fs_bound, d_etp_tot, fq_bound, d_qt_tot
132 C
133 IF (iprt.ge.1) write(6,6668)
134 $ tit, pas, d_etp_tot+d_ec_tot-fs_bound, d_qt_tot-fq_bound
135 C
136 IF (iprt.ge.2) write(6,6667)
137 $ tit, pas, stops,stopl,ssols,ssoll,ssens,slat,evap_tot
138 $ ,rain_fall_tot+snow_fall_tot
140 return
142 6666 format('Phys. Flux Budget ',a15,1i6,2f8.2,2(1pE13.5))
143 6667 format('Phys. Boundary Flux ',a15,1i6,6f8.2,2(1pE13.5))
144 6668 format('Phys. Total Budget ',a15,1i6,f8.2,2(1pE13.5))
146 end

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