/* * $Id: Layer.java,v 1.25 2003/09/03 22:50:51 dwd Exp $ * * This software is provided by NOAA for full, free and open release. It is * understood by the recipient/user that NOAA assumes no liability for any * errors contained in the code. Although this software is released without * conditions or restrictions in its use, it is expected that appropriate * credit be given to its author and to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric * Administration should the software be included by the recipient as an * element in other product development. */ package gov.noaa.pmel.sgt; import gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.dm.Collection; import gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.dm.SGTData; import gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.swing.Draggable; import gov.noaa.pmel.util.Dimension2D; import gov.noaa.pmel.util.Rectangle2D; import gov.noaa.pmel.util.Debug; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.awt.*; // jdk1.2 //import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; /** * A Layer contains a single Graph object * and multiple LayerChild objects. * There can be many Layer objects associated with each * Pane object and * the Layer objects can share Transform * and Axis objects, but are not * required to. The Layer is also where keys * related to Color, Vectors, and * Lines are attached. The can be at most one key of each type attached to a * Layer. *

* The Layer object transforms physical coordinates * to device coordinates. All objects that attach to a * Layer use physical coordinates. * The exception to this is the Graph object * (and its children), since these objects transform user * coordinates to physical coordinates. *

* The following is a simple example of using the Pane, * Layer, and SGLabel objects * together. In this example, the Pane and * Layer objects are created such that, * in the absence of any resizing, 100 pixels is equal to 1.0 * physical units. Two labels are created, the first contains * the current time and is located in the bottom left of * the Layer. The second label is a title that is * positioned near the top and centered. *

 * Pane pane;
 * Layer layer;
 * SGLabel title;
 * SGLabel label;
 * GeoDate stime;
 * ...
 * //
 * // Instantiate Pane, Layer, and GeoDate objects.
 * //
 * pane = new Pane("test pane", new Dimension(400, 300));
 * pane.setLayout(new StackedLayout());
 * layer = new Layer("Test Layer", new Dimension2D(4.0, 3.0));
 * stime = new GeoDate();
 * //
 * // Instatiate an SGLabel object as label, set its text to the
 * // current time and position it near the lower-left corner
 * // of the layer.
 * //
 * label = new SGLabel("test", stime.toString(), new Point2D.Double(0.05, 0.05));
 * //
 * // Set properties for label.
 * //
 * label.setAlign(SGLabel.BOTTOM, SGLabel.LEFT);
 * label.setColor(Color.magenta);
 * label.setHeightP(0.15);
 * label.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 10));
 * //
 * // Add label to layer.
 * //
 * layer.addChild(label);
 * //
 * // Instatiate an SGLabel object as title, set its text and position
 * // it near the top of the layer and centered. Set the properties
 * // for title.
 * //
 * title = new SGLabel("title", "SciGraph Test!", new Point2D.Double(2.125, 2.9));
 * title.setAlign(SGLabel.TOP, SGLabel.CENTER);
 * title.setHeightP(0.25);
 * title.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 14));
 * //
 * // Add title to layer and add layer to pane.
 * //
 * layer.addChild(title);
 * pane.add(layer);
* * @author Donald Denbo * @version $Revision: 1.25 $, $Date: 2003/09/03 22:50:51 $ * @since 1.0 * @see Pane * @see Graph * @see ColorKey * @see SGLabel * @see LineKey * @see gov.noaa.pmel.util.GeoDate **/ public class Layer extends Component implements Cloneable, LayerControl { private String ident_; /**@shapeType AggregationLink * @clientCardinality 1 * @label graph*/ private Graph graph_; /**@shapeType AggregationLink @associates LayerChild @supplierCardinality 0..