# Environment based on the assumption that we use MacPorts-installed libraries and packages # Known to work with the following MacPorts environment : # # port installed # gcc48 @4.8.5_0 # openmpi-gcc48 @1.10.3_0+fortran # atlas @3.10.2_2 # vtk5 @5.10.1_3+python27+tcltk+x11 # hdf5 @1.10.0-patch1_0+cxx+gcc48+hl+openmpi # netcdf-fortran @4.4.4_0+gcc48+openmpi # python27 @2.7.14_0 # py27-mpi4py @2.0.0+gcc48+openmpi # py27-netcdf4 @1.2.4_1+gcc48+openmpi # py27-jinja2 @2.8_0 # # port select --summary # gcc mp-gcc48 # python python27 # # The variants (the +XXX in the package names above) are crucial to ensure consistency across packages. Not all combinations of versions of python, gcc or MPI are possible. # To make your choice : # "port search PACKAGE" tells you about available packages (examples : port search gcc / port search netcdf) # "port info PACKAGE" tells you about available variants like +gcc48 and +openmpi # Once you have found a combination of python, gcc and MPI for which all other packages exist : # "sudo port install PACKAGE +VARIANT1 +VARIANT2 .." to install # This will also install dependent packages, possibly many of them. # MacPorts can install several versions/variants of a package simultaneously. Only one is "active" at a time. # To make sure that the packages you just installed are indeed active : # "port select --summary" tells you about executables/libraries for which several versions coexist and one must be activated # "port select GROUP" tells which choices are available within group GROUP (gcc, python ...) # "sudo port select GROUP CHOICE" tells MacPorts to activate CHOICE among the various possibilites in GROUP export CURRENT_ARCH=X64_OSX # Minimal PATH to make sure we use the MacPorts python & mpif90 export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin:/usr/texbin