


15:48 Changeset [242] by aquiquet
Homogeneisation of LISTE-VAR-NETCDF for Ant40 and Hemin40
15:40 Changeset [241] by dumas
go_ant40_cycle.sh replace go_ant40_cyc-Scho.sh and go_ant40_cyc-Tsai.sh
15:38 Changeset [240] by dumas
TEMPS-NETCDF file with output frequency adapted to Antarctic cycle and …
15:38 Changeset [239] by aquiquet
Standard module_choix for Ant40 and Hemin40 updated, set to typical …
15:06 Changeset [238] by aquiquet
Lakes have been replaced by a more generic relative sea level information, …


17:09 Changeset [237] by aquiquet
Sealevel is now treated as a 2D variable (sealevel_2d while sealevel …
16:43 Changeset [236] by aquiquet
Deprecated modules moved to Old-sources
10:58 Changeset [235] by dumas
Param list file for cycle Ant-40 Schoof and Tsai


18:16 Changeset [234] by dumas
Delete old param files
18:14 Changeset [233] by dumas
Change dirsource and DIRNAMEOUT to be compatible with the new structure
18:12 Changeset [232] by dumas
Deletion of old unused makefile and add 2 makefile for parallel or …
18:06 Changeset [231] by dumas
Restart file for Antarctic 40km at 126k
18:01 Changeset [230] by dumas
Paths are updated to be in accordance with the new structure
17:57 Changeset [229] by dumas
New launching area and RUNS directory
11:32 Changeset [228] by dumas
grounding line flux is not applied on a island point
11:27 Changeset [227] by aquiquet
Removed local sealevel0 as a bound for topo init as might cause problem …
11:23 Changeset [226] by aquiquet
Limitation on bmelt for grounded points (at times abnormal values when …


10:01 Changeset [225] by dumas
format of the parameter file created by the code, possibility to use it in …


18:25 Changeset [224] by dumas
format of the parameter file created by the code, possibility to use it in …
09:11 Changeset [223] by aquiquet
Bug correction for S variation due to isostasy: S can rise back above …


16:28 Changeset [222] by aquiquet
Sediment map for Hemin40 in netcdf format
15:13 Changeset [221] by aquiquet
Bug correction (minor impact) in furst_schoof + velocity limitation based …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.