MODULE dcmip2016_baroclinic_wave_mod !======================================================================= ! ! Date: July 29, 2015 ! ! Functions for setting up idealized initial conditions for the ! Ullrich, Melvin, Staniforth and Jablonowski baroclinic instability. ! ! SUBROUTINE baroclinic_wave_sample( ! deep,moist,pertt,X,lon,lat,p,z,zcoords,u,v,w,t,phis,ps,rho,q) ! ! Options: ! deep deep atmosphere (1 = yes or 0 = no) ! moist include moisture (1 = yes or 0 = no) ! pertt type of perturbation (0 = exponential, 1 = stream function) ! X Earth scaling factor ! ! Given a point specified by: ! lon longitude (radians) ! lat latitude (radians) ! p/z pressure (Pa) / height (m) ! zcoords 1 if z is specified, 0 if p is specified ! ! the functions will return: ! p pressure if z is specified and zcoords = 1 (Pa) ! u zonal wind (m s^-1) ! v meridional wind (m s^-1) ! t temperature (K) ! thetav virtual potential temperature (K) ! phis surface geopotential (m^2 s^-2) ! ps surface pressure (Pa) ! rho density (kj m^-3) ! q water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! ! ! Author: Paul Ullrich ! University of California, Davis ! Email: ! !======================================================================= IMPLICIT NONE !======================================================================= ! Physical constants !======================================================================= REAL(8), PARAMETER :: & a = 6371220.0d0, & ! Reference Earth's Radius (m) Rd = 287.0d0, & ! Ideal gas const dry air (J kg^-1 K^1) g = 9.80616d0, & ! Gravity (m s^2) cp = 1004.5d0, & ! Specific heat capacity (J kg^-1 K^1) Lvap = 2.5d6, & ! Latent heat of vaporization of water Rvap = 461.5d0, & ! Ideal gas constnat for water vapor Mvap = 0.608d0, & ! Ratio of molar mass of dry air/water pi = 3.14159265358979d0, & ! pi p0 = 100000.0d0, & ! surface pressure (Pa) kappa = 2.d0/7.d0, & ! Ratio of Rd to cp omega = 7.29212d-5, & ! Reference rotation rate of the Earth (s^-1) deg2rad = pi/180.d0 ! Conversion factor of degrees to radians !======================================================================= ! Test case parameters !======================================================================= REAL(8), PARAMETER :: & T0E = 310.d0 , & ! temperature at equatorial surface (K) T0P = 240.d0 , & ! temperature at polar surface (K) B = 2.d0 , & ! jet half-width parameter K = 3.d0 , & ! jet width parameter lapse = 0.005d0 ! lapse rate parameter REAL(8), PARAMETER :: & pertu0 = 0.5d0 , & ! SF Perturbation wind velocity (m/s) pertr = 1.d0/6.d0 , & ! SF Perturbation radius (Earth radii) pertup = 1.0d0 , & ! Exp. perturbation wind velocity (m/s) pertexpr = 0.1d0 , & ! Exp. perturbation radius (Earth radii) pertlon = pi/9.d0 , & ! Perturbation longitude pertlat = 2.d0*pi/9.d0, & ! Perturbation latitude pertz = 15000.d0 , & ! Perturbation height cap dxepsilon = 1.d-5 ! Small value for numerical derivatives REAL(8), PARAMETER :: & moistqlat = 2.d0*pi/9.d0, & ! Humidity latitudinal width moistqp = 34000.d0, & ! Humidity vertical pressure width moisttr = 0.1d0, & ! Vertical cut-off pressure for humidity moistqs = 1.d-12, & ! Humidity above cut-off moistq0 = 0.018d0, & ! Maximum specific humidity moistqr = 0.9d0, & ! Maximum saturation ratio moisteps = 0.622d0, & ! Ratio of gas constants moistT0 = 273.16d0, & ! Reference temperature (K) moistE0Ast = 610.78d0 ! Saturation vapor pressure at T0 (Pa) CONTAINS !======================================================================= ! Generate the baroclinic instability initial conditions !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE baroclinic_wave_test(deep,moist,pertt,X,lon,lat,p,z,zcoords,u,v,t,thetav,phis,ps,rho,q) & BIND(c, name = "baroclinic_wave_test") IMPLICIT NONE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! input/output params parameters at given location !----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: & deep, & ! Deep (1) or Shallow (0) test case moist, & ! Moist (1) or Dry (0) test case pertt ! Perturbation type REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: & lon, & ! Longitude (radians) lat, & ! Latitude (radians) X ! Earth scaling parameter REAL(8), INTENT(INOUT) :: & p, & ! Pressure (Pa) z ! Altitude (m) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: zcoords ! 