Description_Variables.dat Liste des variables avec les description utile pour les netcdf. Chaque block entre ------------------------------------------------------ .... ------------------------------------------------------ Designe une variable "Variable name" !~ info non obligatoire "no" "name in Grisli" "Class" !! info obligatoire "Node type" !! info obligatoire "Long name" !~ info non obligatoire "Standard name" !~ info non obligatoire "Unit" !~ info non obligatoire "Description" !~ info non obligatoire ex: ------------------------------------------------------ "Altitude surface" 1 S 1 "o" "surface_topography_or_elevation (Searise)" "surface_altitude (cf,Searise)" "m" "Surface topography or elevation" ------------------------------------------------------ ------> le no de variable doit correspondre au if (...) tab(:,:)= .... dans sortie_netcdf_GRISLI_mod.0.2-hassine.f90 ------> l ordre n a pas d importance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fin du header commentaire ------------------------------------------------------ "time" !~ "Variable name" 0 "time" 0 !! "no" "name in Grisli" "Class" "o" !! "Node type" "model_time " !~ "Long name" "time " !~ "Standard name" "year" !~ "Unit" "xxx" !~ "Description" ------------------------------------------------------ "x" 0 "xcc " 0 "o" "cartesian_x_coordinate " "projection_x_coordinate " "m" "Polar stereographic projection " ------------------------------------------------------ "x1" 0 "x staggered" 0 ">" "cartesian_x_coordinate " "projection_x_coordinate " "m" "Polar stereographic projection " ------------------------------------------------------ "y" 0 "ycc " 0 "o" "cartesian_y_coordinate " "projection_y_coordinate " "m" "Polar stereographic projection " ------------------------------------------------------ "y1" 0 "y staggered" 0 "^" "cartesian_y_coordinate " "projection_y_coordinate " "m" "Polar stereographic projection " ------------------------------------------------------ "sigma" 0 "E" 0 "o" "Sigma_layers " "land_ice_sigma_coordinate " 1 "xxx" ------------------------------------------------------ "nzm" 0 "nzm" 0 "o" "coordinate in the bedrock" "coordinate in the bedrock" 1 "for temperature only" ------------------------------------------------------ "lat" 0 "Ylat" 0 "o" "latitude (cism)" "latitude (cism)" "degreeN" "xxx" ------------------------------------------------------ "lon" 0 "Xlong" 0 "o" "longitude (cism)" "longitude (cism)" "degreeE" "xxx" ------------------------------------------------------ ==========================================================Fin des variables 1D "Altitude surface" 1 "S" 1 "o" "surface_topography_or_elevation (Searise)" "surface_altitude (cf,Searise)" "m" "Surface topography or elevation" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 2 "H" 1 "o" "ice_thickness (cf,Searise) " "land_ice_thickness (cf,Searise)" "m" " Land ice means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock." ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 3 "Bsoc" 1 "o" "bedrock_topography_or_elevation (Searise)" "bedrock_altitude (cf,Searise)" "m" "Bedrock topography or elevation" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 4 "Mk" 1 "o" "land_ice_grounded_mask" "land_ice_grounded_mask" 1 "Integer mask 1 floating ice 0 " ------------------------------------------------------ "dHdt" 5 "Hdot" 1 "o" "tendency_of_land_ice_thickness (cf) " "tendency_of_land_ice_thickness (cf)" "m/year" "Variation of thickness dH/dt" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 7 "B" 1 "o" "land_ice_base_elevation" "land_ice_base_elevation" "m" "Base of the ice" ------------------------------------------------------ "Mk_init" ! nom de la variable 9 Mk_init 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "xxx" !~ long name "xxx" !~ standard name "" !~ unit "initial mask" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 10 "Bm" 1 "o" "land_ice_surface_specific_mass_balance (cf)" "land_ice_surface_specific_mass_balance (cf)" "m/year" "Land ice means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock. Specific mass balance means the net rate at which ice is added per unit area at the land ice surface." ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 11 "Acc" 1 "o" "land_ice_mass_accumulation" "land_ice_mass_accumulation" "m/year" "Mass accumulation" ------------------------------------------------------ "Bm-Acc" 12 "Abl" 1 "o" "land_ice_mass_removal" "land_ice_mass_removal" "m/year" "Mass removal or melting" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 13 "Calv" 1 "o" "land_ice_calving_rate (cism)" "land_ice_calving_rate (cism)" "m/year" "Land ice means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock. The land ice calving rate is the rate at which ice is lost per unit area through calving into the ocean." ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 14 "dHdt" 1 "o" "rate_of_thickness_change(Searise)" "tendency_of_land_ice_thickness(Searise)" "m/year" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 18 "Tann" 1 "o" "land_ice_annual_temperature" "land_ice_annual_temperature" "celsius" "Annual temperature " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 19 "Tjja" 1 "o" "land_ice_summer_temperature" "land_ice_summer_temperature" "celsius" "Summer temperature " ------------------------------------------------------ "T-Tpmp" 20 "Tb" 1 "o" "land_ice_basal_temperature" "land_ice_basal_temperature" "celsius" "Basal temperature " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 23 "ghf" 1 "o" "geothermal_heat_flux" "geothermal_heat_flux" "m.w/m²" "Geothermal heat flux" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 24 "phid" 1 "o" "land_ice_gth_flow_deformation" "land_ice_gth_flow_deformation" "m.w/m²" "Heat flow related to deformation" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 25 "Bmelt" 1 "o" "land_ice_basal_melt_rate (cf)" "land_ice_basal_melt_rate (cf)" "m/year" "Land ice means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock. The land ice basal melt rate is the rate at which ice is lost per unit area at the base of the ice." ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 30 "Uxbar_maj" 1 "o" "land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity (cf)" "land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity (cf)" "m/year" "A velocity is a vector quantity. ""x"" indicates a vector component along the grid x-axis, when this is not true longitude, positive with increasing x. Land ice means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock. The vertical mean land ice velocity is the average from the bedrock to the surface of the ice." ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 31 "Uybar_maj" 1 "o" "land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity (cf)" "land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity (cf)" "m/year" "A velocity is a vector quantity. ""y"" indicates a vector component along the grid y-axis, when this is not true latitude, positive with increasing y. Land ice means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock. The vertical mean land ice velocity is the average from the bedrock to the surface of the ice." ------------------------------------------------------ "Umag" 36 "Umag" 1 "o" "land_ice_vertical_mean_velocity" "land_ice_velocity" "m/year" "Average velocity o" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 37 "Uslmag" 1 "o" "land_ice_sliding_velocity" "land_ice_sliding_velocity" "m/year" "Average sliding velocity o" ------------------------------------------------------ "S-S0" 6 "dS" 2 "o" "land_ice_altitude" "land_ice_altitude" "m" "Difference in altitude compared to the observed" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 32 "Uxbar" 2 ">" "land_ice_x_velocity_m" "land_ice_x_velocity_m" "m/year" "Velocity x >" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 33 "Uybar" 2 "^" "land_ice_y_velocity_m" "land_ice_y_velocity_m" "m/year" "Velocity y ^" ------------------------------------------------------ "Uxsli" 34 "Uxsli" 2 ">" "land_ice_x_sliding_velocity" "land_ice_x_sliding_velocity" "m/year" "Sliding velocity x >" ------------------------------------------------------ "Uysli" 35 "Uysli" 2 "^" "land_ice_y_sliding_velocity" "land_ice_y_sliding_velocity" "m/year" "Sliding velocity y ^" ------------------------------------------------------ "Uxdef" 38 "Uxdef" 2 ">" "land_ice_x_deformation_velocity" "land_ice_x_deformation_velocity" "m/year" "Us-Ub along x >" ------------------------------------------------------ "Uydef" 39 "Uydef" 2 "^" "land_ice_y_deformation_velocity" "land_ice_y_deformation_velocity" "m/year" "Us-Ub along y ^" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 40 "frtmx" 2 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "bar" "Frotmx >" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 41 "frtmy" 2 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "bar" "Frotmy ^" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 42 "tobmx" 2 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "Tobmx >" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 43 "tobmy" 2 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "Tobmy ^" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 44 "toshe" 2 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "bar" "Taushelf (bar)" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 45 "epsxx" 2 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "o" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 46 "epsyy" 2 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "o" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 47 "epsxy" 2 "x" "xxx" "xxx" "Maille milieu " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 48 "eps" 2 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "2eme invariant deform." ------------------------------------------------------ "Abar" 49 "Abar" 2 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "Pa-3 an-1" "coef Glen integre" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 50 "pvi" 2 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "Viscosite integree sur la colonne * H" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 51 "pvm" 2 "x" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "viscosite integree sur la colonne * H mailles stag" ------------------------------------------------------ ""betamx" 52 "betamx" 2 ">" "betamx" "betamx" "Pa an/m " "Taub_x = betamx Ubx" ------------------------------------------------------ "betamy" 53 "betamy" 2 "^" "betamy" "betamy" "Pa an/m " "Taub_y = betamy Uby" ------------------------------------------------------ "beta_centre" 54 "beta_c" 2 "o" "beta_centre" "beta_centre" "Pa an/m " "beta average on o nodes" ------------------------------------------------------ "ablbord" 55 "ablbord" 2 "o" "ablbord" "ablbord" "m/an" "ablation on the edges" ------------------------------------------------------ "ice" 56 "ice" 2 "o" "ice" "ice" "xxx" "points with ice" ------------------------------------------------------ "front" 57 "front" 2 "o" "front" "front" "xxx" "front of ice" ------------------------------------------------------ "tot_water" 58 "tot_water" 2 "o" "tot_water" "tot_water" "xxx" "water