source: codes/icosagcm/devel/Python/dynamico/ @ 790

Last change on this file since 790 was 778, checked in by dubos, 6 years ago

devel/Python : add Euler time step for debug

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1import numpy as np
2from scipy import sparse as sparse
3import math as math
5class Struct: pass
7def Linf(data):
8    return abs(data).max()
9def compare(msg, data1, data2):
10    print msg, Linf(data1-data2)/Linf(data1)   
12############################# Tridiagonal solver #############################
14class SymTriDiag:
15    """ Solve -c(i-1)x(i-1) + b(i)x(i) - c(i)x(i+1) = d(i)
16    Forward sweep :
17    C(i) =        -c(i)       / (b(i)+c(i-1)C(i-1)), C(0)=0
18    D(i) = (d(i)+c(i-1)D(i-1)) / (b(i)+c(i-1)C(i-1)), D(0)=0
19    Back substituion :
20    x(i) = D(i)-C(i)x(i+1), x(N+1)=0
21    """
22    def __init__(self, b,c):
23        M, N = b.shape
24        self.M, self.N, self.b, self.c = M,N,b,c
25        B,C = np.zeros((M,N)), np.zeros((M,N-1))
26        Bi = b[:,0]
27        B[:,0]=Bi
28        for i in xrange(1,N):
29            Ci = -c[:,i-1]/Bi
30            C[:,i-1]=Ci
31            Bi = b[:,i]+c[:,i-1]*Ci
32            B[:,i]=Bi
33        self.B, self.C = B,C
34    def dot(self,x):
35        M,N,b,c = self.M, self.N, self.b, self.c
36        y = np.zeros((M,N))
37        y[:,0] = b[:,0]*x[:,0] - c[:,0]*x[:,1]
38        for i in xrange(1,N-1):
39            y[:,i] = -c[:,i-1]*x[:,i-1] + b[:,i]*x[:,i] - c[:,i]*x[:,i+1]
40        y[:,N-1] = -c[:,N-2]*x[:,N-2] + b[:,N-1]*x[:,N-1]
41        return y
42    def solve(self,d):
43        M,N,c,B,C = self.M, self.N, self.c, self.B, self.C
44        D,x = np.zeros((M,N)), np.zeros((M,N))
45        Di = d[:,0]/B[:,0]
46        D[:,0]=Di
47        for i in xrange(1,N):
48            Di = (d[:,i]+c[:,i-1]*Di)/B[:,i]
49            D[:,i]=Di
50        xi=D[:,N-1]
51        x[:,N-1]=xi
52        for i in xrange(N-2,-1,-1):
53            xi = D[:,i]-C[:,i]*xi
54            x[:,i]=xi
55        return x
57########################### ARK time schemes ##########################
59class SIRK:
60    """
61    Generic SIRK scheme with fast/slow Butcher tableaux af,as
62    Following Weller et al. (2013)
63    sj=slow(yj), fj=fast(yj)
64    zj = y(n) + dt*( sum(l<j)asjl*sl + sum(l<j)afjl*fl )
65    yj = zj + dt*afjj*fast(yj)
66    y(n+1) = y(n)+dt*sum(wsj*sj+wsf*fj)
67    Reformulation : remarking that
68    y(j)   = y(n) + dt*sum_(l<=j)[as(j,l)*s(l)   + af(j,l)*f(l) ]
69    z(j+1) = y(n) + dt*sum_(l<=j)[as(j+1,l)*s(l) + af(j+1,l)*f(l) ]
70           = y(j) + dt*sum_(l<=j)[cs(j,l)*s(l)   + cf(j,l)*f(l) ]
71    where b(j,l)=a(j,l) ; b(nstage,l)=w(l) ; c(j) = b(j+1)-b(j) => c0=b1
72    => implementation
73    z(0) = y(n)
74    DO j=0, nstage-1
75        [y(j), fj, sj] = bwd_fast_slow(z(j),0.)
76        z(j+1) = y(j) + dt*sum_(l<=j)[cs(j,l)*s(l) + cf(j,l)*f(l) ]
77    END DO
78    y(n+1) = z(nstage)
80    where z(j) and y(j) are actually stored in a single variable zj
81    and [y,f,s] = bwd_fast_slow(z,tau)
82        * solves y - tau*fast(y) = z
83        * computes f=fast(y) and s=slow(y)
84    """
85    def cjl(self,b): # converts Butcher tableau b(j,l) to update coefficients c(j,l)
86        return np.array([ b[j+1,:]-b[j,:] for j in range(self.nstage)])
87    def __init__(self,precision,bwd_fast_slow, dt,nstage, bsjl,bfjl):
88        if bwd_fast_slow is None:
89            print 'SIRK with Fortran-side time stepping'
90            precision=np.float64
91        else:
92            print 'SIRK with Python-side time stepping at precision ', precision
94        self.bwd_fast_slow = bwd_fast_slow
95        self.dt, self.nstage = dt, nstage
96        csjl = dt*self.cjl(bsjl)
97        cfjl = dt*self.cjl(bfjl)
98        self.csjl, self.cfjl = [x.astype(precision) for x in csjl, cfjl]
