### =========================================================================== ### ### Checks integrals ### ### =========================================================================== ## ## MOSAIX is under CeCILL_V2 licence. See "Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt" ## file for an english version of the licence and ## "Licence_CeCILL_V2-fr.txt" for a french version. ## ## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or ## organization obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying ## documentation covered by this license (the "Software") to use, ## reproduce, display, distribute, execute, and transmit the ## Software, and to prepare derivative works of the Software, and to ## permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to do so, ## all subject to the following: ## ## Warning, to install, configure, run, use any of MOSAIX software or ## to read the associated documentation you'll need at least one (1) ## brain in a reasonably working order. Lack of this implement will ## void any warranties (either express or implied). Authors assumes ## no responsability for errors, omissions, data loss, or any other ## consequences caused directly or indirectly by the usage of his ## software by incorrectly or partially configured ## # # python3 -i check_conserv.py --file dia_tORCA2.3_to_tLMD9695_1stOrder_Normalized_Surfacic_NoArea.nc --grids grids_ORCA2.3xLMD9695.nc --areas areas_ORCA2.3xLMD9695.nc --masks masks_ORCA2.3xLMD9695.nc --frac LMD9695_grid_maskFrom_ORCA2.3.nc # ## SVN information __Author__ = "$Author$" __Date__ = "$Date$" __Revision__ = "$Revision$" __Id__ = "$Id: $" __HeadURL = "$HeadURL$" import netCDF4 import numpy as np import glob import sys, argparse, textwrap import nemo import os # Creating a parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser ( description = """Compute integral of matching coupling fields on atmosphere and ocean side.""", epilog='-------- This is the end of the help message --------') # Adding arguments parser.add_argument ( '--file' , help='Input file, e.g. dia_tICO40_to_teORCA1.2_1storder_false.nc', type=str, default='dia_tico_to_torc_1storder_false.nc' ) parser.add_argument ( '--grids' , help='grids file', type=str, default='grids.nc' ) parser.add_argument ( '--areas' , help='areas file', type=str, default='areas.nc' ) parser.add_argument ( '--masks' , help='masks file', type=str, default='masks.nc' ) parser.add_argument ( '--fracs' , help='fracs file', type=str, default=None ) parser.add_argument ( '--guess' , help='If set, build grids, areas and masks file name from the dia file name', action="store_true", default=False ) parser.add_argument ( '--src_int' , help='Source field is integrated' , action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument ( '--dst_int' , help='Destination field is integrated' , action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument ( '--src_nofrac', help='Do not apply frac on source' , action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument ( '--dst_nofrac', help='Do not apply frac on destination', action="store_true" ) # Parse command line myargs = parser.parse_args() # name_input = myargs.file # Get dir and file InDir = os.path.dirname (os.path.abspath(myargs.file)) InFile = os.path.basename (os.path.abspath(myargs.file)) print ('InDir : ' + InDir ) print ('InFile : ' + InFile ) Elements = InFile.split('_') # Get models Name_src = Elements[1][1:] ; Name_dst = Elements[3][1:] grid_src = Elements[1][0] ; grid_dst = Elements[3][0] Grid_src = grid_src.upper() ; Grid_dst = grid_dst.upper() if Grid_src in ( 'A', 'C') : Grid_src = 'T' if Grid_dst in ( 'A', 'C') : Grid_dst = 'T' # src side if Name_src.count('ico') != 0 or Name_src.count('lmd') != 0 : name_src = Name_src ; ShortNames = True else : if Name_src.count('ICO') : name_src = 'ico' ; ShortNames = False if Name_src.count('LMD') : name_src = 'lmd' ; ShortNames = False if Name_dst.count('orc') != 0 : name_src = Name_src ; ShortNames = True else : if Name_src.count('ORC')!= 0 : name_src = 'orc' ; ShortNames = False # dst side if Name_dst.count('ico')!