subroutine CellTest(time_tra, ic, jc, kc, v_x, v_y, v_E, xtracer, & ytracer, E_k, im, jm, km, fx, fy, fz) !! Find the cell origin index for the previous time_tra step use module3d_phy, only:nx,ny,nz,e,dx,dy,uxbar,uybar,flotmx,flotmy,ux,uy,gzmx,gzmy use tracer_vars, only:xgrid,ygrid implicit none integer, intent(IN) :: time_tra integer, intent(IN) :: ic, jc, kc real, intent(IN) :: v_x, v_y, v_E real, intent(IN) :: xtracer, ytracer real, intent(INOUT) :: E_k integer, intent(OUT) :: im, jm, km real, intent(OUT) :: fx, fy, fz integer :: kk ! indice vertical pour definition de E, mais on veut conserver la valeur de k ! real,dimension(nz) :: E ! vertical coordinate in ice, scaled to H zeta E(1)=0. E(NZ)=1. do KK=1,NZ if (( E(KK)=(KK-1.)/(NZ-1.) end do if(v_x>0.0) then im = ic-1 do if(xtracer>=xgrid(im) .and. xtracer<=xgrid(im+1)) exit !! PRINT *,"CellTest(x-): Multiple decrement required (",ic,",",jc,",",kc,")" im = im-1 if(im<1) then print *,"CellTest(x-;",time_tra,"): Out-of_range decrement (",ic,",",jc,",",kc,")", v_x ! STOP im =ic exit end if end do else im = ic do if(xtracer>=xgrid(im) .and. xtracer<=xgrid(im+1)) exit !! PRINT *,"CellTest(x+): Multiple increment required (",ic,",",jc,",",kc,")" im = im+1 if(im==nx-1) then print *,"CellTest(x+;",time_tra,"): Out-of_range increment (",ic,",",jc,",",kc,")", v_x ! STOP im = ic -1 exit end if end do end if fx = abs(xtracer-xgrid(im))/dx if (fx>1.00) fx = fx - aint(fx) ! if((fx>1.0).or.(fx<0.0)) THEN ! PRINT *,"Cell test(!!!)", ic,jc, kc,im, fx ! END IF !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(v_y>0.0) then jm = jc -1 do if(ytracer>=ygrid(jm) .and. ytracer<=ygrid(jm+1)) exit !! PRINT *,"CellTest(y-): Multiple decrement required (",ic,",",jc,",",kc,")" jm = jm-1 if(jm<1) then print *,"CellTest(y-;",time_tra,"): Out-of_range decrement (",ic,",",jc,",",kc,")", v_y ! STOP jm =jc exit end if end do else jm = jc do if(ytracer>=ygrid(jm) .and. ytracer<=ygrid(jm+1)) exit !! PRINT *,"CellTest(y+): Multiple increment required (",ic,",",jc,",",kc,")" jm = jm+1 if(jm==ny-1) then print *,"CellTest(y+;",time_tra,"): Out-of-range increment (",ic,",",jc,",",kc,")", v_y ! print*, ytracer, ygrid(jm) print*, uybar(ic,jc), uybar(ic,jc+1), flotmy(ic,jc), flotmy(ic, jc+1) print *, uy(ic,jc,:) print *, uy(ic,jc+1,:) print*, gzmy(ic, jc), gzmy(ic,jc+1) ! STOP jm = jc-1 exit end if end do end if fy = abs(ytracer-ygrid(jm))/dy if (fy>1.00) fy = fy - aint(fy) ! if((fy>1.0).or.(fy<0.0)) THEN ! PRINT *,"Cell test(!!!)", ic,jc,kc,im,jm, fy ! END IF !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Note that v_E is "velocity" in E coordinate system which is !! positive DOWN ! also note that in Catritz code k=1 for surface if(E_k < E(1)) then E_k = E(1) km=1 else if(E_k > E(nz)) then E_k = E(nz) km=nz-1 else ! this used to be a loop on its own, now shortcuts if E_k is special if(v_E>=0.0) then !! Downward flow of ice in E system if (kc==1) then !! No action, pending tactical discussion with GKCC km = 1 else km=kc - 1 do if( (E_k >= E(km)) .and. (E_k <= E(km+1)) ) exit km = km - 1 if(km==0) then print *,"CellTest(z+;",time_tra,"): Out-of-range increment (",ic,",",jc,",",kc,")", v_E ! STOP km = kc exit end if end do end if else !! Upward flow of ice in E system if(kc==nz) then ! this is incomplete: ice comes from below, cannot use above layer, fix in interpolate km = kc-1 else km = kc do if( (E_k >= E(km)) .and. (E_k <= E(km+1)) ) exit !! PRINT *,"CellTest(z,",time_tra,"): Decrementing km=",km km = km + 1 if(km==nz) then print *,"CellTest(z-;",time_tra,"): Out-of-range decrement (",ic,",",jc,",",kc,")", v_E ! STOP km = kc-1 exit end if end do end if end if ! velocity direction fz = abs((E_k-E(km))/(E(km+1)-E(km))) if (fz>1.00) fz = fz - aint(fz) end if end subroutine CellTest !===========================================================================