[% poll = c.model('Vote').poll(voteid) %] [% l('You are invited to participate in this poll') %] [% poll.info.label %] -- [% l('At URL') %]: [% c.uri_for('/ballot', poll.uid) %] [% l('Your login is') %]: [% mail %] [% l('Your password is') %]: [% passwd %] [% IF poll.info.dstart && poll.info.dstart -%] [% l('You will be able to submit your vote from') %] [% poll.info.dstart %] [% poll.info.hstart %] [% l('to') %] [% poll.info.dend %] [% poll.info.hend %] [%- END %] [% l('Keep this information in a safe place, it won\'t be sent to you again.') %] [% l('About this poll') %]: [% IF poll.info('description') %] [% poll.info('description') %] -------- [%- END %] [% IF poll.info('procedure') %] [% poll.info('procedure') %] -------- [%- END %] [% l('Regards') %].