#!/bin/bash #set -v #--script to check water conservation in the IPSL coupled model #--author: Olivier Boucher #--30/11/2016 #--updated 10/05/2019 #--updated July 2020 => Gurvan says dOCE_vol has to be computed with rho_oce/rho_liq #--only work for NEMO 1 degree ! mods needed for NEMO025 #--direxp: directory of experiment up to experiment type #--exp: name of experiment #--yearbeg: first year of budget analysis (skip first year of experiment because of issues with some diagnostics) #--yearend: last year of budget analysis #--yearinc: time resolution (in year) of output files in OUTPUT #--for a good precision consider at least a period of 50 or 100 years direxp="/ccc/store/cont003/gencmip6/p86caub/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/DEVT/piControl/" exp="VALID-CM622-LR.01" yearbeg=1890 yearend=1899 yearinc=10 #--set maketimeseries to true to force rewriting temporary files #maketimeseries=false maketimeseries=true host=`echo $HOSTNAME |cut -c 1-3` if [ $host == 'ada' ]; then #--IDRIS #--module load cdo module unload cdo module load cdo/1.6.5 module load netcdf #--output directory where to store the temporary files needed for the analysis dirout=$WORKDIR elif [ $host == 'ire' ]; then #--TGCC #--assume cdo is loaded #--output directory where to store the temporary files needed for the analysis dirout=$CCCWORKDIR else echo 'Machine not supported' exit fi #--name of output file fileout='waterbudget_'${exp}'_'${yearbeg}'_'${yearend}'.out' echo Output will be redirected to $fileout rm -f ${fileout} echo 'Dealing with ' $direxp/$exp > ${fileout} echo >> ${fileout} #--here I assume there are 360 or 365 days per year on average #--a better script would diagnose the number of days from the netcdf files nbdayinyr=365 nbmthinyr=12 #--model output directories dir_atm_day=${direxp}${exp}"/ATM/Output/DA/" dir_atm_mth=${direxp}${exp}"/ATM/Output/MO/" dir_oce_day=${direxp}${exp}"/OCE/Output/DA/" dir_oce_mth=${direxp}${exp}"/OCE/Output/MO/" dir_ice_day=${direxp}${exp}"/ICE/Output/DA/" dir_ice_mth=${direxp}${exp}"/ICE/Output/MO/" dir_srf_day=${direxp}${exp}"/SRF/Output/DA/" dir_srf_mth=${direxp}${exp}"/SRF/Output/MO/" echo 'The analysis relies on files from the following model output directories' >> ${fileout} echo $dir_atm_day >> ${fileout} echo $dir_atm_mth >> ${fileout} echo $dir_oce_day >> ${fileout} echo $dir_oce_mth >> ${fileout} echo $dir_ice_day >> ${fileout} echo $dir_ice_mth >> ${fileout} echo $dir_srf_day >> ${fileout} echo $dir_srf_mth >> ${fileout} #--number of years for the budget analysis nbyear=$((${yearend}-${yearbeg}+1)) #--water density (kg/m3) ORCHIDEE rho_liq=1000.0 #--ice density (kg/m3) in LIM3 rho_ice=917.0 #--snow density (kg/m3) in LIM3 rho_sno=330.0 #--ocean water density (kg/m3) in NEMO rho_oce=1027. #--average ratio of salty water to fresh water #fresh2salt=1.035 #--conversion from /day to /s day2sec=86400. #--approximated conversion factor from m sea to Sv ssh2sv=`python -c "print 4.*3.14159*6370000.*6370000.*0.7/1.e6"` #--temporary output files fileoceout=dq_oce_${exp}_extracted_${yearbeg}_${yearend}_short.nc fileatmout=dq_atm_${exp}_extracted_${yearbeg}_${yearend}_short.nc filesrfout=dq_srf_${exp}_extracted_${yearbeg}_${yearend}_short.nc #---PREPARE ATMOS FILE if [ ${maketimeseries} = true ] || [ ! -e ${dirout}/${fileatmout} ] ; then #--delete all yearly files that may be there from a previous execution of the script rm -f ${dirout}/${fileatmout} ${dirout}/dq_atm_${exp}_extracted_????.nc #--loop on years for year1 in $(seq $yearbeg $yearinc $yearend) do year2=$((year1+yearinc-1)) file_atm=$dir_atm_mth$exp'_'$year1'0101_'$year2'123?