bilan : Bm - Bmelt + Calv + ablbord" ------------------------------------------------------ "gr_line_schoof" 59 "gr_line" 2 "o" "gr_line_schoof" "gr_line_schoof" "xxx" "Schoof points with flux imposed" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 60 "Hwat" 2 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "m" "basal water amount" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 61 "Hdw" 2 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "m/year" "hdotwater (m/an) o" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 62 "Pgx" 2 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "gradient de pression >" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 63 "Pgy" 2 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "gradient de pression ^" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 64 "Kond" 2 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "conductivite hydraulique" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 65 "phx" 2 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "flux eau selon x >" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 66 "phy" 2 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "flux eau selon y ^" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 68 "Nefmx" 2 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "pression effective >" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 69 "Nefmy" 2 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "pression effective ^" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 70 "posx" 2 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "> grounded -> 0 grzone ->1 ilemx->2 flot->3 rien->4" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 71 "posy" 2 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "^ grounded -> 0 grzone ->1 ilemy->2 flot->3 rien->4" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 72 "fronx" 2 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "> frontfacex" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 73 "frony" 2 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "^ frontfacey" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 74 "CP" 3 "o" "specific heat capacity " "specific heat capacity " "j/(m-3)/k" "RO*CP" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 75 "CT" 3 "o" "thermal conductivity" "thermal conductivity" "J/m/K/a" "thermal conductivity" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 76 "SUX" 3 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 77 "SUY" 3 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 78 "TPMP" 3 "o" "pressure melting point" "pressure melting point" "xxx" "pressure melting point temperature in ice sheet" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 79 "UX" 3 ">" "Ice velocity" "Ice velocity" "m/year" "ice velocity >" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 80 "UY" 3 "^" "Ice velocity" "Ice velocity" "m/year" "ice velocity ^" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 81 "UZR" 3 "o" "Ice velocity and derivatives" "Ice velocity and derivatives" "xxx" "xxx" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 82 "Chaldef_maj" 3 "o" "Chaleur de deformation" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" ------------------------------------------------------ "Temperature" 83 "T" 3 "o" "Ice temperature" "Ice temperature" "degree" "xxx" ------------------------------------------------------ "xdep_out" 84 "xdep_out" 3 "o" "x ice origin" "x ice origin" "m" "x ice origin" ------------------------------------------------------ "ydep_out" 85 "ydep_out" 3 "o" "y ice origin" "y ice origin" "m" "y ice origin" ------------------------------------------------------ "tdep_out" 86 "tdep_out" 3 "o" "age ice deposition" "age ice deposition" "years" "age ice deposition " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 101 "fleuve" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 102 "cote" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 103 "fleuvx" 4 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 104 "fleuvy" 4 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 105 "pot_w" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 106 "pot_f" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 107 "pot_tot" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 108 "pot_hw" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 109 "uxdef" 4 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "dans mix_SIA_L1 " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 110 "uydef" 4 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "dans mix_SIA_L1 " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 111 "uxflgz" 4 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 112 "uyflgz" 4 "y" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 113 "uxsl" 4 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 114 "uysl" 4 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 115 "B_sm" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "Bsoc lisse par le calcul des courbures" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 116 "Bslop" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "pente socle" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 117 "Bcrx" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "courbure along slope" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 118 "Bcry" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "courbure transversale" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 119 "Bcrxy" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "courbure croisee" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 