


16:19 Changeset [498] by ymipsl
Add openmp-threadprivate=compat intel option for ADA YM
16:18 Changeset [497] by ymipsl
Add arch_path in make_icosa YM


13:13 Changeset [496] by ymipsl
Restart from file, need to update redondant cells on frontier. YM
13:11 Changeset [495] by ymipsl
Type for broadcast in sequential YM
13:10 Changeset [494] by ymipsl
Fix held & suarez physic (extra dimansion for theta) YM
13:09 Changeset [493] by ymipsl
Extend checksum for parallel runs. YM


11:15 Changeset [492] by ymipsl
Some bugs fixed in XIOS... => Some modifciation in restart and read …
11:12 Changeset [491] by ymipsl
USE IOISPL => USE ioipsl Maj. can cause trouble for FCM dependendy. YM
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