_1M_histmth.nc' #--this diags may not be in the time series so I extract them #--some are not needed though echo cdo -L yearmonmean -selname,aire,pourc_lic,wevap_ter,wevap_oce,wevap_lic,wevap_sic,wsnow_lic,wsnow_sic,wsnow_oce,wsnow_ter,wrain_lic,wrain_sic,wrain_ter,wrain_oce,wbilo_ter,wbilo_oce,wbilo_lic,wbilo_sic,evap,precip,snow,msnow,runofflic ${file_atm} ${dirout}/dq_atm_${exp}_extracted_${year1}.nc cdo -L yearmonmean -selname,aire,pourc_lic,wevap_ter,wevap_oce,wevap_lic,wevap_sic,wsnow_lic,wsnow_sic,wsnow_oce,wsnow_ter,wrain_lic,wrain_sic,wrain_ter,wrain_oce,wbilo_ter,wbilo_oce,wbilo_lic,wbilo_sic,evap,precip,snow,runofflic ${file_atm} ${dirout}/dq_atm_${exp}_extracted_${year1}.nc done cdo -L mergetime ${dirout}/dq_atm_${exp}_extracted_????.nc ${dirout}/${fileatmout} rm -f ${dirout}/dq_atm_${exp}_extracted_????.nc fi #---PREPARE OCE FILE if [ ${maketimeseries} = true ] || [ ! -e ${dirout}/${fileoceout} ] ; then #--delete all yearly files that may be there from a previous execution of the script rm -f ${dirout}/${fileoceout} ${dirout}/dq_oce_${exp}_extracted_????.nc #--loop on years for year1 in $(seq $yearbeg $yearinc $yearend) do year2=$((year1+yearinc-1)) file_oce=$dir_oce_mth$exp'_'$year1'0101_'$year2'123?_1M_grid_T.nc' #--this diags may not be in the time series so I extract them cdo -L yearmonmean -selname,emp_oce,emp_ice,friver,calving,iceshelf,iceberg ${file_oce} ${dirout}/dq_oce_${exp}_extracted_${year1}.nc done cdo -L mergetime ${dirout}/dq_oce_${exp}_extracted_????.nc ${dirout}/${fileoceout} rm -f ${dirout}/dq_oce_${exp}_extracted_????.nc fi #---PREPARE SURFACE FILE if [ ${maketimeseries} = true ] || [ ! -e ${dirout}/${filesrfout} ] ; then #--delete all yearly files that may be there from a previous execution of the script rm -f ${dirout}/${filesrfout} ${dirout}/dq_srf_${exp}_extracted_????.nc rm -f ${dirout}/dq0_srf_${exp}_extracted_????.nc ${dirout}/dq_contfrac_${exp}_extracted_????.nc #--loop on years for year1 in $(seq $yearbeg $yearinc $yearend) do year2=$((year1+yearinc-1)) file_srf=$dir_srf_mth$exp'_'$year1'0101_'$year2'123?_1M_sechiba_history.nc' #--this diags may not be in the time series so I extract them rm -f ${dirout}/contfrac.nc ${dirout}/maxveget.nc ${dirout}/summaxveget.nc cdo -L selname,Contfrac ${file_srf} ${dirout}/contfrac.nc cdo -L selname,maxvegetfrac ${file_srf} ${dirout}/maxveget.nc cdo -L vertsum ${dirout}/maxveget.nc ${dirout}/summaxveget.nc cdo -L yearmonmean ${dirout}/summaxveget.nc ${dirout}/summaxvegetmean.nc cdo -L yearmonmean -selname,Areas,evap,evapnu,evapflo,inter,transpir,riverflow,coastalflow,rain,snowf,subli,snow,vegetfrac,DelSoilMoist_daily,DelIntercept_daily,DelSWE_daily,delstreamr_daily,delfastr_daily,delslowr_daily,delfloodr_daily,delpondr_daily,dellakevol_daily ${file_srf} ${dirout}/dq0_srf_${exp}_extracted_${year1}.nc cdo -L merge ${dirout}/summaxvegetmean.nc ${dirout}/contfrac.nc ${dirout}/dq0_srf_${exp}_extracted_${year1}.nc ${dirout}/dq_srf_${exp}_extracted_${year1}.nc done cdo -L mergetime ${dirout}/dq_srf_${exp}_extracted_????.nc ${dirout}/${filesrfout} rm -f ${dirout}/dq0_srf_${exp}_extracted_????.nc ${dirout}/dq_srf_${exp}_extracted_????.nc rm -f ${dirout}/contfrac.nc ${dirout}/maxveget.nc ${dirout}/summaxveget.nc fi #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo >> ${fileout} echo 'NOTE all numbers are in Sv (1 Sv = 10^6 m3/s) of freshwater' >> ${fileout} echo 'NOTE 0.001 Sv = 8.8 mm sea level rise per century' >> ${fileout} echo >> ${fileout} echo 'We are dealing with years from' $yearbeg 'to' $yearend ', or' $nbyear 'years'>> ${fileout} if [ $nbyear -lt 30 ] ; then echo 'WARNING: at least 30 years are needed for a good accuracy because of some approximations made' >> ${fileout} else echo 'This is good, the longer the more acurate because of some approximations made' >> ${fileout} fi echo >> ${fileout} echo 'TER=land OCE=ocean SIC=sea-ice LIC=land ice' >> ${fileout} echo >> ${fileout} # #--using daily data when possible, otherwise monthly file_atm_daybeg=$dir_atm_day$exp'_'$yearbeg'0101_????123?