package Epoll::Controller::Ballot; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Catalyst::Controller'; =head1 NAME Epoll::Controller::Ballot - Catalyst Controller =head1 DESCRIPTION Catalyst Controller. =head1 METHODS =cut =head2 index =cut sub begin : Private { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->model('Vote')->rollback; } sub index : Private { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for('/')); } sub default : Private { my ( $self, $c, undef, $id ) = @_; $c->stash->{voteid} = $id; my $poll = $c->model('Vote')->poll($id); my $puid = $poll->uid; if ($poll->status ne 'RUNNING') { $c->stash->{template} = 'ballot/'; return; } my $mail = $c->session->{$puid}{mail} || $c->req->param('mail'); my $password = $c->session->{$puid}{password} || $c->req->param('password'); if (!$c->model('Vote')->poll($id)->auth_voting($mail, $password)) { $c->stash->{page}{title} = $poll->info('label') . ': ' . $c->localize('Login'); $c->session->{$puid} = undef; $c->stash->{template} = 'ballot/'; if (defined($c->req->param('password'))) { # show login failure: $c->stash->{login_failure} = 1; } return; } $c->session_expire_key( $puid => 600 ); $c->session->{$puid}{mail} = $mail; $c->session->{$puid}{password} = $password; $c->session->{mypoll}{$puid} ||= 0; $c->stash->{page}{title} = $poll->info('label') . ': ' . $c->localize('Ballot'); # login succeed, but those this user has already voted if (my $date = $poll->voting_has_sign($mail)) { $c->stash->{mail} = $c->session->{$puid}{mail}; $c->stash->{template} = 'ballot/'; $c->stash->{signed_date} = $date; $c->session->{$puid} = undef; return; } my $vote = $c->model('Vote'); my %choices; foreach ($poll->choices_keys) { $choices{$_} = $poll->choice($_)->info->{label}; } $c->stash->{choices} = { %choices }; $c->stash->{sbal} = { map { $_ => 1 } $c->req->param('sbal') }; $c->stash->{fsbal} = [ grep { $_ } map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s+/ /g; lc($_) } ($c->req->param('fsbal')) ]; $c->stash->{esbal} = [ grep { $_ } $c->req->param('esbal') ]; $c->request->parameters->{fsbal} = $c->stash->{fsbal}; my @sbalval = grep { $_ } map { lc($choices{$_} || '') } $c->req->param('sbal'); my @ballot = grep { $_ } ( @sbalval, @{$c->stash->{fsbal} || []}, @{$c->stash->{esbal} || []}, ); if (scalar(@ballot) > $poll->info('choice_count')) { $c->req->parameters->{'ballot'} = ''; $c->stash->{vote_error} = $c->localize('Only ') . $poll->info('choice_count') . ' ' . $c->localize('possible choices'); return; } { my %uniq; foreach(@ballot) { $uniq{lc($_)} ||= 0; # avoid undef $uniq{lc($_)}++; } my @twices = grep { $uniq{$_} > 1 } (sort keys %uniq); if (scalar(@twices)) { $c->req->parameters->{'ballot'} = ''; $c->stash->{vote_error} = $c->localize('One or more values are duplicated:') . join(' ,', map { qq'"$_"' } @twices); return; } } if ($c->req->param('confirm')) { $c->stash->{ballotid} = $poll->register_ballot( $mail, [ @ballot ], $c->req->address, ); # TODO trap error $c->forward( q'Epoll::View::Mail', 'render', [ '', { From => $mail, To => $mail, Subject => $c->localize('Vote confirmation:') . $poll->info('label'), mail => { ballotid => $c->stash->{ballotid}, voteid => $id, } } ] ) unless($poll->info->{no_mail_confirm_vote}); $c->stash->{template} = 'ballot/'; } } sub end : Private { my ($self, $c) = @_; if ($c->res->body) { return } else { $c->forward(qw/Epoll::View::TT/) } } =head1 AUTHOR Thauvin Olivier =head1 LICENSE This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself or CeCILL. =cut 1;