#!/usr/bin/perl # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # NAME # Fcm::CmUrl # # DESCRIPTION # This class contains methods for manipulating a Subversion URL in a standard # FCM project. # # COPYRIGHT # (C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved. # For further details please refer to the file COPYRIGHT.txt # which you should have received as part of this distribution. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Fcm::CmUrl; # Standard pragma use warnings; use strict; # Standard modules use Carp; use File::Spec; use HTTP::Date; use XML::DOM; # FCM component modules use Fcm::Util qw/run_command svn_date get_browser_url/; # Revision pattern my $rev_pattern = '\d+|HEAD|BASE|COMMITTED|PREV|\{.+\}'; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $cm_url = Fcm::CmUrl->new ( # CONFIG => $config, # URL => $url, # ); # # DESCRIPTION # This method constructs a new instance of the Fcm::CmUrl class. # # ARGUMENTS # CONFIG - reference to a Fcm::Config instance # URL - URL of a branch # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub new { my $this = shift; my %args = @_; my $class = ref $this || $this; my $self = { CONFIG => (exists $args{CONFIG} ? $args{CONFIG} : &main::cfg), URL => (exists $args{URL} ? $args{URL} : ''), ANALYSED => undef, PROJECT => undef, BRANCH => undef, SUBDIR => undef, PEGREV => undef, LIST => undef, RLIST => undef, LOG => undef, LOG_RANGE => undef, INFO => undef, BRANCH_LIST => undef, # list of branches in current project }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $config = $cm_url->config; # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a reference to the Fcm::Config instance. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub config { my $self = shift; return $self->{CONFIG}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $url = $cm_url->url_peg; # $cm_url->url_peg ($url); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns/sets the current URL@PEG. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub url_peg { my $self = shift; if (@_) { if (! $self->{URL} or $_[0] ne $self->{URL}) { # Re-set URL $self->{URL} = shift; # Re-set essential variables $self->{$_} = undef for (qw/ANALYSED RLIST LIST INFO LOG LOG_RANGE/); } } return $self->{URL}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $flag = $cm_url->is_url (); # # DESCRIPTION # Returns true if current url is a valid Subversion URL. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub is_url { my $self = shift; # This should handle URL beginning with svn://, http:// and svn+ssh:// return ($self->url_peg =~ m#^[\+\w]+://#); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $flag = $cm_url->url_exists ([$rev]); # # DESCRIPTION # Returns true if current url exists (at operative revision $rev) in a # Subversion repository. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub url_exists { my ($self, $rev) = @_; my $exists = $self->svnlist (REV => $rev); return defined ($exists); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $string = $cm_url->svninfo ([FLAG => $flag], [REV => $rev]); # # DESCRIPTION # Returns the value of $flag, where $flag is a field returned by "svn info". # (If $flag is not set, default to "URL".) Otherwise returns an empty string. # If REV is specified, it will be used as the operative revision. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub svninfo { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $flag = exists $args{FLAG} ? $args{FLAG} : 'URL'; my $rev = exists $args{REV} ? $args{REV} : undef; $rev = ($self->pegrev ? $self->pegrev : 'HEAD') if not $rev; return if not $self->is_url; # Get "info" for the specified revision if necessary if (not exists $self->{INFO}{$rev}) { # Invoke "svn info" command my @info = &run_command ( [qw/svn info -r/, $rev, $self->url_peg], PRINT => $self->config->verbose > 2, METHOD => 'qx', DEVNULL => 1, ERROR => 'ignore', ); # Store selected information for (@info) { chomp; if (/^(.+?):\s*(.