/* * $Id: SpaceAxis.java,v 1.9 2003/08/22 23:02:32 dwd Exp $ * * This software is provided by NOAA for full, free and open release. It is * understood by the recipient/user that NOAA assumes no liability for any * errors contained in the code. Although this software is released without * conditions or restrictions in its use, it is expected that appropriate * credit be given to its author and to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric * Administration should the software be included by the recipient as an * element in other product development. */ package gov.noaa.pmel.sgt; import gov.noaa.pmel.util.Range2D; import gov.noaa.pmel.util.TimePoint; import gov.noaa.pmel.util.Point2D; import gov.noaa.pmel.util.Debug; import gov.noaa.pmel.util.GeoDate; import gov.noaa.pmel.util.SoTValue; import gov.noaa.pmel.util.SoTPoint; import gov.noaa.pmel.util.SoTRange; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Rectangle; // jdk1.2 //import java.awt.geom.Point2D; /** * Abstract base class for axes whose user coordinates are double values. * The following is an example of using a {@link PlainAxis}. * *
 * import gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.PlainAxis;
 * import gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.LinearTransform;
 * import gov.noaa.pmel.sgt.Graph;
 * ...
 * Graph graph;
 * PlainAxis xbot, xtop;
 * LinearTransform xt;
 * Point2D.Double lowerleft = new Point2D.Double(10.0, 100.0);
 * ...
 * //
 * // Instatiate xt and set it as the x transform.
 * //
 * xt = new LinearTransform(0.75, 3.5, 10.0, 100.0);
 * graph.setXTransform(xt);
 * ...
 * //
 * // Instatiate xbot and set its range, delta, and
 * // location.  Set xbot the numberSmallTics property
 * // for xbot.
 * //
 * xbot = new PlainAxis("Bottom Axis");
 * xbot.setRangeU(new Range2D(10.0, 100.0));
 * xbot.setDeltaU(20.0);
 * xbot.setNumberSmallTics(4);
 * xbot.setLocationU(lowerleft);
 * //
 * // Create title for xbot.
 * //
 * Font xbfont = new Font("Helvetica", Font.ITALIC, 14);
 * xbot.setLabelFont(xbfont);
 * SGLabel xtitle = new SGLabel("xaxis title",
 *                              "Test X-Axis Title",
 *                              new Point2D.Double(0.0, 0.0));
 * Font xtfont = new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14);
 * xtitle.setFont(xtfont);
 * xtitle.setHeightP(0.2);
 * xbot.setTitle(xtitle);
 * graph.setXAxis(xbot);
 * ...
 * //
 * // Instatiate xtop and set its range, delta, and
 * // location.  Set xtop properties on ticPosition and
 * // labelPosition.
 * //
 * xtop = new PlainAxis("Top Axis");
 * xtop.setRangeU(new Range2D(10.0, 100.0));
 * xtop.setDeltaU(20.0);
 * xtop.setNumberSmallTics(0);
 * xtop.setLocationU(new Point2D.Double(10.0, 300.0));
 * xtop.setLabelFont(xbfont);
 * xtop.setTicPosition(Axis.POSITIVE_SIDE);
 * xtop.setLabelPosition(Axis.NO_LABEL);
 * graph.setXAxis(xtop);
 * ...
 * //
 * // Register the x transform and the top x axis with the bottom x axis.
 * // By registering xt and xtop, any updates to the user or physical range
 * // of xbot will be automatically performed on xt and xtop.