* * @undirected * @label children */ private Vector children_; private double pWidth_; private double pHeight_; private double ax_; private double ay_; private int xoff_; private int yoff_; private double xoff2_; private double yoff2_; protected AbstractPane pane_; private void computeScale() { Dimension d; boolean hasG2 = getGraphics() instanceof Graphics2D; // compute xoff and yoff as double then truncate to int Rectangle pbnds = pane_.getBounds(); Rectangle bnds = getBounds(); if(pane_.isPrinter()) { ax_ = 72; // java2 is in 1/72 of an inch ay_ = ax_; xoff2_ = (bnds.width - ax_*pWidth_)/2.0 + bnds.x; yoff2_ = bnds.height - (bnds.height - ay_*pHeight_)/2.0 + bnds.y; } else { // not printer ax_ = (double)bnds.width/pWidth_; ay_ = (double)bnds.height/pHeight_; if(ax_ > ay_) { ax_ = ay_; } else if(ay_ > ax_) { ay_ = ax_; } xoff2_ = (bnds.width - ax_*pWidth_)/2.0 + bnds.x - pbnds.x; yoff2_ = bnds.height - (bnds.height - ay_*pHeight_)/2.0 + bnds.y - pbnds.y; } xoff_ = (int)xoff2_; yoff_ = (int)yoff2_; if(Debug.DEBUG && pane_.isPrinter()) { System.out.println("Layer.computeScale["+getId()+"] printer = " + pane_.isPrinter()); System.out.println(" xd(min) = " + getXPtoD(0.0)); System.out.println(" xd(max) = " + getXPtoD(pWidth_)); System.out.println(" yd(min) = " + getYPtoD(0.0)); System.out.println(" yd(max) = " + getYPtoD(pHeight_)); } } /** * Set the size of the Layer in device units. * * @param sze dimension of the Layer */ public void setSize(Dimension sze) { super.setSize(sze); computeScale(); modified("Layer: setSize(Dimension)"); } /** * Set the size of the Layer in device units. * * @param w width of the Layer * @param h height of the Layer */ public void setSize(int w, int h) { super.setSize(w, h); computeScale(); modified("Layer: setSize(int,int)"); } /** * Set the location of the Layer in device units. * * @param pt location of the Layer */ public void setLocation(Point pt) { super.setLocation(pt); computeScale(); modified("Layer: setLocation(Point)"); } /** * Set the location of the Layer in device units. * * @param x horizontal location of the Layer * @param y vertical location of the Layer */ public void setLocation(int x, int y) { super.setLocation(x, y); computeScale(); modified("Layer: setLocation(int,int)"); } /** * Set the bounds of the Layer in device units. * * @param x horizontal location of the Layer * @param y vertical location of the Layer * @param w width of the Layer * @param h height of the Layer */ public void setBounds(int x, int y, int w, int h) { super.setBounds(x, y, w, h); computeScale(); // System.out.println("Layer.setBounds(" + x + ", " + y + ", " + // w + ", " + h + ")"); modified("Layer: setBounds(int,int,int,int)"); } /** * Set the bounds of the Layer in device units. * * @param bnds bounds of the Layer */ public void setBounds(Rectangle bnds) { super.setBounds(bnds); computeScale(); modified("Layer: setBounds(Rectangle)"); } /** * Transform physical units to device for x coordinate. * * @param xp x physical coordinate * @return x device coordinate * @since 2.0 */ public int getXPtoD(double xp) { return (int)(ax_*xp) + xoff_; } /** * Transform physcial units to device for y coordinate. * * @param yp y physical coordinate * @return y device coordinate * @since 2.0 */ public int getYPtoD(double yp) { return yoff_ - (int)(ay_*yp); } /** * Transform physical units to device for x coordinate. * * @param xp x physical coordinate * @return x device coordinate * @since 3.0 */ public double getXPtoD2(double xp) { return ax_*xp + xoff2_; } /** * Transform physcial units to device for y coordinate. * * @param yp y physical coordinate * @return y device coordinate * @since 3.0 */ public double getYPtoD2(double yp) { return yoff2_ - ay_*yp; } protected double getXSlope() { return ax_; } protected double getYSlope() { return ay_; } protected double getXOffset() { return xoff2_; } protected double getYOffset() { return yoff2_; } /** * Transform device units to physical for the x direction. * * @param xd device x coordinate * * @return physical x coordinate */ public double getXDtoP(int xd) { return (double)(xd - xoff2_)/ax_; } /** * Transform device units to physical for the y direction. * * @param yd device y coordinate * * @return physical y coordinate */ public double getYDtoP(int yd) { return (double)(yoff2_ - yd)/ay_; } /** * Create a Layer object. * The Layer is created with a default * width and height equal to 1.0. * * @param id identifier for Layer **/ public Layer(String id) { this(id, new Dimension2D(1.0, 1.0)); } /** * Create a Layer object. * The Layer is created with the specified * dimensions and identifier. * * @param id identifier for Layer * @param psize The physical dimensions of the Layer **/ public Layer(String id,Dimension2D psize) { ident_ = id; pWidth_ = psize.width; pHeight_ = psize.height; children_ = new Vector(5,5); } /** * Default constructor for Layer. * The Layer is created with an * empty identifier and a width and height equal to 1.0f. **/ public Layer() { this(""); } /** * Copy the Layer and its attached classes. * * @return copy */ public Layer copy() { Layer newLayer; try { newLayer = (Layer)clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { newLayer = new Layer(ident_, new Dimension2D(pWidth_, pHeight_)); } // // copy children // newLayer.children_ = new Vector(5,5); // if(!children_.isEmpty()) { LayerChild newChild; for(Enumeration it = children_.elements(); it.hasMoreElements();) { newChild = ((LayerChild)it.nextElement()).copy(); newLayer.addChild(newChild); } } // // copy Graph // if(graph_ != (Graph) null) { Graph newGraph = graph_.copy(); newLayer.setGraph(newGraph); } return newLayer; } /** * Draw the Layer and its attached classes. * * @param g graphics context * @exception PaneNotFoundException if a pane object is not found **/ public void draw(Graphics g) throws PaneNotFoundException { if(pane_ == null) throw new PaneNotFoundException(); computeScale(); if(false) { System.out.println("\nLayer.draw(g): " + ident_); System.out.println(" layer.getBounds(" + ident_ + ") = " + getBounds()); System.out.println(" layer.getBoundsP(" + ident_ + ") = " + getBoundsP()); System.out.println(" pane.getBounds(" + pane_.getId() + ") = " + pane_.getBounds()); } /* int x0, y0, x1, y1; x0 = getXPtoD(0.0f); y0 = getYPtoD(0.0f); Rectangle2D.Double psize_ = getBoundsP(); x1 = getXPtoD(psize_.width); y1 = getYPtoD(psize_.height); g.setColor(Color.blue); g.drawRect(x0,y1,x1-x0-1,y0-y1-1); */ // System.out.println("Layer.draw(g): " + ident_ + ", [" + ax_ + ", " + ay_ + "], [" + // xoff2_ + ", " + yoff2_ + "]"); // // draw Graph // if(graph_ != (Graph) null) graph_.draw(g); // // draw children // if(!children_.isEmpty()) { LayerChild child; for(Enumeration it = children_.elements(); it.hasMoreElements();) { child = (LayerChild)it.nextElement(); if(!(child instanceof Draggable)) { try { child.draw(g); } catch(LayerNotFoundException e) { } } } } } public void drawDraggableItems(Graphics g) throws PaneNotFoundException { if(pane_ == null) throw new PaneNotFoundException(); // // draw draggable items // if(!children_.isEmpty()) { LayerChild child; for(Enumeration it = children_.elements(); it.hasMoreElements();) { child = (LayerChild)it.nextElement(); if(child instanceof Draggable) { try { child.draw(g); } catch(LayerNotFoundException e) { } } } } } /** * Associate a graph with the layer. Only one graph or its children may be attached to a * layer. Multiple graphs are created by using multiple layers. * * @param gr graph * @return True if attachment was succesful * @see Graph **/ public boolean setGraph(Graph gr) { graph_ = gr; graph_.setLayer(this); modified("Layer: setGraph()"); return true; } /** * Get the Graph attached to the layer. * * @return Reference to the Graph. **/ public Graph getGraph() { return graph_; } /** * Add a LayerChild to the Layer. * Each Layer can contain as many children as needed. * * @param child A LayerChild * @see SGLabel * @see LineKey * @see ColorKey * @see Ruler **/ public void addChild(LayerChild child) { child.setLayer(this); children_.addElement(child); modified("Layer: addChild()"); } /** * Remove a LayerChild object from the Layer. * * @param child A ChildLayer object associated with the Layer * @exception ChildNotFoundException The child is not associated with the Layer * @see SGLabel * @see LineKey * @see ColorKey * @see Ruler **/ public void removeChild(LayerChild child) throws ChildNotFoundException { if(!children_.isEmpty()) { LayerChild chld; boolean found = false; for(Enumeration it = children_.elements(); it.hasMoreElements();) { chld = (LayerChild)it.nextElement(); if(chld.equals(child)) { children_.removeElement(child); found = true; modified("Layer: removeChild(LayerChild)"); } } if(!found) throw new ChildNotFoundException(); } else { throw new ChildNotFoundException(); } } /** * Remove a LayerChild object from the Layer. * * @param labid An identifier for a LayerChild associated with the Layer * @exception ChildNotFoundException The child is not associated with the Layer * @see SGLabel * @see LineKey * @see ColorKey * @see Ruler **/ public void removeChild(String labid) throws ChildNotFoundException { if(!children_.isEmpty()) { boolean found = false; LayerChild child; for(Enumeration