!> \file lect-eis.F !! Module pour la lecture des donnees !< !> SUBROUTINE: lect_eis !! Lecture des coupes !! \author ... !! \date ... !! @param nx dimension along x !! @param ny dimension along y !! @param data array for reading !! @param filin !! @param dirnameinp !! @return data the value of Tab(nxx,nyy): Warning it is a real subroutine lect_eis(nx,ny,data,filin,DIRNAMEINP) implicit none character(len=20) :: DIRNAMEINP integer nx,ny,i,j,kdum real data(nx,ny) character(len=80) :: title,fmt character(len=80) :: filin integer :: num_coupe = 11 filin = TRIM(DIRNAMEINP)//TRIM(filin) open(num_coupe,file=filin) read(num_coupe,'(A80)') title read(num_coupe,'(A80)') fmt do J=1,NY read(num_coupe,fmt) kdum,(data(i,j),i=1,NX) end do close(num_coupe) return end subroutine lect_eis subroutine lect_ieis(nx,ny,data,filin,DIRNAMEINP) implicit none character(len=17) :: DIRNAMEINP integer nx,ny,i,j,kdum integer data(nx,ny) character(len=80) :: title,fmt character(len=80) :: filin integer :: num_coupe = 11 filin = TRIM(DIRNAMEINP)//TRIM(filin) open(num_coupe,file=filin) read(num_coupe,'(A80)') title read(num_coupe,'(A80)') fmt do J=1,NY read(num_coupe,fmt) kdum,(data(i,j),i=1,NX) end do close(num_coupe) return end subroutine lect_ieis