Define here the coupling fields using the button "Add Coupling fields" and double clicking in the new row created. A "user reference name" must be given to each coupling field under "Field label" by filling the part "no label" and validated using the button "Enter" of the keyboard. This name will not appear in the namcouple and is only used by the GUI. The "load" button is useless for the OASIS3-MCT application.[] For each field, the symbolic name used in the source model and the symbolic name used in the target model must be specified as well as the associated source and target grids. It is also necessary to specify for each field if it is grouped or not and to which group it belongs using the names already defined in the Group window. Only the source and target symbolic field names and grid names will appear in the namcouple configuration text file.[] A blue (?), located at the right bottom of this window, gives more information on the data to fill up. [section=Field names definition] In this window, you must enter the coupling fields exchanged by all the models. For each coupling field you must first enter a "user reference name" in the "no label" part. This "user reference name" is only used by the GUI and will not appear in the namcouple. Then for each coupling field, you must enter the symbolic name of the field used in the source model and the corresponding symbolic name of the field used in the target model. These names will appear in the configuration file.[] You must also specify for each field if it will be grouped or not and to which group it belongs using the names already defined in the Group window. If the field is read or written from/to a file, the target field name will be renamed automatically when writting the configuration file as the source and target symbolic names must be identical. In this case no transformations or only LOCTRANS transformations are allowed. More details on coupling fields are avalaible in the User Guide section 3.3 and section 5.3.