


18:13 Changeset [393] by dumas
use only in module dragging_param_beta
14:56 Changeset [392] by dumas
use only in subroutine diffusiv
13:39 Changeset [391] by dumas
use only in deformation_mod_2lois_isoth : compile but not tested in a …
13:30 Changeset [390] by dumas
use only in module deformation_mod_2lois
09:18 Changeset [389] by dumas
use only in module equat_adv_diff_2D_vect


17:15 Changeset [388] by aquiquet
Cleaning branch: use only statements in temperature
17:00 Changeset [387] by dumas
use only for tracers : compile but not tested in a simulation
13:59 Changeset [386] by dumas
use only in module calving_frange_glaciers
13:49 Changeset [385] by dumas
use only in module calving_frange_fracture
09:54 Changeset [384] by dumas
use only in module calving_frange_abuk
09:43 Changeset [383] by dumas
use only in module calving_frange


18:50 Changeset [382] by dumas
Update GRISLI PMIP launch script
18:46 Changeset [381] by dumas
use only in subroutine bmelt_seuil_prof
16:05 Changeset [380] by dumas
use only in subroutine bmelt_grounded
12:01 Changeset [379] by dumas
use only in module bilan_flux_mod
11:11 Changeset [378] by dumas
use only in module bilan_eau_mod


18:42 Changeset [377] by dumas
use only in subroutine ablation_bord
17:08 Changeset [376] by aquiquet
Cleaning branch: use only statements for isostasy
15:55 Changeset [375] by dumas
use only in subroutine SIA_velocities


18:49 Changeset [374] by dumas
Update go_ant40_cycle.sh with on general grisli.run.lsce for sequential …


20:00 Changeset [373] by dumas
Update GRISLI Ant-40 cycle launch script
19:55 Changeset [372] by dumas
Fixed a bug in openMP implementation in subroutine SIA_velocities
18:30 Changeset [371] by aquiquet
Cleaning branch: remove some unused subroutines


10:03 Changeset [370] by aquiquet
Cleaning branch: remove sources of outdated geometry, proto_recul and …


16:17 Changeset [369] by aquiquet
Cleaning branch: remove more outdated unused inputs
16:15 Changeset [368] by aquiquet
Cleaning branch: remove outdated unused inputs
16:04 Changeset [367] by aquiquet
Cleaning branch: a few additions to make basic runs, degla Hemin40 and …


16:28 Changeset [366] by dumas
ablation_mod.f90 : SMB can be computed using ITM with pdd_type=3
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.