_1D_histday.nc' file_atm_dayend=$dir_atm_day$exp'_????0101_'$yearend'123?_1D_histday.nc' file_atm_mthbeg=$dir_atm_mth$exp'_'$yearbeg'0101_????123?_1M_histmth.nc' file_atm_mthend=$dir_atm_mth$exp'_????0101_'$yearend'123?_1M_histmth.nc' # file_srf_daybeg=$dir_srf_day$exp'_'$yearbeg'0101_????123?_1D_sechiba_history.nc' file_srf_dayend=$dir_srf_day$exp'_????0101_'$yearend'123?_1D_sechiba_history.nc' file_srf_mthbeg=$dir_srf_mth$exp'_'$yearbeg'0101_????123?_1M_sechiba_history.nc' file_srf_mthend=$dir_srf_mth$exp'_????0101_'$yearend'123?_1M_sechiba_history.nc' # file_oce_daybeg=$dir_oce_day$exp'_'$yearbeg'0101_????123?_1D_scalar.nc' file_oce_dayend=$dir_oce_day$exp'_????0101_'$yearend'123?_1D_scalar.nc' file_oce_mthbeg=$dir_oce_mth$exp'_'$yearbeg'0101_????123?_1M_scalar.nc' file_oce_mthend=$dir_oce_mth$exp'_????0101_'$yearend'123?_1M_scalar.nc' # file_ice_daybeg=$dir_ice_day$exp'_'$yearbeg'0101_????123?_1D_icemod.nc' file_ice_dayend=$dir_ice_day$exp'_????0101_'$yearend'123?_1D_icemod.nc' file_ice_mthbeg=$dir_ice_mth$exp'_'$yearbeg'0101_????123?_1M_icemod.nc' file_ice_mthend=$dir_ice_mth$exp'_????0101_'$yearend'123?_1M_icemod.nc' # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> ${fileout} echo '--NEMO change in stores (for the records)' >> ${fileout} #--note that the total number of days of the run should be diagnosed rather than assumed #--here the result is in Sv # #--change in ocean volume in freshwater equivalent if [ -e ${file_oce_daybeg} ]; then maxtimestep=`ncdump -h ${file_oce_dayend} | grep currently | grep -o -E '[0-9]+'` OCE_vol_daybeg=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -seltimestep,1 -selvar,scvoltot ${file_oce_daybeg}` OCE_vol_dayend=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -seltimestep,${maxtimestep} -selvar,scvoltot ${file_oce_dayend}` echo 'OCE vol beg =' ${OCE_vol_daybeg} >> ${fileout} echo 'OCE vol end =' ${OCE_vol_dayend} >> ${fileout} dOCE_vol=`python -c "print ${rho_oce}/${rho_liq}*(${OCE_vol_dayend}-${OCE_vol_daybeg})/${nbyear}/${nbdayinyr}/${day2sec}/1.e6"` else maxtimestep=`ncdump -h ${file_oce_mthend} | grep currently | grep -o -E '[0-9]+'` OCE_vol_mthbeg=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -seltimestep,1 -selvar,scvoltot ${file_oce_mthbeg}` OCE_vol_mthend=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -seltimestep,${maxtimestep} -selvar,scvoltot ${file_oce_mthend}` echo 'OCE vol beg =' ${OCE_vol_mthbeg} >> ${fileout} echo 'OCE vol end =' ${OCE_vol_mthend} >> ${fileout} dOCE_vol=`python -c "print ${rho_oce}/${rho_liq}*(${OCE_vol_mthend}-${OCE_vol_mthbeg})/${nbyear}/${nbdayinyr}/${day2sec}/1.e6"` fi echo 'These estimates of d OCE (converted to Sv) are approximate' >> ${fileout} echo 'd OCE vol (Sv) =' ${dOCE_vol} >> ${fileout} #-- #--computing sea-ice and snow-on-sea-ice volume #--it would be better to compute from daily files but for now only monthly files available #--here we get a volume of ice (m3 of ice) by multiplying depth with surface if [ -e ${file_ice_daybeg} ]; then echo >> ${fileout} else maxtimestep=`ncdump -h ${file_ice_mthend} | grep currently | grep -o -E '[0-9]+'` SIC_volice_mthbeg=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,1 -selvar,sivolu ${file_ice_mthbeg} -gridarea ${file_ice_mthbeg}` SIC_volice_mthend=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,${maxtimestep} -selvar,sivolu ${file_ice_mthend} -gridarea ${file_ice_mthend}` #--converting to freswater volume #--note that the total number of days of the run should be diagnosed rather than assumed dSIC_volice=`python -c "print ${rho_ice}/${rho_liq}*(${SIC_volice_mthend}-${SIC_volice_mthbeg})/${nbyear}/${nbdayinyr}/${day2sec}/1.e6"` #--same for snow on sea-ice (m3 on snow) SIC_volsno_mthbeg=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,1 -selvar,snvolu ${file_ice_mthbeg} -gridarea ${file_ice_mthbeg}` SIC_volsno_mthend=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,${maxtimestep} -selvar,snvolu ${file_ice_mthend} -gridarea ${file_ice_mthend}` #--converting to freswater volume #--so we get change in sea-ice and snow in Sv dSIC_volsno=`python -c "print ${rho_sno}/${rho_liq}*(${SIC_volsno_mthend}-${SIC_volsno_mthbeg})/${nbyear}/${nbdayinyr}/${day2sec}/1.e6"` fi echo 'd SIC ice (Sv) =' ${dSIC_volice} >> ${fileout} echo 'd SIC snow (Sv) =' ${dSIC_volsno} >> ${fileout} echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> ${fileout} echo '--NEMO fluxes (for the records)' >> ${fileout} # file=$dirout'/'$fileoceout echo EMP_OCE cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -selindexbox,2,361,1,331 -mul -timavg -selname,emp_oce ${file} -gridarea ${file} EMP_OCE=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -selindexbox,2,361,1,331 -mul -timavg -selname,emp_oce ${file} -gridarea ${file}` EMP_SIC=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -selindexbox,2,361,1,331 -mul -timavg -selname,emp_ice ${file} -gridarea ${file}` ICEBERG=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -selindexbox,2,361,1,331 -mul -timavg -selname,iceberg ${file} -gridarea ${file}` ICESHELF=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -selindexbox,2,361,1,331 -mul -timavg -selname,iceshelf ${file} -gridarea ${file}` CALVING=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -selindexbox,2,361,1,331 -mul -timavg -selname,calving ${file} -gridarea ${file}` FRIVER=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -selindexbox,2,361,1,331 -mul -timavg -selname,friver ${file} -gridarea ${file}` echo 'EMP_OCE=' $EMP_OCE >> ${fileout} echo 'EMP_OCE + CALVING=' `python -c "print $EMP_OCE + $CALVING"` >> ${fileout} echo 'EMP_SIC=' $EMP_SIC >> ${fileout} echo 'EMP_OCE + EMP_SIC + CALVING =' `python -c "print $EMP_OCE + $EMP_SIC + $CALVING"` >> ${fileout} echo 'ICEBERG =' $ICEBERG >> ${fileout} echo 'ICESHELF=' $ICESHELF >> ${fileout} echo 'CALVING =' $CALVING >> ${fileout} echo 'FRIVER =' $FRIVER >> ${fileout} echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> ${fileout} CREATED_OCESIC=`python -c "print ${dOCE_vol}+${dSIC_volice}+${dSIC_volsno}+${EMP_OCE}+${EMP_SIC}-${FRIVER}-${ICEBERG}-${ICESHELF}"` echo 'WATER CREATED BY OCE+SIC is computed as' >> ${fileout} echo 'dOCE_vol + dSIC_volice + dSIC_volsno + EMP_OCE + EMP_SIC - FRIVER - ICEBERG - ICESHELF' >> ${fileout} echo 'and should be as small as possible, ideally ~ 0.001 Sv over a 50 to 100 year period' >> ${fileout} echo 'WATER CREATED BY OCE+SIC=' ${CREATED_OCESIC} >> ${fileout} # echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> ${fileout} echo '--LMDZ changes in stores (for the records)' >> ${fileout} echo 'should be less than 0.001 Sv for prw and even smaller for cloud water' >> ${fileout} #--change in precipitable water from the atmosphere daily and monthly files #--compute sum weighted