1 if z coordinates are specified ! 0 if p coordinates are specified REAL(8), INTENT(OUT) :: & u, & ! Zonal wind (m s^-1) v, & ! Meridional wind (m s^-1) t, & ! Temperature (K) thetav, & ! Virtual potential temperature (K) phis, & ! Surface Geopotential (m^2 s^-2) ps, & ! Surface Pressure (Pa) rho, & ! density (kg m^-3) q ! water vapor mixing ratio (kg/kg) !------------------------------------------------ ! Local variables !------------------------------------------------ REAL(8) :: aref, omegaref REAL(8) :: T0, constH, constC, scaledZ, inttau2, rratio REAL(8) :: inttermU, bigU, rcoslat, omegarcoslat REAL(8) :: eta, qratio, qnum, qden !------------------------------------------------ ! Pressure and temperature !------------------------------------------------ if (zcoords .eq. 1) then CALL evaluate_pressure_temperature(deep, X, lon, lat, z, p, t) else CALL evaluate_z_temperature(deep, X, lon, lat, p, z, t) end if !------------------------------------------------ ! Compute test case constants !------------------------------------------------ aref = a / X omegaref = omega * X T0 = 0.5d0 * (T0E + T0P) constH = Rd * T0 / g constC = 0.5d0 * (K + 2.d0) * (T0E - T0P) / (T0E * T0P) scaledZ = z / (B * constH) inttau2 = constC * z * exp(- scaledZ**2) ! radius ratio if (deep .eq. 0) then rratio = 1.d0 else rratio = (z + aref) / aref; end if !----------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize surface pressure !----------------------------------------------------- ps = p0 !----------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize velocity field !----------------------------------------------------- inttermU = (rratio * cos(lat))**(K - 1.d0) - (rratio * cos(lat))**(K + 1.d0) bigU = g / aref * K * inttau2 * inttermU * t if (deep .eq. 0) then rcoslat = aref * cos(lat) else rcoslat = (z + aref) * cos(lat) end if omegarcoslat = omegaref * rcoslat u = - omegarcoslat + sqrt(omegarcoslat**2 + rcoslat * bigU) v = 0.d0 !----------------------------------------------------- ! Add perturbation to the velocity field !----------------------------------------------------- ! Exponential type if (pertt .eq. 0) then u = u + evaluate_exponential(lon, lat, z) ! Stream function type elseif (pertt .eq. 1) then u = u - 1.d0 / (2.d0 * dxepsilon) * & ( evaluate_streamfunction(lon, lat + dxepsilon, z) & - evaluate_streamfunction(lon, lat - dxepsilon, z)) v = v + 1.d0 / (2.d0 * dxepsilon * cos(lat)) * & ( evaluate_streamfunction(lon + dxepsilon, lat, z) & - evaluate_streamfunction(lon - dxepsilon, lat, z)) end if !----------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize surface geopotential !----------------------------------------------------- phis = 0.d0 !----------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize density !----------------------------------------------------- rho = p / (Rd * t) !----------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize specific humidity !----------------------------------------------------- if (moist .eq. 1) then eta = p/p0 if (eta .gt. moisttr) then q = moistq0 * exp(- (lat/moistqlat)**4) & * exp(- ((eta-1.d0)*p0/moistqp)**2) else q = moistqs end if ! Convert virtual temperature to temperature t = t / (1.d0 + Mvap * q) else q = 0.d0 end if !----------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize virtual potential temperature !----------------------------------------------------- thetav = t * (1.d0 + 0.61d0 * q) * (p0 / p)**(Rd / cp) END SUBROUTINE baroclinic_wave_test !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate pointwise pressure and temperature !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE evaluate_pressure_temperature(deep, X, lon, lat, z, p, t) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: deep ! Deep (1) or Shallow (0) test case REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: & X, & ! Earth scaling ratio lon, & ! Longitude (radians) lat, & ! Latitude (radians) z ! Altitude (m) REAL(8), INTENT(OUT) :: & p, & ! Pressure (Pa) t ! Temperature (K) REAL(8) :: aref, omegaref REAL(8) :: T0, constA, constB, constC, constH, scaledZ REAL(8) :: tau1, tau2, inttau1, inttau2 REAL(8) :: rratio, inttermT !-------------------------------------------- ! Constants !