120 "Bteta" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "direction pente" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 121 "sdx" 4 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 122 "sdy" 4 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 123 "motmx" 4 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 124 "motmy" 4 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 125 "str" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "stream allowed" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 126 "TUIJ" 4 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 127 "ppvi" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 128 "bms" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "bmelt dans bmelt antarctique" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 129 "dTann" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "Tann-Ta0" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 130 "rapac" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "Acc/precip" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 131 "bmtot" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "acc-bmelt dans conservation de la masse" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 132 "dist_talus" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "distance talus" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 133 "typeshelf" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "type d'ice shelf " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 134 "bmshelf" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "fusion de reference hors grounding line" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 135 "opposx" 4 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "opposx" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 136 "opposy" 4 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "opposy" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 137 "uxnew" 4 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "ux en sortie de sgbsv" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 138 "uynew" 4 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "uy en sortie de sgbsv" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 139 "okumat" 4 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "okumat" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 140 "okvmat" 4 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "okumat " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 141 "ghost_x" 4 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "ghost_x" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 142 "ghost_y" 4 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "ghost_y" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 143 "tbout" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "table_out" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 144 "bm-bmelt" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "dans relax" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 145 "difx" 4 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "dans conserv masse" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 146 "dify" 4 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "dans conserv masse" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 147 "advmx" 4 ">" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "dans conserv masse" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 148 "advmy" 4 "^" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "dans conserv masse" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 149 "deltaH" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "dans deltaH/dt dans resol" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 150 "arelax" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "relax " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 151 "brelax" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 152 "crelax" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 153 "drelax" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 154 "erelax" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 155 "frelax" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx " ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 156 "nb_ile" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "nombre de point par ile" ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" 157 "berg" 4 "o" "xxx" "xxx" "xxx" "nombre de point par ile" ------------------------------------------------------ "Bm-bmelt" 15 "btot" 4 "o" "land_ice_diff_mass_melt" "land_ice_diff_mass_melt" "m/year" "Difference between mass balance and basal melt" ------------------------------------------------------ "Bm-bmelt" 16 "bshelftot" 4 "o" "land_ice_floating_diff_mass_melt" "land_ice_floating_diff_mass_melt" "m/year" "Difference between mass balance and basal melt for floating ice" ------------------------------------------------------ "B_cry" 8 "B_cry" 5 "o" "land_ice_bed_curvature" "land_ice_bed_curvature" "xxx" "Curvature of the base if negative valleys" ------------------------------------------------------ "-3.17098e-05*ghf" 23 "phi" 5 "o" "land_ice_gth_flow" "land_ice_gth_flow" "mW/m2" "Heat flow" ------------------------------------------------------ "i_hp" ! nom de la variable 185 i_hp 4 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "xxx" !~ long name "xxx" !~ standard name "0-1" !~ unit "nodes with H prescribed" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "hp" ! nom de la variable 186 hp 4 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "xxx" !~ long name "xxx" !