by gridcell area (kg/m2) then convert to Sv if [ -e ${file_atm_daybeg} ]; then maxtimestep=`ncdump -h ${file_atm_dayend} | grep currently | grep -o -E '[0-9]+'` ATM_prw_daybeg=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,1 -selvar,prw ${file_atm_daybeg} -gridarea ${file_atm_daybeg}` ATM_prw_dayend=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,${maxtimestep} -selvar,prw ${file_atm_dayend} -gridarea ${file_atm_dayend}` dATM_prw=`python -c "print (${ATM_prw_dayend}-${ATM_prw_daybeg})/${nbyear}/${nbdayinyr}/${day2sec}/1.e9"` #--now same with cloud liquid water (small term) ATM_prlw_daybeg=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,1 -selvar,prlw ${file_atm_daybeg} -gridarea ${file_atm_daybeg}` ATM_prlw_dayend=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,${maxtimestep} -selvar,prlw ${file_atm_dayend} -gridarea ${file_atm_dayend}` dATM_prlw=`python -c "print (${ATM_prlw_dayend}-${ATM_prlw_daybeg})/${nbyear}/${nbdayinyr}/${day2sec}/1.e9"` #--now same with cloud ice water (small term) ATM_prsw_daybeg=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,1 -selvar,prsw ${file_atm_daybeg} -gridarea ${file_atm_daybeg}` ATM_prsw_dayend=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,${maxtimestep} -selvar,prsw ${file_atm_dayend} -gridarea ${file_atm_dayend}` dATM_prsw=`python -c "print (${ATM_prsw_dayend}-${ATM_prsw_daybeg})/${nbyear}/${nbdayinyr}/${day2sec}/1.e9"` else maxtimestep=`ncdump -h ${file_atm_mthend} | grep currently | grep -o -E '[0-9]+'` ATM_prw_mthbeg=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,1 -selvar,prw ${file_atm_mthbeg} -gridarea ${file_atm_mthbeg}` ATM_prw_mthend=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,${maxtimestep} -selvar,prw ${file_atm_mthend} -gridarea ${file_atm_mthend}` dATM_prw=`python -c "print (${ATM_prw_mthend}-${ATM_prw_mthbeg})/${nbyear}/${nbdayinyr}/${day2sec}/1.e9"` # ATM_prlw_mthbeg=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,1 -selvar,prlw ${file_atm_mthbeg} -gridarea ${file_atm_mthbeg}` ATM_prlw_mthend=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,${maxtimestep} -selvar,prlw ${file_atm_mthend} -gridarea ${file_atm_mthend}` dATM_prlw=`python -c "print (${ATM_prlw_mthend}-${ATM_prlw_mthbeg})/${nbyear}/${nbdayinyr}/${day2sec}/1.e9"` # ATM_prsw_mthbeg=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,1 -selvar,prsw ${file_atm_mthbeg} -gridarea ${file_atm_mthbeg}` ATM_prsw_mthend=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,${maxtimestep} -selvar,prsw ${file_atm_mthend} -gridarea ${file_atm_mthend}` dATM_prsw=`python -c "print (${ATM_prsw_mthend}-${ATM_prsw_mthbeg})/${nbyear}/${nbdayinyr}/${day2sec}/1.e9"` # ATM_snowlic_mthbeg=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,1 -expr,'msnow*pourc_lic/100.' ${file_atm_mthbeg} -gridarea ${file_atm_mthbeg}` ATM_snowlic_mthend=`cdo -L outputf,%12.10g,10 -fldsum -mul -seltimestep,${maxtimestep} -expr,'msnow*pourc_lic/100.' ${file_atm_mthend} -gridarea ${file_atm_mthend}` dATM_snowlic=`python -c "print (${ATM_snowlic_mthend}-${ATM_snowlic_mthbeg})/${nbyear}/${nbdayinyr}/${day2sec}/1.e9"` fi echo 'd ATM from prw (Sv) =' ${dATM_prw} >> ${fileout} echo 'd ATM from prlw (Sv) =' ${dATM_prlw} >> ${fileout} echo 'd ATM from prsw (Sv) =' ${dATM_prsw} >> ${fileout} dATM_tot=`python -c "print ${dATM_prw}+${dATM_prlw}+${dATM_prsw}"` # echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> ${fileout} echo '--LMDZ fluxes (for the records)' >> ${fileout} #--defining atmospheric file file=${dirout}/${fileatmout} # #--atmospheric fluxes (converted to