SUBROUTINE CLIM_Stepi(cdnam,kinfo) c c* *** Stepi *** CLIM 2.0 c c purpose: c -------- c retrieve info on cdnam models time steps c c interface: c ---------- c cdnam : character string name of the model c kinfo : output status or nbr of procs implied c in the coupling for cdnam c c lib mp: c ------- c mpi-2 c c author: c ------- c Eric Sevault - METEO FRANCE c Laurent Terray - CERFACS c Arnaud Caubel - FECIT (08/02 - removed some arguments) c ---------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined use_comm_MPI1 || defined use_comm_MPI2 || !defined use_comm_MPI1 && !defined use_comm_MPI2 && !defined use_comm_SIPC && !defined use_comm_GMEM && !defined use_comm_PIPE && !defined use_comm_NONE USE mod_kinds_oasis USE mod_clim USE mod_comclim c ---------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER*(*) cdnam INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) kinfo c ---------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER*32 cltest INTEGER (kind=ip_intwp_p) ip c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c c* 0. First Check c -------------- c WRITE (nulprt, FMT='(A)')'Stepi called' IF ( ) THEN kinfo = CLIM_FastExit WRITE(nulprt, FMT='(A)') 'Stepi - should not be called' GO TO 1010 ENDIF kinfo = CLIM_Ok c c* 1. check for the cdnam model in my list c -------------------------------------- c kinfo = CLIM_BadName c cltest=cdnam c kinfo=0 DO 100 ip=0,ncplprocs-1 IF ( cnames(ip).eq.cltest ) THEN C IF more than one process for the model, C info coming from last proc is kept as output kinfo = kinfo + 1 ENDIF 100 CONTINUE c 1010 CONTINUE c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c CALL FLUSH(nulprt) #endif RETURN END