Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of WikiRestructuredTextLinks

05/16/06 18:08:59 (18 years ago)



  • WikiRestructuredTextLinks

    v1 v1  
     1= TracLinks in reStructuredText = 
     3This document is for testing the ``..trac::`` directive. The page is written like 
     17This is a list of example uses of the ''trac'' directive, providing use of TracLinks in WikiRestructuredText. 
     25trac role 
     27Syntax is \`link\`\:trac: or :trac:\`link\`, and could be put anywhere in the text. 'link' has the same format as explain for the ``.. trac::`` directive below. 
     29``In the middle of my text `WikiFormatting`:trac: see!!!!``  
     30   In the middle of my text `WikiFormatting`:trac: see!!!! 
     34``In the middle of my text :trac:`WikiFormatting` see!!!!``  
     35   In the middle of my text :trac:`WikiFormatting` see!!!! 
     40``.. trac:: WikiFormatting`` 
     41        .. trac:: WikiFormatting 
     43``.. trac:: wiki:WikiFormatting`` 
     44       .. trac:: wiki:WikiFormatting 
     46``.. trac:: wiki:WikiFormatting WikiFormatting`` 
     47        .. trac:: wiki:WikiFormatting WikiFormatting 
     49``.. trac:: wiki:WikiFormatting LinkText`` 
     50        .. trac:: wiki:WikiFormatting LinkText 
     55``.. trac:: #1`` 
     56        .. trac:: #1 
     57``.. trac:: #1 ticket one`` 
     58        .. trac:: #1 ticket one 
     59``.. trac:: ticket:1`` 
     60        .. trac:: ticket:1 
     61``.. trac:: ticket:1 ticket one`` 
     62        .. trac:: ticket:1 ticket one 
     67``.. trac:: {1}`` 
     68        .. trac:: {1} 
     69``.. trac:: {1} report one`` 
     70        .. trac:: {1} report one 
     71``.. trac:: report:1`` 
     72        .. trac:: report:1 
     73``.. trac:: report:1 report one`` 
     74        .. trac:: report:1 report one 
     79``.. trac:: [42]`` 
     80        .. trac:: [42] 
     81``.. trac:: [42] changeset 42`` 
     82        .. trac:: [42] changeset 42 
     83``.. trac:: changeset:42`` 
     84        .. trac:: changeset:42 
     85``.. trac:: changeset:42 changeset 42`` 
     86        .. trac:: changeset:42 changeset 42 
     87``.. trac:: foo`` 
     88        .. trac:: foo 
     93``.. trac:: browser:/trunk/trac`` 
     94        .. trac:: browser:/trunk/trac 
     96The leading ``/`` can be omitted... 
     98``.. trac:: repos:trunk/trac trunk/trac`` 
     99        .. trac:: repos:trunk/trac trunk/trac 
     100``.. trac:: source:trunk/trac Trac source code`` 
     101        .. trac:: source:trunk/trac Trac source code 
     103``.. trac:: browser:trunk/README`` 
     104        .. trac:: browser:trunk/README 
     105``.. trac:: repos:trunk/README trunk/README`` 
     106        .. trac:: repos:trunk/README trunk/README 
     107``.. trac:: source:trunk/README README in trunk`` 
     108        .. trac:: source:trunk/README README in trunk 
     110Note that if ``hoo`` is a file, the link targets its revision log. In order to see the file's content, you need to specify the revision explicitely, like here: 
     112``.. trac:: browser:/trunk/README#latest latest of trunk/README`` 
     113        .. trac:: browser:/trunk/README#latest latest of trunk/README 
     114``.. trac:: repos:trunk/README#42 trunk/README in rev 42`` 
     115        .. trac:: repos:trunk/README#42 trunk/README in rev 42 
     119See also: WikiRestructuredTextLinks, TracLinks