Sv) PREC=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=precip' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` RAIN_OCE=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=wrain_oce' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` RAIN_SIC=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=wrain_sic' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` RAIN_TER=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=wrain_ter' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` RAIN_LIC=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=wrain_lic' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` SNOW=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=snow' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` SNOW_OCE=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=wsnow_oce' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` SNOW_SIC=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=wsnow_sic' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` SNOW_TER=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=wsnow_ter' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` SNOW_LIC=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=wsnow_lic' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` EVAP=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=evap' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` EVAP_OCE=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=wevap_oce' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` EVAP_SIC=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=wevap_sic' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` EVAP_TER=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=wevap_ter' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` EVAP_LIC=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=wevap_lic' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` #--better to compute precip-evap then sum (rather than the other way around) PRECMINUSEVAP=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=precip-evap' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` echo 'PRECIP - EVAP should be < 0.0001 Sv' >> ${fileout} echo 'PRECIP - EVAP (Sv) =' ${PREC} '-' ${EVAP} '=' ${PRECMINUSEVAP} >> ${fileout} echo 'Next three lines are optional' >> ${fileout} echo 'Numbers come in this order OCE + SIC + TER + LIC = TOTAL' >> ${fileout} echo 'RAIN by tile and total (Sv) =' ${RAIN_OCE} '+' ${RAIN_SIC} '+' ${RAIN_TER} '+' ${RAIN_LIC} '=' \ `python -c "print ${RAIN_OCE}+${RAIN_SIC}+${RAIN_TER}+${RAIN_LIC}"` >> ${fileout} echo 'SNOW by tile and total (Sv) =' ${SNOW_OCE} '+' ${SNOW_SIC} '+' ${SNOW_TER} '+' ${SNOW_LIC} '=' \ `python -c "print ${SNOW_OCE}+${SNOW_SIC}+${SNOW_TER}+${SNOW_LIC}"` >> ${fileout} echo 'EVAP by tile and total (Sv) =' ${EVAP_OCE} '+' ${EVAP_SIC} '+' ${EVAP_TER} '+' ${EVAP_LIC} '=' \ `python -c "print ${EVAP_OCE}+${EVAP_SIC}+${EVAP_TER}+${EVAP_LIC}"` >> ${fileout} #--water budget by surface type as seen from atmosphere echo 'Net water budget (evap-precip) by land surface type in LMDz' >> ${fileout} BILO_TER=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -selvar,wbilo_ter ${file} -gridarea ${file}` echo 'BILO TER (Sv)=' $BILO_TER >> ${fileout} BILO_OCE=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -selvar,wbilo_oce ${file} -gridarea ${file}` echo 'BILO OCE (Sv)=' $BILO_OCE >> ${fileout} BILO_SIC=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -selvar,wbilo_sic ${file} -gridarea ${file}` echo 'BILO SIC (Sv)=' $BILO_SIC >> ${fileout} BILO_LIC=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -selvar,wbilo_lic ${file} -gridarea ${file}` echo 'BILO