~ standard name "m" !~ unit " H prescribed" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "Vcolmag" ! nom de la variable 158 Vcolmag 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "balance velocities mag" !~ long name "balance velocities mag" !~ standard name "m/yr" !~ unit " balance velocities magnitude " !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "Vcol_x" ! nom de la variable 159 Vcol_x 5 ! number, name in grisli, class ">" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "balance velocities x" !~ long name "balance velocities x" !~ standard name "m/yr" !~ unit " balance velocities on staggered grid" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "Vcol_y" ! nom de la variable 160 Vcol_y 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "^" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "balance velocities y" !~ long name "balance velocities y" !~ standard name "m/yr" !~ unit " balance velocities on staggered grid" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "Vslmag" ! nom de la variable 168 Vslmag 4 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "balance velocities mag" !~ long name "balance velocities mag" !~ standard name "m/yr" !~ unit " balance velocities magnitude " !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "Vsl_x" ! nom de la variable 169 Vsl_x 4 ! number, name in grisli, class ">" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "balance velocities x" !~ long name "balance velocities x" !~ standard name "m/yr" !~ unit " balance velocities on staggered grid" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "Vsl_y" ! nom de la variable 170 Vsl_y 4 ! number, name in grisli, class "^" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "balance velocities y" !~ long name "balance velocities y" !~ standard name "m/yr" !~ unit " balance velocities on staggered grid" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "coefdef_mx" ! nom de la variable 161 coefdef_mx 4 ! number, name in grisli, class ">" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "" !~ long name "" !~ standard name "" !~ unit "balance/deformation coef " !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "coefdef_my" ! nom de la variable 162 coefdef_my 4 ! number, name in grisli, class ">" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "" !~ long name "" !~ standard name "" !~ unit "balance/deformation coef " !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "Hbuoy" ! nom de la variable 163 Hbuoy 2 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "" !~ long name "" !~ standard name "m" !~ unit "Height above buoyency " !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" ! nom de la variable 182 stress_x 4 ! number, name in grisli, class ">" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "" !~ long name "" !~ standard name "" !~ unit "longitudinal stress from sum(Tuij Uij...) " !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "xxx" ! nom de la variable 183 stress_y 4 ! number, name in grisli, class "^" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "" !~ long name "" !~ standard name "" !~ unit "longitudinal stress from sum(Tuij Uij...) " !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "S2a_law1" ! nom de la variable 190 S2a_law1 4 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "" !~ long name "" !~ standard name "a-1 Pa-3 m-3" !~ unit "S2a law 1 (n=3) " !~ description attribue dans flowlaw ------------------------------------------------------ "S2a_law2" ! nom de la variable 191 S2a_law2 4 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "" !~ long name "" !~ standard name "a-1 Pa-1 m-1" !~ unit "S2a law 2 (n=1) " !~ description attribue dans flowlaw ------------------------------------------------------ "H_uw_x" ! nom de la variable 192 H_uw_x 2 ! number, name in grisli, class ">" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "H upwind along x" !~ long name "H upwind along x" !~ standard name "m" !~ unit "H upwind along x on staggered grid" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "H_uw_y" ! nom de la variable 193 H_uw_y 2 ! number, name in grisli, class "^" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "H upwind along y" !~ long name "H upwind along y" !~ standard name "m" !~ unit "H upwind along y on staggered grid" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "time_float" ! nom de la variable 194 time_float 2 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "time flotation" !~ long name "time flotation " !~ standard name "year" !~ unit "time of flotation" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "ux_schoof" ! nom de la variable 195 ux_schoof 2 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "ux_schoof" !~ long name ""ux_schoof " !~ standard name "m/year" !~ unit "ux_schoof" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "uy_schoof" ! nom de la variable 196 uy_schoof 2 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "uy_schoof" !~ long name ""uy_schoof " !~ standard name "m/year" !~ unit "uy_schoof" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "bm_ref_t" ! nom de la variable 197 bm_ref_t 1 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "bm_ref_t" !~ long name "bm_ref_t" !~ standard name "m/year" !~ unit "bmasse reference" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "grad_bm" ! nom de la variable 198 grad_bm 1 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "grad_bm" !~ long name "grad_bm" !~ standard name "m/year/m" !~ unit "gradient vertical smb" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "bm_time" ! nom de la variable 199 bm_time 1 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "bm_time" !