= 0 or Name_dst.count('lmd') != 0 : name_dst = Name_dst ; ShortNames = True else : if Name_dst.count('ICO') : name_dst = 'ico' ; ShortNames = False if Name_dst.count('LMD') : name_dst = 'lmd' ; ShortNames = False if Name_dst.count('orc') != 0 : name_dst = Name_dst ; ShortNames = True else : if Name_dst.count('ORC') != 0 : name_dst = 'orc' ; ShortNames = False if Name_src.count('ORC') : CplModel = Name_src + 'x' + Name_dst if Name_dst.count('ORC') : CplModel = Name_dst + 'x' + Name_src print ('CplModel : ' + CplModel ) print ('Input file : ' + name_input ) # Coordonnees et masques if myargs.fracs == None : if Name_src.count('ORC') : name_frc = InDir + '/' + Name_dst + '_grid_maskFrom_' + Name_src + '.nc' if Name_dst.count('ORC') : name_frc = InDir + '/' + Name_src + '_grid_maskFrom_' + Name_dst + '.nc' else: name_frc = myargs.fracs if myargs.guess : n_grids = InDir + '/grids_' + CplModel + '.nc' n_masks = InDir + '/masks_' + CplModel + '.nc' n_areas = InDir + '/areas_' + CplModel + '.nc' else : n_grids = myargs.grids n_masks = myargs.masks n_areas = myargs.areas print ('Opening grids file: ' + n_grids ) f_grids = netCDF4.Dataset ( n_grids ) print ('Opening masks file: ' + n_masks ) f_masks = netCDF4.Dataset ( n_masks ) print ('Opening areas file: ' + n_areas ) f_areas = netCDF4.Dataset ( n_areas ) print ('Opening fracs file: ' + name_frc ) f_frac = netCDF4.Dataset ( name_frc ) # msk_src = np.float64(1.0) - f_masks.variables[ grid_src + name_src + '.msk'][:].squeeze() lon_src = f_grids.variables [grid_src + name_src + '.lon'][:].squeeze() lat_src = f_grids.variables [grid_src + name_src + '.lat'][:].squeeze() if myargs.src_int : srf_src = np.ones ( (msk_src.shape), dtype=np.float64 )[:] else : srf_src = f_areas.variables [grid_src + name_src + '.srf'][:].squeeze() # msk_dst = np.float64(1.0) - f_masks.variables[grid_dst + name_dst + '.msk'][:] lon_dst = f_grids.variables [grid_dst + name_dst + '.lon'][:].squeeze() lat_dst = f_grids.variables [grid_dst + name_dst + '.lat'][:].squeeze() if myargs.dst_int : srf_dst = np.ones ( (msk_dst.shape), dtype=np.float64)[:] else : srf_dst = f_areas.variables [grid_dst + name_dst + '.srf'][:].squeeze() # if name_src in ( 'ico', 'lmd' ) : if myargs.src_nofrac : frc_src = np.ones ( (msk_src.shape), dtype=np.float64) else : frc_src = f_frac.variables ['OceFrac'][:].squeeze() if name_src == 'orc' : frc_src = np.ones ( (msk_src.shape), dtype=np.float64) if name_dst in ( 'ico', 'lmd' ) : if myargs.dst_nofrac : frc_dst = np.ones ( (msk_dst.shape), dtype=np.float64) else : frc_dst = f_frac.variables['OceFrac'][:].squeeze() if name_dst == 'orc' : frc_dst = np.ones ( (msk_dst.shape), dtype=np.float64) # Periodicity nperio_src = 0 ; nperio_dst = 0 if Name_src == 'ORCA2.3' : nperio_src = 4 if Name_src == 'eORCA1.2' : nperio_src = 6 if Name_src == 'eORCA025' : nperio_src = 6 if Name_dst == 'ORCA2.3' : nperio_dst = 4 if Name_dst == 'eORCA1.2' : nperio_dst = 6 if Name_dst == 'eORCA025' : nperio_dst = 6 # NEMO periodicity. if Name_src in ('ORCA2.3', 'eORCA1.2', 'eORCA025') : msk_src = nemo.lbc_mask ( msk_src, nperio=nperio_src, cd_type=Grid_src ) if Name_dst in ('ORCA2.3', 'eORCA1.2', 'eORCA025') : msk_dst = nemo.lbc_mask ( msk_dst, nperio=nperio_dst, cd_type=Grid_dst ) # Surfaces area_src = np.sum ( srf_src * msk_src * frc_src ) area_dst = np.sum ( srf_dst * msk_dst * frc_dst ) print ( Name_src ) print ( 'mask: {:12.3} {:12.3} {:12.3}'.format( np.min(msk_src), np.max(msk_src), np.sum(msk_src) ) ) print ( 'frac: {:12.3} {:12.3} {:12.3}'.format( np.min(frc_src), np.max(frc_src), np.sum(frc_src) ) ) print ( 'area: {:12.3} {:12.3} {:12.3}'.format( np.min(srf_src), np.max(srf_src), np.sum(srf_src) ) ) print ( Name_dst ) print ( 'mask: {:12.3} {:12.3} {:12.3}'.format( np.min(msk_dst), np.max(msk_dst), np.sum(msk_dst) ) ) print ( 'frac: {:12.3} {:12.3} {:12.3}'.format( np.min(frc_dst), np.max(frc_dst), np.sum(frc_dst) ) ) print ( 'area: {:12.3} {:12.3} {:12.3}'.format( np.min(srf_dst), np.max(srf_dst), np.sum(srf_dst) ) ) print (' ') print ( "Surfaces : %14.6e %14.6e %11.3e"%( area_src, area_dst, (area_src-area_dst)/(area_src+area_dst)*0.5 ) ) print (' ') ## f_input = netCDF4.Dataset( name_input ) # Loop over fields for num in np.arange (1, 7) : name_src = 'field{:02}_src'.format(num) name_dst = 'field{:02}_dst'.format(num) print ( '{:02}'.format(num) + ':' + name_src + ':' + name_dst) # Reading field v_src = f_input [ name_src ][:] v_dst = f_input [ name_dst ][:] # Compute integrals sum_src = np.sum (v_src * srf_src * msk_src * frc_src) sum_dst = np.sum (v_dst * srf_dst * msk_dst * frc_dst) # Compute average mean_src = sum_src / area_src mean_dst = sum_dst / area_dst # print ( "Integrals : %14.6e %14.6e %11.3e"%( sum_src , sum_dst , (sum_src - sum_dst)/(sum_src + sum_dst)*0.5 ) ) print ( "Averages : %14.6e %14.6e %11.3e"%( mean_src, mean_dst, (mean_src-mean_dst)/(mean_src+mean_dst)*0.5 ) ) print ( " " ) #=======================================