-------------------------------------------- aref = a / X omegaref = omega * X T0 = 0.5d0 * (T0E + T0P) constA = 1.d0 / lapse constB = (T0 - T0P) / (T0 * T0P) constC = 0.5d0 * (K + 2.d0) * (T0E - T0P) / (T0E * T0P) constH = Rd * T0 / g scaledZ = z / (B * constH) !-------------------------------------------- ! tau values !-------------------------------------------- tau1 = constA * lapse / T0 * exp(lapse * z / T0) & + constB * (1.d0 - 2.d0 * scaledZ**2) * exp(- scaledZ**2) tau2 = constC * (1.d0 - 2.d0 * scaledZ**2) * exp(- scaledZ**2) inttau1 = constA * (exp(lapse * z / T0) - 1.d0) & + constB * z * exp(- scaledZ**2) inttau2 = constC * z * exp(- scaledZ**2) !-------------------------------------------- ! radius ratio !-------------------------------------------- if (deep .eq. 0) then rratio = 1.d0 else rratio = (z + aref) / aref; end if !-------------------------------------------- ! interior term on temperature expression !-------------------------------------------- inttermT = (rratio * cos(lat))**K & - K / (K + 2.d0) * (rratio * cos(lat))**(K + 2.d0) !-------------------------------------------- ! temperature !-------------------------------------------- t = 1.d0 / (rratio**2 * (tau1 - tau2 * inttermT)) !-------------------------------------------- ! hydrostatic pressure !-------------------------------------------- p = p0 * exp(- g / Rd * (inttau1 - inttau2 * inttermT)) END SUBROUTINE evaluate_pressure_temperature !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate pointwise z and temperature given pressure !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE evaluate_z_temperature(deep, X, lon, lat, p, z, t) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: deep ! Deep (1) or Shallow (0) test case REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: & X, & ! Earth scaling ratio lon, & ! Longitude (radians) lat, & ! Latitude (radians) p ! Pressure (Pa) REAL(8), INTENT(OUT) :: & z, & ! Altitude (m) t ! Temperature (K) INTEGER :: ix REAL(8) :: z0, z1, z2 REAL(8) :: p0, p1, p2 z0 = 0.d0 z1 = 10000.d0 CALL evaluate_pressure_temperature(deep, X, lon, lat, z0, p0, t) CALL evaluate_pressure_temperature(deep, X, lon, lat, z1, p1, t) DO ix = 1, 100 z2 = z1 - (p1 - p) * (z1 - z0) / (p1 - p0) CALL evaluate_pressure_temperature(deep, X, lon, lat, z2, p2, t) IF (ABS((p2 - p)/p) .lt. 1.0d-13) THEN EXIT END IF z0 = z1 p0 = p1 z1 = z2 p1 = p2 END DO z = z2 CALL evaluate_pressure_temperature(deep, X, lon, lat, z, p0, t) END SUBROUTINE evaluate_z_temperature !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Exponential perturbation function !----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(8) FUNCTION evaluate_exponential(lon, lat, z) REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: & lon, & ! Longitude (radians) lat, & ! Latitude (radians) z ! Altitude (meters) REAL(8) :: greatcircler, perttaper ! Great circle distance greatcircler = 1.d0 / pertexpr & * acos(sin(pertlat) * sin(lat) + cos(pertlat) * cos(lat) * cos(lon - pertlon)) ! Vertical tapering of stream function if (z < pertz) then perttaper = 1.d0 - 3.d0 * z**2 / pertz**2 + 2.d0 * z**3 / pertz**3 else perttaper = 0.d0 end if ! Zonal velocity perturbation if (greatcircler < 1.d0) then evaluate_exponential = pertup * perttaper * exp(- greatcircler**2) else evaluate_exponential = 0.d0 end if END FUNCTION evaluate_exponential !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Stream function perturbation function !----------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL(8) FUNCTION evaluate_streamfunction(lon, lat, z) REAL(8), INTENT(IN) :: & lon, & ! Longitude (radians) lat, & ! Latitude (radians) z ! Altitude (meters) REAL(8) :: greatcircler, perttaper, cospert ! Great circle distance greatcircler = 1.d0 / pertr & * acos(sin(pertlat) * sin(lat) + cos(pertlat) * cos(lat) * cos(lon - pertlon)) ! Vertical tapering of stream function if (z < pertz) then perttaper = 1.d0 - 3.d0 * z**2 / pertz**2 + 2.d0 * z**3 / pertz**3 else perttaper = 0.d0 end if ! Horizontal tapering of stream function if (greatcircler .lt. 1.d0) then cospert = cos(0.5d0 * pi * greatcircler) else cospert = 0.d0 end if evaluate_streamfunction = & (- pertu0 * pertr * perttaper * cospert**4) END FUNCTION evaluate_streamfunction END MODULE dcmip2016_baroclinic_wave_mod