input instructions supplied to GEISA software ********************************************************************************** * &geisa pgm='lst',mole='co2',isot=638,nu1=600,nu2=800, * * trs1='01101', trs2='10002',liste='oui' / * ********************************************************************************** racine_data /ws2/armante/Geisa/Distrib_ether/pgm97/DATA 43 ***************** ***************** * geisa geisa * consultation of GEISA97 contents * geisa geisa * * lst * * lst * * geisa geisa * spectral interval (cm-1) nu1= 600.000 nu2= 800.000 * geisa geisa * ***************** ***************** vibration-rotation transitions involved in the transition e' e'' transition 01101 10002 of the molecule co2 / isotope 638 quantum numbers : V1,V2,L2,V3,R ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | (a) | (b) | (c) | (d) | (e) |(f)| (g)|(h)| mole |(i)| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | dans l'intervalle spectral demande il n'y a aucune pareille transition | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) wavenumber (cm-1) (b) intensity (cm molec-1 at 296 k) (c) collision halfwidth (cm-1 atm-1) (d) energy of the lower level of the transition (cm-1) (e) identification of the transition (f) coefficient for temperature dependence of halfwidth (g) identification of the isotope (h) identification of the molecule (i) geisa internal code for data identification Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique : start : Tue Apr 4 11:53:05 2006 end : Tue Apr 4 11:53:05 2006 (Real time = 0 seconds)