[% INCLUDE 'includes/poll.tt' %] [% poll = c.model('Vote').poll(voteid) %]

[% l('You\'ve just submitted your ballot') %] [% IF NOT poll.info.no_ballot_id_voting %] , [% l('your ballot id is:') _ ' ' %][% ballotid %] [% END %].

[% IF NOT poll.info.no_ballot_id_voting %]

[% l('Write it down if you want to be able to check it at the end of the poll') %]

[% END %]

[% l('Results will be available') %] [% l('here') %].

[% IF NOT c.stash.error_mail %] [% l('A summary mail has been sent') %]. [% ELSE %] [% l('Could not send the summary mail:') %]

[% c.stash.mail_error %]
[% l('Please contact your system administrator') %]. [% END %]