 * //
 * xbot.register(xt);
 * xbot.register(xtop);
* * @author Donald Denbo * @version $Revision: 1.9 $, $Date: 2003/08/22 23:02:32 $ * @since 1.0 * @see Axis * @see PlainAxis * @see TimeAxis **/ public abstract class SpaceAxis extends Axis { protected Range2D uRange_; protected Point2D.Double uLocation_; protected TimePoint tLocation_; static final double TIC_GAP = 0.05; static final double TIC_RATIO = 1.3; static final double LABEL_RATIO = 1.3; // protected void updateRegisteredTransforms() { if(!registeredTransforms_.isEmpty()) { AxisTransform trns; for(Enumeration it = registeredTransforms_.elements(); it.hasMoreElements();) { trns = (AxisTransform)it.nextElement(); trns.setRangeP(pRange_); trns.setRangeU(uRange_); } } } // protected void updateRegisteredAxes() { if(!registeredAxes_.isEmpty()) { SpaceAxis ax; for(Enumeration it = registeredAxes_.elements(); it.hasMoreElements();) { ax = (SpaceAxis)it.nextElement(); ax.setRangeU(uRange_); ax.setRangeP(pRange_); } } } // protected void drawSmallXTics(Graphics g,double xu,double xtest,double del,double yp) { int x0, y0, y1, i; double yp0, yp1, smdel, xt; if(numSmallTics_ <= 0) return; // yp = graph_.getYUtoP(yu); if(ticPosition_ == BOTH_SIDES || ticPosition_ == POSITIVE_SIDE) { yp0 = yp + smallTicHeight_; } else { yp0 = yp; } if(ticPosition_ == BOTH_SIDES || ticPosition_ == NEGATIVE_SIDE) { yp1 = yp - smallTicHeight_; } else { yp1 = yp; } y0 = graph_.getLayer().getYPtoD(yp0); y1 = graph_.getLayer().getYPtoD(yp1); smdel = del/(numSmallTics_ + 1); for(i=0; i <= numSmallTics_; i++) { xt = xu + smdel*i; if((xtest - xt)/del >= 0) { x0 = graph_.getXUtoD(xt); g.drawLine(x0, y0, x0, y1); } } } // protected void drawSmallYTics(Graphics g,double xp,double yu,double ytest,double del) { int x0, x1, y0, i; double xp0, xp1, smdel, yt; if(numSmallTics_ <= 0) return; // xp = graph_.getXUtoP(xu); if(ticPosition_ == BOTH_SIDES || ticPosition_ == POSITIVE_SIDE) { xp0 = xp + smallTicHeight_; } else { xp0 = xp; } if(ticPosition_ == BOTH_SIDES || ticPosition_ == NEGATIVE_SIDE) { xp1 = xp - smallTicHeight_; } else { xp1 = xp; } x0 = graph_.getLayer().getXPtoD(xp0); x1 = graph_.getLayer().getXPtoD(xp1); smdel = del/(numSmallTics_ + 1); for(i=0; i <= numSmallTics_; i++) { yt = yu + smdel*i; if((ytest - yt)/del >= 0) { y0 = graph_.getYUtoD(yt); g.drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y0); } } } /** * Default constructor for SpaceAxis. **/ public SpaceAxis() { this(""); } /** * Constructor for Axis. Sets the axis identifier and initializes * the defaults. * * @param id axis identification **/ public SpaceAxis(String id) { super(id); space_ = true; numSmallTics_ = 0; } /** * Set the number of significant digits in the label. This is * used if a format is not specified. * * @param nsig number of significant digits **/ public void setSignificantDigits(int nsig) { if(sigDigits_ != nsig) { sigDigits_ = nsig; modified("SpaceAxis: setSignificantDigits()"); } } /** * Get the number of significant digits in the label. * * @return number of significant digits. **/ public int getSignificantDigits() { return sigDigits_; } /** * Set the label interval. * * @param lint label interval. **/ public void setLabelInterval(int lint) { if(labelInterval_ != lint) { labelInterval_ = lint; modified("SpaceAxis: setLabelInterval()"); } } /** * Get the label interval. * * @return label interval **/ public int getLabelInterval() { return labelInterval_; } /** * Set the label format. Format should be in the sprintf style. * The formating uses the Format class in the Core Java book. * A null or empty string will cause formating to use the significant * digits. * *
   * Gary Cornell and Cay S. Horstmann, Core Java (Book/CD-ROM)
   * Published By SunSoft Press/Prentice-Hall
   * Copyright (C) 1996 Sun Microsystems Inc.
