Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of RunningDynamico

09/08/14 09:19:59 (10 years ago)



  • RunningDynamico

    v5 v6  
    1717By default DYNAMICO solves the traditional, shallow-atmosphere, hydrostatic equations. An example is provided in [source:codes/icosagcm/trunk/param_sets/dcmip2012/ dcmip2012/test4/test4.1/test4.1-0  ]. This example runs a dry baroclinic instability test case (Jablonowski & Williamson, 2006). Sample configuration files for the climate-like Held and Suarez (1994) benchmark can be found in [source:codes/icosagcm/trunk/param_sets/climate/Held_Suarez climate/Held_Suarez ] 
     19== Running DYNAMICO with Saturn (LMDZ-GENERIC) physics == 
     20This is for those playing with the SATURN_DYNAMICO branch. 
     21A quick tutorial on setting up the Saturn test case on Ada: 
     22* Download the SATURN_DYNAMICO branch: 
     24svn co svn+ssh:// 
     26* compile XIOS using script in directory XIOS: 
     30* Compile the model using script (current settings are for MPI compilation) in directory ICOSAGCM: 
     34* Set up the test case in some directory: 
     35 1. Copy over icosa_gcm.exe from ICOSAGCM/bin 
     36 2. Copy over apbp.txt (vertical coordinates specifications) and temp_profile.txt (input initial temperature profile) from TEST directory 
     37 3. Copy over all the *.def files from TEST directory 
     38 4. Copy over all the *.xml files from TEST directory (these control the XIOS ouputs) 
     39 5. Modify the path "datadir" in callphys.def: 
     41datadir = /ccc/scratch/cont003/dsm/p86yann/SATURNE_128x96x64/DATAGENERIC/ 
     43to point to the TEST/DATAGENERIC directory 
     44 6. Set run parameters in run_icosa.def (e.g. nqtot=0 since there are no tracers, run_length=..., etc.) 
     45 7. Run the model using a job (see sample script launch.ada in TEST 
     46 8. With XIOS outputs, the output file is on native icosahedral grid, so it is usually better to reinterpolate onto a lon-lat grid, e.g.: 
     48% cat mygrid 
     49gridtype = lonlat 
     50xsize    = 90 
     51ysize    = 45 
     52xfirst   = -180 
     53xinc     = 4 
     54yfirst   = -90 
     55yinc     = 4 
     56% cdo remapdis,mygrid 
    1959== Horizontal resolution == 
    21 Horinzontal resolution is controlled by the parameter nbp defined in run.def. The total number of hexagonal cells is about 10 x nbp x nbp, corresponding to subdividing each main triangle of the icosahedron in nbp x nbp sub-triangles (there are about twice as many triangles as there are hexagons). 
     61Horizontal resolution is controlled by the parameter nbp defined in run.def. The total number of hexagonal cells is about 10 x nbp x nbp, corresponding to subdividing each main triangle of the icosahedron in nbp x nbp sub-triangles (there are about twice as many triangles as there are hexagons). 
    2262Notice that, everything else being equal, the time step (dt) should be inversely proportional to nbp for numerical stability. 