99        self.tauj = np.array([dt*bfjl[j,j] for j in range(self.nstage)], dtype=precision)
100        print 'Types of csjl, cfjl, tauj :', self.csjl.dtype, self.cfjl.dtype, self.tauj.dtype
101    def next(self,zj):
102        csjl, cfjl, tauj = self.csjl, self.cfjl, self.tauj
103        fastj, slowj = [], []
104        for j in range(self.nstage): # here zj is z(j)
105            zj, fj, sj = self.bwd_fast_slow(zj, tauj[j])
106            fastj.append(fj)
107            slowj.append(sj)
108            for l in range(0,j+1): # here zj is initially y(j) and finally z(j+1)
109                zj = [z + csjl[j,l]*s + cfjl[j,l]*f for z,s,f in zip(zj, slowj[l], fastj[l]) ]
110#            print 'SIRK : zj has type ', [ z.dtype for z in zj]
111        return zj       
112    def advance(self, flow, N):
113        for k in range(N):
115        return flow
117def SIRK1(bwd_fast_slow, dt): # untested
118    """ Forward-Backward""" 
119    wj  = np.array([1])
120    bsjl = np.array([[0],wj])
121    bfjl = np.array([[1],wj])
122    return SIRK(bwd_fast_slow,dt,1,bsjl,bfjl)
124def ARK2(bwd_fast_slow, dt, precision=None, a32 = (3.+2.*np.sqrt(2.))/6.):
125    """ ARK2 scheme by Giraldo et al. (2013), noted ARK2(2,3,2) in Weller et al. (2013) """ 
126    gamma = 1.-1./np.sqrt(2.)
127    delta = 1./(2.*np.sqrt(2.))
128    wj  = np.array([delta,delta,gamma])
129    bsjl = np.array([[0,0,0],[2.*gamma,0,0],[1.-a32,a32,0],wj])
130    bfjl = np.array([[0,0,0],[gamma,gamma,0],[delta,delta,gamma],wj])
131    return SIRK(precision,bwd_fast_slow,dt,3,bsjl,bfjl)
133def UJ3(bwd_fast_slow, dt):
134    """ Strang-carryover scheme by Ullrich et al. (2013), noted UJ3(1,3,2) in Weller et al. (2013) """
135    zz   = [0,0,0,0,0,0]
136    wsj  = [0,1/6.,1/6.,2/3.,0,0]
137    h    = [.5,0,0,0,0,0]
138    wfj  = [.5,0,0,0,0,.5]
139    bsjl = np.array([zz,zz,[0,1,0,0,0,0],
140                     [0,.25,.25,0,0,0],wsj,wsj,wsj])
141    bfjl = np.array([zz,h,h,h,h,wfj,wfj])
142    return SIRK(bwd_fast_slow,dt,6,bsjl,bfjl)
144######### Explicit RK schemes written as ARK with two identical Butcher tableaus ########
146def RK4(bwd_fast_slow, dt, precision=None):
147    """ 4-stage 4th-order RK """ 
148    bjl = np.array([[0,0,0,0],
149                    [.5,0,0,0],
150                    [0,.5,0,0],
151                    [0.,0.,1.,0],
152                    [1/6.,1/3.,1/3.,1/6.]])
153    return SIRK(precision, bwd_fast_slow,dt,4,bjl,bjl)
155def RK1(bwd_fast_slow, dt, precision=None):
156    """ 4-stage 4th-order RK """ 
157    bjl = np.array([[0.],[1.]])
158    return SIRK(precision, bwd_fast_slow,dt,1,bjl,bjl)
160######### Simplified explicit RK schemes (2nd-order) ########
162def RK_simple(bwd_fast_slow, dt, tau):
163    # take coefficients of simplified RK scheme
164    # y(n) := x + tau*f(y(n-1))
165    # and computes the equivalent Butcher tableau
166    tau=np.array(tau)
167    n = tau.size # number of stages
168    bjl = np.zeros((n+1,n)) # a[stage, coef]
169    for i in range(n):
170        bjl[i+1,i]=tau[i] 
171    return SIRK(bwd_fast_slow,dt,n,bjl,bjl)
173def RKn_simple(n, bwd_fast_slow, dt):
174    tau = [1./(n-i) for i in range(n)]
175    return RK_simple(bwd_fast_slow, dt, tau)
177def RK_Kinnmark(K, bwd_fast_slow, dt):
178    """ RK schemes with max stability along imaginary axis
179        Kinnmark & Gray, 1984 """
180    ee=np.zeros((K+1,K+1))
181    ee[2,0], ee[2,1], ee[2,2] = 1,1,1
182    ee[3,0], ee[3,1], ee[3,2], ee[3,3] = 1,2,2,2
183    for k in range(4,K+1):
184        ee[k,0]=1
185        for n in range(1,k+1):
186            ee[k,n]=ee[k-2,n]+2*ee[k-1,n-1]
187    tau = [ee[K,K-n]/ee[K,K-n-1]/(K-1) for n in range(K)]
188    return RK_simple(bwd_fast_slow, dt, tau)
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