it = children_.elements(); it.hasMoreElements();) { child = (LayerChild)it.nextElement(); if(child.getId().equals(labid)) { children_.removeElement(child); found = true; modified("Layer: removeChild(String)"); } } if(!found) throw new ChildNotFoundException(); } else { throw new ChildNotFoundException(); } } /** * Find LayerChild in Layer. * @param id LayerChild identifier * @return LayerChild * @since 3.0 */ public LayerChild findChild(String id) { LayerChild child = null; for(Enumeration it=children_.elements(); it.hasMoreElements();) { child = (LayerChild)it.nextElement(); if(child.getId().equals(id)) return child; } return null; } /** * Tests if a LayerChild is attached to the * Layer. * * @param child LayerChild to test * @return true if attached to Layer * @since 2.0 */ public boolean isChildAttached(LayerChild child) { boolean found = false; if(!children_.isEmpty()) { LayerChild chld; for(Enumeration it = children_.elements(); it.hasMoreElements();) { chld = (LayerChild)it.nextElement(); if(chld.equals(child)) { children_.removeElement(child); found = true; break; } } } return found; } /** * Remove all LayerChild objects from the Layer. */ public void removeAllChildren() { children_.removeAllElements(); modified("Layer: removeAllChildren()"); } /** * Get a child associated with the Layer. * * @param labid A LayerChild object identifier * @return layerChild with id * @exception ChildNotFoundException The child is not associated with the Layer * @see SGLabel * @see LineKey * @see ColorKey * @see Ruler **/ public LayerChild getChild(String labid) throws ChildNotFoundException { if(!children_.isEmpty()) { LayerChild child; for(Enumeration it = children_.elements(); it.hasMoreElements();) { child = (LayerChild)it.nextElement(); if(child.getId() == labid) return child; } throw new ChildNotFoundException(); } else { throw new ChildNotFoundException(); } } /** * Create a Enumeration for the * LayerChild's associated with the Layer. * * @return Enumeration for the LayerChild objects. * @see Enumeration * @see SGLabel * @see LineKey * @see ColorKey * @see Ruler **/ public Enumeration childElements() { return children_.elements(); } /** * @since 3.0 */ public Iterator childIterator() { return children_.iterator(); } /** * @since 3.0 */ public LayerChild[] getChildren() { LayerChild[] childs = new LayerChild[0]; childs = (LayerChild[])children_.toArray(childs); return childs; } /** * Set the size of the Layer in physical coordinates. * * @param psize The physical size of the Layer. **/ public void setSizeP(Dimension2D psize) { pWidth_ = psize.width; pHeight_ = psize.height; computeScale(); modified("Layer: setSizeP()"); } /** * Get the Layer size in physical coordinates. * This returns the physical coordinate size * of the Layer. * * @return A Dimension2D containing the physical size of the Layer. * @see Dimension2D **/ public Dimension2D getSizeP() { return new Dimension2D(pWidth_, pHeight_); } /** * Get the Layer bounds in physical coordinates. * The origin of the bounding rectangle, * for a Layer, is always (0,0). * * @return A Rectangle2D.Double containing the physical bounds of the Layer. * @see java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double **/ public Rectangle2D.Double getBoundsP() { return new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 0.0, pWidth_, pHeight_); } /** * Get the Layer identifier. * * @return The identifier. **/ public String getId() { return ident_; } /** * Set the Layer identifier. * * @param id identifier **/ public void setId(String id) { ident_ = id; } /** * Set the Pane the Layer is associated with. * This method is called by Pane when the * Pane.add method is exectued. * * @param p The Pane **/ public void setPane(AbstractPane p) { pane_ = p; computeScale(); modified("Layer: setPane()"); } /** * Get the Pane the Layer is associated * with. * * @return Refence to the Pane **/ public AbstractPane getPane() { return pane_; } /** * Used internally by sgt. * @param mess message * @since 2.0 */ public void modified(String mess) { if(pane_ != null) { // if(Debug.EVENT) System.out.println("Layer: modified(" + mess + ")"); pane_.setModified(true, mess); } } /** * Find object associated with a MOUSE_DOWN event. The getObjectAt method * scans through all the objects associated with the layer to find one * whose bounding box contains the mouse location. * * This method should not be called by a user. * * @param