PRO angle, glamu, gphiu, glamv, gphiv, glamf, gphif, gsinu, gsinv, gcosu, gcosv ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; ;;; ROUTINE angle ;;; ******************* ;;; ;;; Purpose : ;;; -------- ;;; Compute angles between grid lines and direction of the North ;;; ;; Method : ;; ------- ;; ;; Input : ;; ------ ;; common ;; /comcoh/ glamf, : longitudes and latitudes at F-points ;; gphif ;; ;; Output : ;; ------- ;; common ;; /comcoh/ gsinu,gcosu : sinus and cosinus of the angle ;; gsinv,gcosv between north-south direction ;; and the j-direction of the mesh ;; ;; Modifications: ;; -------------- ;; Original : 96-07 (O. Marti) ;; 98-06 (G. Madec) ;; 99-11 (A. Jouzeau) : Adaptation to IDL ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; OPA8, LODYC (1997) ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ; I. Compute the cosinus and sinus ; ================================ ; ; ... north pole direction & modulous (at u-point) zxnpu = 0. - fsxspp( glamu, gphiu ) zynpu = 0. - fsyspp( glamu, gphiu ) znnpu = zxnpu*zxnpu + zynpu*zynpu ; ; ... north pole direction & modulous (at v-point) zxnpv = 0. - fsxspp( glamv, gphiv ) zynpv = 0. - fsyspp( glamv, gphiv ) znnpv = zxnpv*zxnpv + zynpv*zynpv ; ; ... j-direction: f-point segment direction (u-point) zxffu= fsxspp( glamf, gphif ) - fsxspp( shift(glamf, 0, 1), shift(gphif, 0, 1) ) zyffu= fsyspp( glamf, gphif ) - fsyspp( shift(glamf, 0, 1), shift(gphif, 0, 1) ) zmnpfu= sqrt ( znnpu * ( zxffu*zxffu + zyffu*zyffu ) ) ; ; ... i-direction: f-point segment direction (v-point) zxffv= fsxspp( glamf, gphif ) - fsxspp( shift(glamf, 1, 0), shift(gphif, 1, 0) ) zyffv= fsyspp( glamf, gphif ) - fsyspp( shift(glamf, 1, 0), shift(gphif, 1, 0) ) zmnpfv= sqrt ( znnpv * ( zxffv*zxffv + zyffv*zyffv ) ) ; ; ... cosinus and sinus using scalar and vectorial products gsinu = ( zxnpu*zyffu - zynpu*zxffu ) / zmnpfu gcosu = ( zxnpu*zxffu + zynpu*zyffu ) / zmnpfu ; ; ... cosinus and sinus using scalar and vectorial products ; (caution, rotation of 90 degres) gsinv = ( zxnpv*zxffv + zynpv*zyffv ) / zmnpfv gcosv =-( zxnpv*zyffv - zynpv*zxffv ) / zmnpfv ; ; ; II. Geographic mesh ; =================== ; ; ind = where(abs(glamf-shift(glamf, 0, 1)) LT 1.e-8) gsinu(ind) = 0.d gcosu(ind) = 1.d ; ind = where(abs(gphif-shift(gphif, 1, 0)) LT 1.e-8) gsinv(ind) = 0.d gcosv(ind) = 1.d ; return END