package Epoll::DB; # $Id$ use strict; use warnings; use base 'Epoll::DB::common'; use Epoll::DB::Poll; our $VERSION = '1.90'; =head1 NAME Epoll::Model::Vote - Catalyst Model =head1 DESCRIPTION Catalyst Model. =cut sub new { my ($class, $dbstring) = @_; bless { dbstring => $dbstring, db => Epoll::DB::common::_newdb($dbstring), }, $class; } sub list_coming_vote { my ($self) = @_; my $sth = $self->db->prepare_cached( q{ select id from poll where (start > now() and "end" > now()) or "end" is null or start is null } ); $sth->execute; my @id; while(my $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { push(@id, $res->{id}); } @id } sub list_running_vote { my ($self) = @_; my $sth = $self->db->prepare_cached( q{ select id from poll where start < now() and "end" > now() } ); $sth->execute; my @id; while(my $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { push(@id, $res->{id}); } @id } sub list_closed_vote { my ($self) = @_; my $sth = $self->db->prepare_cached( q{ select id from poll where start < now() and "end" < now() } ); $sth->execute; my @id; while(my $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { push(@id, $res->{id}); } @id } sub poll { my ($self, $pollid) = @_; Epoll::DB::Poll->new($self->{dbstring}, $self->poll_id_from_uid($pollid)); } sub results { my ($self, $pollid) = @_; Epoll::DB::Poll->new($self->{dbstring}, $self->poll_id_from_uid($pollid)); } # This part is keep to track error sub ballot {die "# ballot" . join(' ',caller());} sub vote_param { die "# vote_param" . join(' ',caller());} sub vote_status {die "# vote_status" . join(' ',caller());} sub vote_info {die "# vote_info" . join(' ',caller());} sub vote_set_settings {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub vote_signing {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub vote_voting {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub voting_info {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub vote_choices {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub vote_add_choice {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub choice_info {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub delete_choice {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub voting_info_id {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub register_ballot {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub vote_voting_count {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub signing_count { vote_signing_count(@_) } sub vote_signing_count {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub ballot_count { vote_ballot_count(@_) } sub vote_ballot_count {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub ballot_count_nonull { vote_ballot_count_nonull(@_) } sub vote_ballot_count_nonull {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub auth_voting {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub auth_poll {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub voting_has_sign {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub vote_results_count {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub vote_results_nonull {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub list_vote_ballot {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub list_vote_ballot_needvalid {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub ballot_info {die "# vote_status" . join(' ',caller());} sub mark_ballot_invalid {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub ballot_items {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub vote_ballot_untrusted_values {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub vote_ballot_values {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub vote_map_value {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub addupd_voting {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub delete_voting {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub voting_from_file {die "# old functions" . join(' ',caller());} sub clean_old_poll_request { my ($self) = @_; $self->db->do(q{delete from poll_request where "create" < now() - '30 days'::interval}); } sub poll_request_info { my ($self, $rid) = @_; my $sth = $self->db->prepare_cached( q{select * from poll_request where id = ?} ); $sth->execute($rid); my $res = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $sth->finish; $res } sub poll_from_request { my ($self, $rid, $passwd) = @_; my $rinfo = $self->poll_request_info($rid) or return; my $pollid = $self->_create_poll($rinfo->{mail}, $rinfo->{label}, $passwd); my $delreq = $self->db->prepare_cached( q{delete from poll_request where id = ?} ); $delreq->execute($rid); $self->commit; $pollid } sub create_poll { my ($self, @args) = @_; my $uid = $self->_create_poll(@args); $self->commit; $uid; } sub _create_poll { my ($self, $mail, $label, $passwd) = @_; my $encpasswd = $self->gen_enc_passwd($passwd); my $getpollid = $self->db->prepare_cached( q{select nextval('poll_id_seq')} ); $getpollid->execute(); my $newpollid = $getpollid->fetchrow_hashref->{nextval}; $getpollid->finish; my $newpoll = $self->db->prepare_cached( q{insert into poll (id, label, owner, password) values (?,?,?,?)} ); $newpoll->execute($newpollid, $label, $mail, $encpasswd); # set some default $self->poll($newpollid)->setup() or do { $self->rollback; return; }; $newpollid } sub create_poll_request { my ($self, %info) = @_; $info{mail} or return; my $addreq = $self->db->prepare_cached( q{insert into poll_request (id, label, mail) values (?,?,?)} ); my $reqid = Epoll::DB::common::gen_uid(); $addreq->execute($reqid, $info{label}, $info{mail}); $self->commit; $reqid; } sub find_poll_by_voting { my ($self, $mail) = @_; $mail or return; my $finder = $self->db->prepare_cached(q{ select, date from poll join subpoll on = subpoll.pollid join voters on voters.poll = left join signing on signing.subpoll = and signing.voters = voters.key where mail = lower($1) group by, date order by date desc } ); $finder->execute($mail); my @results; while (my $res = $finder->fetchrow_hashref) { push(@results, $res); } @results } sub find_poll_by_notyet_voting { my ($self, $mail) = @_; $mail or return; my $finder = $self->db->prepare_cached( q{select poll from voting where key not in (select key from signing) and poll in (select id from poll where "end" > now()) and mail = lower($1) } ); $finder->execute($mail); my @results; while (my $res = $finder->fetchrow_hashref) { push(@results, $res); } @results } sub find_poll_by_owner { my ($self, $mail) = @_; $mail or return; my $finder = $self->db->prepare_cached( q{select id, "end" > now() as terminated from poll where owner = lower($1) order by "end" desc} ); $finder->execute($mail); my @results; while (my $res = $finder->fetchrow_hashref) { push(@results, $res); } @results } sub delete_poll { my ($self, $id) = @_; { my $poll = $self->poll($id); $poll->_delete_ballot; } foreach ( q{delete from settings where poll = ?}, q{delete from signing where key in (select key from voting where poll = ?)}, q{delete from voting where poll = ?}, q{delete from choice where poll = ?}, q{delete from ballot_map where poll = ?}, q{delete from poll where id = ?}, ) { my $req = $self->db->prepare($_); $req->execute($id) or do { $self->rollback; return; }; } $self->commit; return 1; } =head1 AUTHOR Thauvin Olivier =head1 LICENSE This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself or CeCILL. =cut 1;