pt device coordinates * @param check if true requires that object isSelectable * @return object at location **/ public Object getObjectAt(int x, int y, boolean check) { return getObjectAt(new Point(x, y), check); } /** * Find object associated with a MOUSE_DOWN event. The getObjectAt method * scans through all the objects associated with the layer to find one * whose bounding box contains the mouse location. * * This method should not be called by a user. * * @param pt device coordinates * @return object at location **/ public Object getObjectAt(int x,int y) { return getObjectAt(new Point(x, y), true); } /** * Find object associated with a MOUSE_DOWN event. The getObjectAt method * scans through all the objects associated with the layer to find one * whose bounding box contains the mouse location. * * This method should not be called by a user. * * @param pt device coordinates * @param check if true requires that object isSelectable * @return object at location **/ public Object getObjectAt(Point pt, boolean check) { Rectangle bnds; Object obj; if(!children_.isEmpty()) { LayerChild child; for(Enumeration it = children_.elements(); it.hasMoreElements();) { child = (LayerChild)it.nextElement(); bnds = child.getBounds(); if(bnds.contains(pt) && (!check || child.isSelectable()) && child.isVisible()) { if(child instanceof LineKey) { return ((LineKey)child).getObjectAt(pt); } else if(child instanceof PointCollectionKey) { return ((PointCollectionKey)child).getObjectAt(pt); } else if(child instanceof VectorKey) { return ((VectorKey)child).getObjectAt(pt); } else { return child; } } } } if(graph_ != null) { obj = graph_.getObjectAt(pt); if(obj != null) return obj; } return (Object) null; } /** * Find objects associated with a MOUSE_DOWN event. The getObjecstAt method * scans through all the objects associated with the layer to find those * whose bounding box contains the mouse location. * * This method should not be called by a user. * * @param x mouse coordinate * @param y mouse coordinate * @param check if selectable * @return object array * @since 3.0 */ public Object[] getObjectsAt(int x, int y, boolean check) { Point pt = new Point(x, y); Vector obList = new Vector(); Object obj = null; Rectangle bnds; if(!children_.isEmpty()) { LayerChild child; for(Enumeration it = children_.elements(); it.hasMoreElements();) { child = (LayerChild)it.nextElement(); bnds = child.getBounds(); if(bnds.contains(pt) && (!check || child.isSelectable()) && child.isVisible()) { if(child instanceof LineKey) { obj = ((LineKey)child).getObjectAt(pt); if(obj != null) obList.add(obj); } else if(child instanceof PointCollectionKey) { obj = ((PointCollectionKey)child).getObjectAt(pt); if(obj != null) obList.add(obj); } else if(child instanceof VectorKey) { obj = ((VectorKey)child).getObjectAt(pt); if(obj != null) obList.add(obj); } else { if(child != null) obList.add(child); } } } } if(graph_ != null) { obj = graph_.getObjectAt(pt); if(obj != null) obList.add(obj); } return obList.toArray(); } /** * Get a String representation of the * Layer. * * @return String representation */ public String toString() { String name = getClass().getName(); return name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".")+1) + ": " + ident_; } /** * Checks to see if a data id matches that data attached to the * Graph. * @param id data identifier * @return true if data is in layer * @since 2.0 */ public boolean isDataInLayer(String id) { if(graph_ instanceof CartesianGraph) { CartesianRenderer cr = ((CartesianGraph)graph_).getRenderer(); if(cr instanceof LineCartesianRenderer) { if(((LineCartesianRenderer)cr).hasCollection()) { Collection co = ((LineCartesianRenderer)cr).getCollection(); for(Enumeration it = co.elements(); it.hasMoreElements();) { if(((SGTData)it.nextElement()).getId().equals(id)) return true; } } else { return ((LineCartesianRenderer)cr).getLine().getId().equals(id); } } else if(cr instanceof GridCartesianRenderer) { return ((GridCartesianRenderer)cr).getGrid().getId().equals(id); } else if(cr instanceof PointCartesianRenderer) { if(((PointCartesianRenderer)cr).hasCollection()) { Collection co = ((PointCartesianRenderer)cr).getCollection(); for(Enumeration it = co.elements(); it.hasMoreElements();) { if(((SGTData)it.nextElement()).getId().equals(id)) return true; } } else { return ((PointCartesianRenderer)cr).getPoint().getId().equals(id); } } } return false; } }