~ long name "bm_time" !~ standard name "m/year" !~ unit "smb from RCM" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "drag_cent" ! nom de la variable 201 drag_cent 2 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "drag_centre" !~ long name "drag_centre" !~ standard name "Pa an/m" !~ unit "drag_centre" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "ref_Hbuoy" ! nom de la variable 202 ref_Hbuoy 2 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "ref_Hbuoy" !~ long name "ref_Hbuoy" !~ standard name "m" !~ unit "ref_Hbuoy" !~ description ! ------------------------------------------------------ "Usl_in" ! nom de la variable 203 Usl_in 2 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "Usl_in" !~ long name "Usl_in" !~ standard name "m/yr" !~ unit "Usl_in" !~ description ! ------------------------------------------------------ "Usl_c" ! nom de la variable 204 Usl_c 2 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "Usl_c" !~ long name "Usl_c" !~ standard name "m/yr" !~ unit "Usl_c" !~ description ! ------------------------------------------------------ "coef_drag" ! nom de la variable 205 coef_drag 2 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "coef_drag" !~ long name "coef_drag" !~ standard name "Pa (m/yr)**-exp_alpha" !~ unit depends on dragging law exponent "drag_centre" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "acabf" ! nom de la variable 206 acabf 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "land_ice_surface_specific_mass_balance_flux" !~ long name "land_ice_surface_specific_mass_balance_flux" !~ standard name "kg/m2/s" !~ unit "Surface mass balance flux" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "libmassbf" ! nom de la variable 207 libmassbf 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "land_ice_basal_specific_mass_balance_flux" !~ long name "land_ice_basal_specific_mass_balance_flux" !~ standard name "kg/m2/s" !~ unit "Basal mass balance flux" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "dlithkdt" ! nom de la variable 208 dlithkdt 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "tendency_of_land_ice_thickness" !~ long name "tendency_of_land_ice_thickness" !~ standard name "m/s" !~ unit "Ice thickness imbalance" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "licalvf" ! nom de la variable 209 licalvf 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "land_ice_specific_mass_flux_due_to_calving" !~ long name "land_ice_specific_mass_flux_due_to_calving" !~ standard name "kg/m2/s" !~ unit "Calving flux" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "ligroundf" ! nom de la variable 210 ligroundf 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "land_ice_specific_mass_flux_due_at_grounding_line" !~ long name "land_ice_specific_mass_flux_due_at_grounding_line" !~ standard name "kg/m2/s" !~ unit "Grounding line flux" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "uvelsurf" ! nom de la variable 211 uvelsurf 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "land_ice_surface_x_velocityuvelsurf" !~ long name "land_ice_surface_x_velocityuvelsurf" !~ standard name "m/s" !~ unit "Surface velocity in x" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "vvelsurf" ! nom de la variable 212 vvelsurf 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "land_ice_surface_y_velocity" !~ long name "land_ice_surface_y_velocity" !~ standard name "m/s" !~ unit "Surface velocity in y" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "wvelsurf" ! nom de la variable 213 wvelsurf 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "land_ice_surface_upward_velocity" !~ long name "land_ice_surface_upward_velocity" !~ standard name "m/s" !~ unit "Surface velocity in z" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "uvelbase" ! nom de la variable 214 uvelbase 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "land_ice_basal_x_velocity" !~ long name "land_ice_basal_x_velocity" !~ standard name "m/s" !~ unit "Basal velocity in x" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "vvelbase" ! nom de la variable 215 vvelbase 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "land_ice_basal_y_velocity" !~ long name "land_ice_basal_y_velocity" !~ standard name "m/s" !~ unit "Basal velocity in y" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "wvelbase" ! nom de la variable 216 wvelbase 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "land_ice_basal_upward_velocity" !~ long name "land_ice_basal_upward_velocity" !~ standard name "m/s" !~ unit "Basal velocity in z" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "strbasemag" ! nom de la variable 217 strbasemag 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "magnitude_of_land_ice_basal_drag" !~ long name "magnitude_of_land_ice_basal_drag" !~ standard name "Pa" !~ unit "Basal drag" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "sftgrf" ! nom de la variable 218 sftgrf 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "grounded_ice_sheet_area_fraction" !~ long name "grounded_ice_sheet_area_fraction" !~ standard name "-" !~ unit "Grounded ice sheet area fraction" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------ "sftflf" ! nom de la variable 219 sftflf 5 ! number, name in grisli, class "o" ! node type : "o" ,"^", ">" "floating_ice_sheet_area_fraction" !~ long name "floating_ice_sheet_area_fraction" !~ standard name "-" !~ unit "Floating ice sheet area fraction" !~ description ------------------------------------------------------