[% INCLUDE 'includes/admin_menu.tt' %] [% poll = c.model('Vote').poll(voteid) %]
[% l('Number of possible choice:') %]
[% l('Number of people to elect') %]
([% l('if different of number of choice') %])
[% l('Number of free input fields:') %]
[% l('Number of people to elect, taken from voting list') %]

[% IF ! poll.choices_keys.size %]

[% l('No choice are configured') %]

[% ELSE %] [% FOREACH choicek = poll.choices_keys %] [% choice = poll.choice(choicek) %]
[% loop.count %] - [% choice.info.label | html %]

[% END %] [% END %]
[% l('Add a choice') %]

[% l('Preview of ballot') %]

[% INCLUDE 'includes/ballot_form.tt' b_form_url = c.uri_for(poll.uid, 'ballot') %]