LIC (Sv)=' $BILO_LIC >> ${fileout} BILO_tot=`python -c "print $BILO_TER+$BILO_OCE+$BILO_SIC+$BILO_LIC"` >> ${fileout} echo 'The BILO tot diag below should be similar (+/-5e-6) to PRECIP-EVAP above but with opposite sign' >> ${fileout} echo 'BILO tot (Sv)=' $BILO_tot >> ${fileout} echo 'The BILO OCE+SIC diag below should be the same (within <0.001 Sv) as EMP_OCE+EMP_ICE+CALVING above ' >> ${fileout} echo 'BILO OCE+SIC (Sv)=' `python -c "print $BILO_OCE+$BILO_SIC"` >> ${fileout} #--here we add PRLW and PRSW when they exist but these are small CREATED_ATM=`python -c "print ${PRECMINUSEVAP}+${dATM_prw}+${dATM_prlw}+${dATM_prsw}"` echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> ${fileout} echo 'Water created in LMDZ should be < 0.001 Sv' >> ${fileout} echo 'WATER_CREATED_IN_ATM (Sv)=' ${CREATED_ATM} >> ${fileout} echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> ${fileout} # echo '--LIC change in store and fluxes' >> ${fileout} #--water going to the ocean RUNOFFLIC=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=runofflic*pourc_lic/100.' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` echo 'Atmospheric calving can be different from that reaching the ocean because there is a buffer' >> ${fileout} echo 'CALVING atm (Sv)=' $RUNOFFLIC >> ${fileout} dLIC_tot=`python -c "print -${BILO_LIC}-${RUNOFFLIC}"` echo 'd LIC (Sv) = ' ${dLIC_tot} >> ${fileout} #--by construction CREATED_LIC=0 echo 'd LIC diagnosed from msnow (Sv) = ' ${dATM_snowlic} >> ${fileout} # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--SECHIBA budgets file=${dirout}/${filesrfout} echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> ${fileout} echo '--SECHIBA change in stores' >> ${fileout} #--changes in reservoirs - from tendencies dSoilHum_in_Sv=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=(maxvegetfrac*DelSoilMoist_daily)*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` dInterce_in_Sv=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=DelIntercept_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` dSWE_in_Sv=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=DelSWE_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` dStream_in_Sv=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=delstreamr_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` dFastR_in_Sv=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=delfastr_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` dSlowR_in_Sv=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=delslowr_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` dFlood_in_Sv=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=delfloodr_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` dPond_in_Sv=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=delpondr_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` dLake_in_Sv=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=dellakevol_daily*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` echo 'dSTOCK Soil Hum (Sv) =' $dSoilHum_in_Sv >> ${fileout} echo 'dSTOCK Intercept (Sv) =' $dInterce_in_Sv >> ${fileout} echo 'dSTOCK Snow (Sv) =' $dSWE_in_Sv >> ${fileout} echo 'dSTOCK Stream (Sv) =' $dStream_in_Sv >> ${fileout} echo 'dSTOCK FastR (Sv) =' $dFastR_in_Sv >> ${fileout} echo 'dSTOCK SlowR (Sv) =' $dSlowR_in_Sv >> ${fileout} echo 'dSTOCK Lake (Sv) =' $dLake_in_Sv >> ${fileout} echo 'dSTOCK Pond (Sv) =' $dPond_in_Sv >> ${fileout} echo 'dSTOCK Flood (Sv) =' $dFlood_in_Sv >> ${fileout} dSRF_tot=`python -c "print $dSoilHum_in_Sv+$dInterce_in_Sv+$dSWE_in_Sv+$dStream_in_Sv+$dFastR_in_Sv+$dSlowR_in_Sv+$dLake_in_Sv+$dPond_in_Sv+$dFlood_in_Sv"` echo 