;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; NAME: naminterp2.pro ; ; PURPOSE: Namelist required for INTERP2 ; ; CATEGORY : Namelist ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE : @naminterp2 ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: 08/2002 Robinson Hordoir ; 03/2003 Robinson Hordoir & Christian Ethe ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;------------------------------------------------------------ ;--------------------------------------------------- ; INTERP2 : NAMELIST ;--------------------------------------------------- ;*************************************** ; Information about fields and grid ;*************************************** ; From which ORCA grid ; Please give geographical accuracy of your input grid ; (ex. for ORCA2, grid_def=2.) grid_def=2. ; Name of the field for which interpolation is required name_input_field='Sigma' ; Name of the time variable in the data file data_time_variable='time_counter' ; Is the geogrid meshmask file already calculated ? ; Yes = 1 ; No = 0 geogrid_mesh=1 ; On which point of the grid do you wish to interpolate ? ; Please answer grid_point='T' for T point ; grid_point='U' for U point etc... grid_point='T' ; Is the weight file for the point defined above already calculated ? ; Yes = 1 ; No = 0 weight_file=1 ;**************************************** ; Information about fields dimension ;**************************************** ; Number of levels nlevel=1 ; Number of time steps ntimesteps=73 ;**************************************** ; Information about data in file ;**************************************** nlower_limit = 0 nupper_limit = 0 IF keyword_set(nlower_limit) THEN min_value = 0. IF keyword_set(nupper_limit) THEN max_value = 273.15 ; Is extrapolation on masked values required ? ; Yes, do_rempl =1 ; No, do_rempl = 0 do_rempl = 0 ; If extrapolation is required, how many interations shall be done ? niterations = 10 ;*********************************************************