+)$/) { $self->{INFO}{$rev}{$1} = $2; } } } my $return = exists $self->{INFO}{$rev}{$flag} ? $self->{INFO}{$rev}{$flag} : undef; return $return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # %logs = $cm_url->svnlog ( # [REV => $rev,] # [REV => \@revs,] # reference to a 2-element array # [STOP_ON_COPY => 1,] # ); # # DESCRIPTION # Returns the logs for the current URL. If REV is a range of revisions or not # specified, return a hash where the keys are revision numbers and the values # are the entries (which are hash references). If a single REV is specified, # return the entry (a hash reference) at the specified REV. Each entry in the # returned list is a hash reference, with the following structure: # # $entry = { # author => $author, # the commit author # date => $date, # the commit date (in seconds since epoch) # msg => $msg, # the log message # paths => { # list of changed paths # $path1 => { # a changed path # copyfrom-path => $frompath, # copy-from-path # copyfrom-rev => $fromrev, # copy-from-revision # action => $action, # action status code # }, # ... => { ... }, # ... more changed paths ... # }, # } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub svnlog { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $stop_on_copy = exists $args{STOP_ON_COPY} ? $args{STOP_ON_COPY} : 0; my $rev_arg = exists $args{REV} ? $args{REV} : 0; my @revs; # Get revision options # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($rev_arg) { if (ref ($rev_arg)) { # Revsion option is an array, a range of revisions specified? ($revs [0], $revs [1]) = @$rev_arg; } else { # A single revision specified $revs [0] = $rev_arg; } # Expand 'HEAD' revision for my $rev (@revs) { next unless uc ($rev) eq 'HEAD'; $rev = $self->svninfo (FLAG => 'Revision', REV => 'HEAD'); } } else { # No revision option specified, get log for all revisions $revs [0] = $self->svninfo (FLAG => 'Revision'); $revs [1] = 1; } $revs [1] = $revs [0] if not $revs [1]; @revs = sort {$b <=> $a} @revs; # Check whether a "svn log" run is necessary # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $need_update = ! ($revs [0] == $revs [1] and exists $self->{LOG}{$revs [0]}); my @ranges = @revs; if ($need_update and $self->{LOG_RANGE}) { my %log_range = %{ $self->{LOG_RANGE} }; if ($stop_on_copy) { $ranges [1] = $log_range{UPPER} if $ranges [1] >= $log_range{LOWER_SOC}; } else { $ranges [1] = $log_range{UPPER} if $ranges [1] >= $log_range{LOWER}; } } $need_update = 0 if $ranges [0] < $ranges [1]; if ($need_update) { # Invoke "svn log" command for all revisions of the current branch # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- my @command = ( qw/svn log --xml -v/, ($stop_on_copy ? '--stop-on-copy' : ()), '-r' . join (':', @ranges), $self->url, ); my $rc; my @xml = &run_command ( \@command, PRINT => $self->config->verbose > 2, METHOD => 'qx', DEVNULL => 1, ERROR => 'ignore', RC => \$rc, ); # Parse the XML # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (not $rc) { my $parser = XML::DOM::Parser->new; my $doc = $parser->parse (join ('', @xml)); my $entry_list = $doc->getElementsByTagName ('logentry'); # Record the author, date, message and path change for each revision for my $i (0 .. $entry_list->getLength - 1) { # Select current entry from node list my $entry = $entry_list->item ($i); my %this = (); # Revision is an attribute of the entry node my $rev = $entry->getAttributeNode ('revision')->getValue; # Author, date and log message are children elements of the entry node for my $key (qw/author date msg/) { # Get data of each node, also convert date to seconds since epoch my $node = $entry->getElementsByTagName ($key)->item (0); my $data = ($node and $node->getFirstChild) ? $node->getFirstChild->getData : ''; $this{$key} = ($key eq 'date' ? str2time ($data) : $data); } # Path nodes are grand children elements of the entry node my $paths = $entry->getElementsByTagName ('path'); for my $p (0 .. $paths->getLength - 1) { # Select current path node from node list my $node = $paths->item ($p); # Get data from the path node my $path = $node->getFirstChild->getData; $this{paths}{$path} = {}; # Action, copyfrom-path and copyfrom-rev are attributes of path nodes for my $key (qw/action copyfrom-path copyfrom-rev/) { next unless $node->getAttributeNode ($key); # ensure attribute exists $this{paths}{$path}{$key} = $node->getAttributeNode ($key)->getValue; } } $self->{LOG}{$rev} = \%this; } } # Update the range cache # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Upper end of the range $self->{LOG_RANGE}{UPPER} = $ranges [0] if ! $self->{LOG_RANGE}{UPPER} or $ranges [0] > $self->{LOG_RANGE}{UPPER}; # Lower end of the range, need to take into account the stop-on-copy option if ($stop_on_copy) { # Lower end of the range with stop-on-copy option $self->{LOG_RANGE}{LOWER_SOC} = $ranges [1] if ! $self->{LOG_RANGE}{LOWER_SOC} or $ranges [1] < $self->{LOG_RANGE}{LOWER_SOC}; my $low = (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{ $self->{LOG} }) [0]; $self->{LOG_RANGE}{LOWER} = $low if ! $self->{LOG_RANGE}{LOWER} or $low < $self->{LOG_RANGE}{LOWER}; } else { # Lower end of the range without