   * All Rights Reserved. ISBN 0-13-596891-7
* * @param frmt label format. **/ public void setLabelFormat(String frmt) { if(labelFormat_ == null || !labelFormat_.equals(frmt)) { if(frmt == null) { labelFormat_ = ""; } else { labelFormat_ = frmt; } modified("SpaceAxis: setLabelFormat()"); } } /** * Get the label format. * * @return label format **/ public String getLabelFormat() { return labelFormat_; } /** * Set the user range to draw the axis. Registered Axes and AxisTransforms * will be updated. * * @param ur range in user coordinates **/ public void setRangeU(Range2D ur) { if(uRange_ == null || !uRange_.equals(ur)) { uRange_ = ur; updateRegisteredAxes(); updateRegisteredTransforms(); modified("SpaceAxis: setRangeU()"); } } public void setRangeU(SoTRange ur) { setRangeU(new Range2D(((SoTRange.Double)ur).start, ((SoTRange.Double)ur).end, ((SoTRange.Double)ur).delta)); } /** * Get the user range. * * @return range in user coordinates **/ public Range2D getRangeU() { return uRange_; } public SoTRange getSoTRangeU() { return new SoTRange.Double(uRange_); } /** * Set the increment between large tics. * * @param delta increment in user coordinates **/ public void setDeltaU(double delta) { if(uRange_.delta != delta) { uRange_.delta = delta; modified("SpaceAxis: setDeltaU()"); } } /** * Get the increment between large tics. * * @return user coordinate increment **/ public double getDeltaU() { return uRange_.delta; } /** * Set the origin in user units of the axis. * * @param upt origin in user units **/ public void setLocationU(TimePoint uptt) { if(tLocation_ == null || !tLocation_.equals(uptt)) { tLocation_ = uptt; uLocation_ = null; modified("SpaceAxis: setLocationU(TimePoint)"); } } /** * Set the origin in user units of the axis. * * @param upt origin in user units **/ public void setLocationU(Point2D.Double upt) { if(uLocation_ == null || !uLocation_.equals(upt)) { uLocation_ = upt; tLocation_ = null; modified("SpaceAxis: setLocationU(Point2D)"); } } public void setLocationU(SoTPoint upt) { double x; double y; if(upt.isXTime() || upt.isYTime()) { long t; if(upt.isXTime()) { t = upt.getX().getLongTime(); x = ((SoTValue.Double)upt.getY()).getValue(); } else { t = upt.getY().getLongTime(); x = ((SoTValue.Double)upt.getX()).getValue(); } setLocationU(new TimePoint(x, new GeoDate(t))); } else { x = ((SoTValue.Double)upt.getX()).getValue(); y = ((SoTValue.Double)upt.getY()).getValue(); setLocationU(new Point2D.Double(x,y)); } } /** * Get the origin in user units of the axis * * @return origin **/ public Point2D.Double getLocationU() { return uLocation_; } /** * Get the origin in user units of the axis * * @return origin **/ public TimePoint getTimeLocationU() { return tLocation_; } public SoTPoint getSoTLocationU() { if(tLocation_ == null) { return new SoTPoint(uLocation_.x, uLocation_.y); } else { if(orientation_ == HORIZONTAL) { return new SoTPoint(tLocation_.t, tLocation_.x); } else { return new SoTPoint(tLocation_.x, tLocation_.t); } } } // abstract void draw(Graphics g); /** * Get the bounding box for the axis in device units. * * @return bounding box * @see Rectangle **/ public abstract Rectangle getBounds(); public void modified(String mess) { // if(Debug.EVENT) System.out.println("SpaceAxis: modified()"); if(graph_ != null) graph_.modified(mess); } }