The GADS aerosol components

    In GADS, the averaged aerosols are considered to consist of components listed in Table 1. The identificators of aerosol component (integers IC) used in GADS output files are listed in column 1, names or aerosol components are listed in column 2.
     Each aerosol component has up to 8 files (for the humidity classes), each containing data for all 61 wavelengths. The name of files with microphysical and optical properties of these components consist of a 4 letter approximation for the aerosol component, combined with the relative humidity, for which the optical properties have been calculated. Filenames are listed in columns 3 to10 of the Table 1. To view the content of files, click them with the mouse left button. To download a file of interest, click it with the mouse right button and select the "Save link as" item of the pop-up menu.

Table 1.  Aerosol components used in GADS(*)

IC ~ 0% 50% 70% 80% 90% 95% 98% 99%
1 insoluble inso00 - - - - - - -
2 watersoluble waso00 waso50 waso70 waso80 waso90 waso95 waso98 waso99
3 soot soot00 - - - - - - -
4 sea salt(acc. mode) ssam00 ssam50 ssam70 ssam80 ssam90 ssam95 ssam98 ssam99
5 sea salt(coa. mode) sscm00 sscm50 sscm70 sscm80 sscm90 sscm95 sscm98 sscm99
6 mineral (nuc. mode) minm00 - - - - - - -
7 mineral (acc. mode) miam00 - - - - - - -
8 mineral (coa. mode) micm00 - - - - - - -
9 mineral (transported) mitr00 - - - - - - -
10 sulfate droplets suso00 suso50 suso70 suso80 suso90 suso95 suso98 suso99

(*) Format of the data is explained into the files listed in Table 1.