the stop-on-copy option $self->{LOG_RANGE}{LOWER} = $ranges [1] if ! $self->{LOG_RANGE}{LOWER} or $ranges [1] < $self->{LOG_RANGE}{LOWER}; $self->{LOG_RANGE}{LOWER_SOC} = $ranges [1] if ! $self->{LOG_RANGE}{LOWER_SOC} or $ranges [1] < $self->{LOG_RANGE}{LOWER_SOC}; } } my %return = (); if (! $rev_arg or ref ($rev_arg)) { # REV is an array, return log entries if they are within range for my $rev (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %{ $self->{LOG} }) { next if $rev > $revs [0] or $revs [1] > $rev; $return{$rev} = $self->{LOG}{$rev}; if ($stop_on_copy) { last if exists $self->{LOG}{$rev}{paths}{$self->branch_path} and $self->{LOG}{$rev}{paths}{$self->branch_path}{action} eq 'A'; } } } else { # REV is a scalar, return log of the specified revision if it exists %return = %{ $self->{LOG}{$revs [0]} } if exists $self->{LOG}{$revs [0]}; } return %return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $string = $cm_branch->display_svnlog ($rev, [$wiki]); # # DESCRIPTION # This method returns a string for displaying the log of the current branch # at a $rev. If $wiki is set, returns a string for displaying in a Trac wiki # table. The value of $wiki should be the Subversion URL of a FCM project # associated with the intended Trac system. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub display_svnlog { my ($self, $rev, $wiki) = @_; my $return = ''; my %log = $self->svnlog (REV => $rev); if ($wiki) { # Output in Trac wiki format $return .= '|| ' . &svn_date ($log{date}) . ' || ' . $log{author} . ' || '; my $trac_url = &get_browser_url (URL => $self->url); if ($trac_url =~ m#^$wiki(?:/*|$)#) { $return .= '[' . $rev . '] ||'; } else { my $rev_url = $trac_url; $rev_url =~ s#/browser/.*$##; $rev_url .= '/changeset/' . $rev; $return .= '[' . $rev_url . '] ||'; } } else { # Output in plain text format my @msg = split /\n/, $log{msg}; my $line = (@msg > 1 ? ' lines' : ' line'); $return .= join ( ' | ', ('r' . $rev, $log{author}, &svn_date ($log{date}), scalar (@msg) . $line), ); $return .= "\n\n"; $return .= $log{msg}; } return $return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # @list = $cm_url->svnlist ([REV => $rev], [RECURSIVE => 1]); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns a list of paths as returned by "svn list". If RECURSIVE # is set, "svn list" is invoked with the "-R" option. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub svnlist { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; my $recursive = exists $args{RECURSIVE} ? $args{RECURSIVE} : 0; my $rev = exists $args{REV} ? $args{REV} : undef; my $key = $recursive ? 'RLIST' : 'LIST'; # Find out last changed revision of the current URL $rev = $self->svninfo (FLAG => 'Last Changed Rev', REV => $rev); return () if not $rev; # Get directory listing for the current URL at the last changed revision if (not exists $self->{$key}{$rev}) { my $rc; my @list = map {chomp; $_} &run_command ( [qw/svn list -r/, $rev, ($recursive ? '-R' : ()), $self->url_peg], METHOD => 'qx', ERROR => 'ignore', DEVNULL => 1, RC => \$rc, ); $self->{$key}{$rev} = $rc ? undef : \@list; } return (defined ($self->{$key}{$rev}) ? @{ $self->{$key}{$rev} } : undef); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # @list = $cm_url->branch_list ($rev); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns a list of branches in the current project, assuming the # FCM naming convention. If $rev if specified, it returns the list of # branches at $rev. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub branch_list { my ($self, $rev) = @_; # Current URL must be a valid FCM project return if not $self->project; # Find out last changed revision of the current URL $rev = $self->svninfo (FLAG => 'Revision', REV => $rev); return () if not $rev; if (not exists $self->{BRANCH_LIST}{$rev}) { # Get URL of the project "branches/" sub-directory my $url = Fcm::CmUrl->new (URL => $self->project_url . '/branches'); # List three levels underneath "branches/" # First level, i.e. dev, test, pkg, etc my @list1 = map {$url->url . '/' . $_} $url->svnlist (REV => $rev); @list1 = grep m#/$#, @list1; # Second level, i.e. user name, Shared, Rel or Config my @list2; for (@list1) { my $u = Fcm::CmUrl->new (URL => $_); my @list = $u->svnlist (REV => $rev); push @list2, map {$u->url . $_} @list; } # Third level, branch name for (@list2) { my $u = Fcm::CmUrl->new (URL => $_); my @list = map {s#/*$##; $_} $u->svnlist (REV => $rev); push @{ $self->{BRANCH_LIST}{$rev} }, map {$u->url . $_} @list; } } return @{ $self->{BRANCH_LIST}{$rev} }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $self->_analyse_url (); # # DESCRIPTION # The method analyses the current URL, breaking it up into the project # (substring of URL up to the slash before "trunk", "branches" or "tags"), # branch name ("trunk", "branches///" or "tags/") and # the sub-directory below the top of the project sub-tree. It re-sets the # corresponding interal variables. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub _analyse_url { my $self = shift; my ($url, $project, $branch, $subdir, $pegrev); # Check that URL is set $url = $self->url_peg; return if not $url; return if not $self->is_url; # Extract from URL the peg revision $pegrev = $1 if $url =~ s/@($rev_pattern)$//i; if ($url =~ m#^(.*?)/+(trunk|branches|tags)(?:/+(.*))?/*$#) { # URL is under the "trunk", a branch or a tag $project = $1; my ($branch_id, $remain) = ($2, $3); $remain = '' if not defined $remain; if ($branch_id eq 'trunk') { # URL under the "trunk" $branch = 'trunk'; } else { # URL under a branch or a tag $branch = $branch_id; # Assume "3 sub-directories", FCM branch naming convention for (1 .. 3) { if ($remain =~ s#^([^/]+)(?:/+|$)##) { $branch .= '/' . $1; } else { $branch = undef; last; } } } $subdir = $remain ? $remain : '' if $branch; } else { # URL is at some level above the "trunk", a branch or a tag # Use "svn ls" to determine whether it is a project URL my @list = $self->svnlist (REV => ($pegrev ? $pegrev : 'HEAD')); my %lines = map {chomp $_; ($_, 1)} @list; # A project URL should have the "trunk", "branches" and "tags" directories ($project = $url) =~ s#/*$## if $lines{'trunk/'} and $lines{'branches/'} and $lines{'tags/'}; } $self->{PROJECT} = $project; $self->{BRANCH} = $branch; $self->{SUBDIR} = $subdir; $self->{PEGREV} = $pegrev; $self->{ANALYSED} = 1; return; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $url = $cm_url->root (); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns the repository root of the current URL. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub root { my $self = shift; return $self->svninfo (FLAG => 'Repository Root'); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $url = $cm_url->project_url_peg (); # $cm_url->project_url_peg ($url); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns the URL@PEG of the "project" part of the current URL. If # an argument is specified, the URL of the "project" part and the peg # revision of the current URL are re-set. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub project_url_peg { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $url = shift; # Re-construct URL is necessary if (! $self->project_url_peg or $url ne $self->project_url_peg) { my $pegrev = ($url =~ s/@($rev_pattern)$//i) ? $1 : ''; $url .= '/' . $self->branch if $self->branch; $url .= '/' . $self->subdir if $self->subdir; $url .= '@' . $pegrev if $pegrev; $self->url_peg ($url); } } $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; return $self->{PROJECT} . ($self->pegrev ? '@' . $self->pegrev : ''); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $url = $cm_url->project_url (); # $cm_url->project_url ($url); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns the URL of the "project" part of the current URL. If an # argument is specified, the URL of the "project" part of the current URL is # re-set. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub project_url { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $url = shift; $url =~ s/@($rev_pattern)$//i; # Re-construct URL is necessary if (! $self->project_url or $url ne $self->project_url) { $url .= '/' . $self->branch if $self->branch; $url .= '/' . $self->subdir if $self->subdir; $self->url ($url); } } $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; return $self->{PROJECT}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $path = $cm_url->project_path (); # $cm_url->project_path ($path); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns the path of the "project" part of the current URL. If an # argument is specified, the path of the "project" part of the current URL is # re-set. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub project_path { my $self = shift; # Repository root my $root = $self->root; $root = substr ( $self->project_url, 0, length ($self->project_url) - length ($self->project) - 1 ) if not $root; if (@_) { my $path = shift; # Re-construct URL is necessary if (! $self->project_path or $path ne $self->project_path) { $path .= '/' . $self->branch if $self->branch; $path .