### =========================================================================== ### ### Compute a mask for coastal point of NEMO domain ### ### =========================================================================== ## ## Warning, to install, configure, run, use any of Olivier Marti's ## software or to read the associated documentation you'll need at least ## one (1) brain in a reasonably working order. Lack of this implement ## will void any warranties (either express or implied). ## O. Marti assumes no responsability for errors, omissions, ## data loss, or any other consequences caused directly or indirectly by ## the usage of his software by incorrectly or partially configured ## personal. ## ## SVN information __Author__ = "$Author$" __Date__ = "$Date$" __Revision__ = "$Revision$" __Id__ = "$Id$" __HeadURL = "$HeadURL$" ## import netCDF4 import nemo import numpy as np import getopt, sys def usage () : texte = """Compute a mask for coastal point of NEMO domain %(prog)s usage : python %(prog)s [-h|--help] [-d|--debug] [-i ] [-n ] -d | --debug : debug -i | --input= : input file (default: none) -n | --perio= : periodicity type (default: try to guess) # 1, 4, 6 : Cyclic on i dimension (generaly longitudes) # 2 : Obsolete (was symmetric condition at southern boundary ?) # 3, 4 : North fold T-point pivot (legacy ORCA2) # 5, 6 : North fold F-point pivot (ORCA1, ORCA025, ORCA2 with new grid for paleo) If is no specified, %(prog)s will try to guess it from the grid dimension example : python %(prog)s -n 4 -i ORCA2.3_coordinates_mask.nc """ print ( texte % { 'prog':sys.argv[0] } ) ## Default input parameters nperio = None GridFile = None Debug = False ## Command line options try: myopts, myargs = getopt.getopt ( sys.argv[1:], 'i:n:h', [ 'input=', 'nperio=', 'debug=', 'help' ] ) except getopt.GetoptError as cmdle : print ( "Command line error : "+str(cmdle)+"\n" ) usage () sys.exit(1) for myopt, myval in myopts : if myopt in [ '-h', '--help' ] : usage () ; sys.exit (0) ; if myopt in [ '-i', '--input' ] : GridFile = myval ; if myopt in [ '-n', '--nperio' ] : nperio = int(myval) ; if myopt in [ '-d', '--debug' ] : Debug = True ; ## if GridFile == None : print ("Input grid file not specified\n") usage ( ) sys.exit(-1) print ("Input file : " + GridFile) ## Open grid file GridFile = netCDF4.Dataset ( GridFile, "r+" ) if nperio == None : # Try to get periodicity for the grid print ("Trying to guess nperio parameter") jpoi = GridFile.dimensions["x_grid_T"].size jpoj = GridFile.dimensions["y_grid_T"].size print ("Grid dimensions: ("+str(jpoj)+", "+str(jpoi)+")") if (jpoj, jpoi) == (149, 182): print ("ORCA 2 grid found: nperio may vary for this configuration") if (jpoj, jpoi) == (332, 292): nperio = 6 print ("ORCA1 grid found" ) if (jpoj, jpoi) == (332, 362): nperio = 6 print ("eORCA1 grid found" ) #### if nperio == None : print ("Periodicity not specified and not found\n") usage ( ) sys.exit(-1) ########################################################### print ("Periodicity : "+ str(nperio) ) if nperio in [1, 4, 6] : print ("Cyclic on i dimension (generaly longitudes)") if nperio in [2, ] : print ("Obsolete (was symmetric condition at southern boundary ?)") if nperio in [3, 4 ] : print ("North fold T-point pivot (legacy ORCA2)") if nperio in [5, 6 ] : print ("North fold F-point pivot (ORCA1, ORCA025, ORCA2 with new grid for paleo)") ### OceMask = GridFile.variables["maskutil_T"] OceMask = np.array ( OceMask) OceMask = nemo.lbc ( np.int_(OceMask[:,:]), nperio=nperio, cd_type='T' ) Temp = OceMask*0 Temp[1:-1, 1:-1] = \ + OceMask[0:-2, 1:-1] + OceMask[2: , 1:-1] \ + OceMask[1:-1, 0:-2] + OceMask[1:-1, 2: ] \ + OceMask[0:-2, 0:-2] + OceMask[1:-1, 0:-2] \ + OceMask[1:-1, 1:-1] + OceMask[0:-2, 1:-1] CoastCrit = Temp.max() print ("Maximum number of neighbors : "+str(CoastCrit) ) Temp = nemo.lbc ( Temp, nperio=nperio, cd_type='T' ) OceCoastal = np.where (OceMask == 1, True, False) * np.where (Temp < CoastCrit, True, False) OceCoastal = np.where (OceCoastal, 1, 0) varOceCoastal = GridFile.createVariable ("OceCoastal", "i4", ( "y_grid_T", "x_grid_T") ) varOceCoastal.cell_measures = "area: area_grid_T" varOceCoastal.coordinates = "nav_lat_grid_T nav_lon_grid_T" varOceCoastal[:,:] = OceCoastal[:,:] GridFile.sync() GridFile.close()