############### Site and OS dependent specifications ########################### # # moon : part of name of header file # NODE : where the model is compiled if [ ${NODE} != moon ]; then if [ ${NODE} != moon2 ]; then echo ' The OS/Site dependent specifications are not for this machine.' echo ' Node name of this machine:' ${NODE} echo ' Script setup is for use on a moon node (cross compiling for ES)' if [ "$MAKETARGET" != "tar" ]; then echo ' The task is stopped!' exit 1 fi fi fi if [ "$MAKETARGET" = "lib" ]; then echo ' ' echo 'No executable will be created. ' fi export ARCH=ES export BLDROOT=$SRCROOT/$ARCH set +u if [[ -z "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH0" ]]; then LD_LIBRARY_PATH0="" fi set -u export MPI_INCLUDE=./ export NETCDFROOT=/S/home010/c0010/ES export NETCDF_LIB="-L${NETCDFROOT}/lib -lnetcdf" export NETCDF_INCLUDE=${NETCDFROOT}/include export LIB1=" -L/ES/opt/mathkeisan/inst/lib0 -llapack -lblas " export SYS_INCLUDE=./ if [ "$MAKETARGET" = "all" ] || [ "$MAKETARGET" = "lib" ]; then echo ' ' echo 'Compiler revision :' echo ` esf90 -V ` fi export F90com=esmpif90 export f90com=${F90com} export Fcom=${F90com} export fcom=${F90com} export cc=esmpic++ export ar=esar export as="esas" export cp=cp PATH=$SRCROOT/util:$PATH alias make="gmake"