= '/' . $self->subdir if $self->subdir; $self->path ($path); } } $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; return substr ($self->{PROJECT}, length ($root)); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $name = $cm_url->project (); # $cm_url->project ($name); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns the basename of the "project" part of the current URL. # If an argument is specified, the basename of the "project" part of the # current URL is re-set. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub project { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $name = shift; # Re-construct URL is necessary if (! $self->project or $name ne $self->project) { my $url = ''; if ($self->project) { $url = $self->project; $url =~ s#/[^/]+$##; } else { $url = $self->root; } $url .= '/' . $name; $url .= '/' . $self->branch if $self->branch; $url .= '/' . $self->subdir if $self->subdir; $url .= '@' . $self->pegrev if $self->pegrev; $self->url_peg ($url); } } $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; my $name = $self->{PROJECT}; $name =~ s#^.*/([^/]+)$#$1# if $name; return $name; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $url = $cm_url->branch_url_peg (); # $cm_url->branch_url_peg ($url); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns the URL@PEG of the "branch" part of the current URL. If # an argument is specified, the URL@PEG of the "branch" part of the current # URL is re-set. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub branch_url_peg { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $url = shift; # Re-construct URL is necessary if (! $self->branch_url_peg or $url ne $self->branch_url_peg) { my $pegrev = ($url =~ s/@($rev_pattern)$//i) ? $1 : ''; $url .= '/' . $self->subdir if $self->subdir; $url .= '@' . $pegrev if $pegrev; $self->url_peg ($url); } } $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; return $self->project_url . '/' . $self->branch . ($self->pegrev ? '@' . $self->pegrev : ''); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $url = $cm_url->branch_url (); # $cm_url->branch_url ($url); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns the URL of the "branch" part of the current URL. If an # argument is specified, the URL of the "branch" part of the current URL is # re-set. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub branch_url { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $url = shift; $url =~ s/@($rev_pattern)$//i; # Re-construct URL is necessary if (! $self->branch_url or $url ne $self->branch_url) { $url .= '/' . $self->subdir if $self->subdir; $self->url ($url); } } $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; return $self->project_url . '/' . $self->branch; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $path = $cm_url->branch_path (); # $cm_url->branch_path ($path); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns the path of the "branch" part of the current URL. If an # argument is specified, the path of the "branch" part of the current URL is # re-set. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub branch_path { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $path = shift; # Re-construct URL is necessary if (! $self->branch_path or $path ne $self->branch_path) { $path .= '/' . $self->subdir if $self->subdir; $self->path ($path); } } $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; return $self->project_path . '/' . $self->branch; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $branch = $cm_url->branch (); # $cm_url->branch ($branch); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns the "branch" part of the current URL. If an argument is # specified, the "branch" part of the current URL is re-set. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub branch { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $branch = shift; # Re-construct URL is necessary if (! $self->branch or $branch ne $self->branch) { my $url = $self->project_url; $url .= '/' . $branch; $url .= '/' . $self->subdir if $self->subdir; $self->url ($url); } } $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; return $self->{BRANCH}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $flag = $cm_url->is_trunk (); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns true if the the current URL is (a sub-tree of) the trunk. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub is_trunk { my $self = shift; $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; return ($self->branch and $self->branch eq 'trunk'); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $flag = $cm_url->is_branch (); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns true if the the current URL is (a sub-tree of) a branch. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub is_branch { my $self = shift; $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; return ($self->branch and $self->branch =~ m#^branches/#); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $flag = $cm_url->is_tag (); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns true if the the current URL is (a sub-tree of) a tag. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub is_tag { my $self = shift; $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; return ($self->branch and $self->branch =~ m#^tags/#); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $subdir = $cm_url->subdir (); # $cm_url->subdir ($subdir); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns the "subdir" part of the current URL. If an argument is # specified, the "subdir" part of the current URL is re-set. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub subdir { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $subdir = shift; # Re-construct URL is necessary if (! $self->subdir or $subdir ne $self->subdir) { my $url = $self->project_url; $url .= '/' . $self->branch if $self->branch; $url .= '/' . $subdir if $subdir; $self->url ($url); } } $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; return $self->{SUBDIR}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $url = $cm_url->url (); # $cm_url->url ($url); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns the URL without the "peg revision" part. If an argument # is specified, the URL is re-set without modifying the "peg revision" part. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub url { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $url = shift; $url =~ s/@($rev_pattern)$//i; # Re-construct URL if necessary if (! $self->url or $url ne $self->url) { $self->url_peg ($url . ($self->pegrev ? '@' . $self->pegrev : '')); } } $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; (my $url = $self->url_peg) =~ s/@($rev_pattern)$//i; return $url; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $path = $cm_url->path (); # $cm_url->path ($path); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns the "path" part of the URL (i.e. URL without the # "root" part). If an argument is specified, the "path" part of the URL is # re-set. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub path { my $self = shift; # Repository root my $root = $self->root; $root = substr ( $self->project_url, 0, length ($self->project_url) - length ($self->project) - 1 ) if not $root; if (@_) { my $path = shift; $path =~ s/@($rev_pattern)$//i; # Re-construct URL is necessary if (! $self->path or $path ne $self->path) { my $url = ($root . (substr ($path, 0, 1) eq '/' ? '' : '/') . $path); $self->url ($url); } } $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; return substr ($self->url, length ($root)); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $path = $cm_url->path_peg (); # $cm_url->path_peg ($path); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns the PATH@PEG part of the URL (i.e. URL without the # "root" part). If an argument is specified, the PATH@PEG part of the URL is # re-set. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub path_peg { my $self = shift; # Repository root my $root = $self->root; $root = substr ( $self->project_url, 0, length ($self->project_url) - length ($self->project) - 1 ) if not $root; if (@_) { my $path = shift; # Re-construct URL is necessary if (! $self->path_peg or $path ne $self->path_peg) { my $url = ($root . (substr ($path, 0, 1) eq '/' ? '' : '/') . $path); $self->url_peg ($url); } } $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; return substr ($self->url_peg, length ($root)); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SYNOPSIS # $rev = $cm_url->pegrev (); # $cm_url->pegrev ($rev); # # DESCRIPTION # The method returns the "peg revision" part of the current URL. If an # argument is specified, the "peg revision" part of the current URL is # re-set. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub pegrev { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $pegrev = shift; # Re-construct URL is necessary if (! $self->pegrev or $pegrev ne $self->pegrev) { $self->url_peg ($self->url . ($pegrev ? '@' . $pegrev : '')); } } $self->_analyse_url () if not $self->{ANALYSED}; return $self->{PEGREV}; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1; __END__