'dSTOCK Total (Sv) =' ${dSRF_tot} >> ${fileout} # echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> ${fileout} echo '--SECHIBA fluxes' >> ${fileout} EVAP_SRF=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -selvar,evap ${file} -gridarea ${file}` echo 'EVAP SRF (Sv)=' ${EVAP_SRF} >> ${fileout} EVAPNU_SRF=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -selvar,evapnu ${file} -gridarea ${file}` EVAPFL_SRF=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -selvar,evapflo ${file} -gridarea ${file}` SUBLIM_SRF=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -selvar,subli ${file} -gridarea ${file}` TRANSP_SRF=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -vertsum -selvar,transpir ${file} -gridarea ${file}` INTERC_SRF=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -vertsum -selvar,inter ${file} -gridarea ${file}` echo 'This diagnoses how different is EVAP from the sum of known terms in SECHIBA' >> ${fileout} echo 'The terms are evap bare soil, evap flooding plains, sublimation, transpiration, interception' >> ${fileout} echo 'The difference with EVAP SRF should be small <0.0001 Sv' >> ${fileout} echo 'EVAP TERMS SRF=' $EVAPNU_SRF '+' $EVAPFL_SRF '+' $SUBLIM_SRF '+' $TRANSP_SRF '+' $INTERC_SRF >> ${fileout} echo 'EVAP TOTAL SRF=' `python -c "print ${EVAPNU_SRF}+${EVAPFL_SRF}+${SUBLIM_SRF}+${TRANSP_SRF}+${INTERC_SRF}"` >> ${fileout} # echo 'RAINFALL SRF=' `cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=rain*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` >> ${fileout} echo 'SNOWFALL SRF=' `cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=snowf*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` >> ${fileout} IN_SRF=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e9 -divc,${day2sec} -fldsum -mul -timavg -expr,'toto=(rain+snowf-evap)*Contfrac' ${file} -gridarea ${file}` echo 'The SECH NET SRF (precip - evap over land) should be the same as BILO TER above but opposite sign' >> ${fileout} echo 'SECH NET SRF=' ${IN_SRF} >> ${fileout} # #--flow to ocean (Sv) FLOW=`cdo -L outputf,%12.8g,8 -divc,1.e6 -fldsum -timavg -expr,'toto=coastalflow+riverflow' ${file}` echo 'FLOW to the ocean should the same (<0.0001 Sv) as FRIVER above' >> ${fileout} echo 'FLOW to ocean (Sv)=' ${FLOW} >> ${fileout} echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> ${fileout} #--budget of SRF alltogether CREATED_SRF=`python -c "print ${FLOW}-${IN_SRF}+${dSRF_tot}"` echo 'Created water by ORCHIDEE should be < 0.0001 Sv' >> ${fileout} echo 'WATER CREATED BY ORCHIDEE=' ${FLOW} '-' ${IN_SRF} '+' ${dSRF_tot} '=' ${CREATED_SRF} >> ${fileout} # echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> ${fileout} echo 'SUMMARY' >> ${fileout} echo 'd ATM (Sv) =' ${dATM_tot} >> ${fileout} echo 'd LIC (Sv) =' ${dLIC_tot} >> ${fileout} echo 'd SRF (Sv) =' ${dSRF_tot} >> ${fileout} echo 'd OCE (Sv) =' ${dOCE_vol} >> ${fileout} echo 'd SIC ice (Sv) =' ${dSIC_volice} >> ${fileout} echo 'd SIC snow (Sv) =' ${dSIC_volsno} >> ${fileout} CREATED_TOT1=`python -c "print ${dATM_tot}+${dLIC_tot}+${dSRF_tot}+${dOCE_vol}+${dSIC_volice}+${dSIC_volsno}"` CREATED_TOT2=`python -c "print ${CREATED_OCESIC}+${CREATED_SRF}+${CREATED_ATM}+${CREATED_LIC}"` echo 'Two different diagnostics of created water rate in the coupled model' >> ${fileout} echo 'should be < 0.003 Sv in the current state of affairs' >> ${fileout} echo 'WATER CREATED TOTAL (Sv) =' ${CREATED_TOT1} >> ${fileout} echo 'WATER CREATED TOTAL (Sv) =' ${CREATED_TOT2} >> ${fileout} echo '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' >> ${fileout}