#!/bin/ksh #************************************************************** # Author: Martial Mancip # Contact: Martial.Mancip__at__ipsl.jussieu.fr # $Revision:: $ Revision of last commit # $Author:: $ Author of last commit # $Date:: $ Date of last commit # IPSL (2006) # This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see libIGCM/libIGCM_CeCILL.LIC # #************************************************************** # Documentation : # This script gives an analyse of LAST configuration from mod.def downloaded by model command. # # It will create shell variables : # The list of components of the configuration : ModelComponents / NbComponents # And for each components : # - The tags or branch name : ModelTags # - The version control system name : ModelSystems # - The version control server address and login : ModelServers # - The version control server directory for this version : ModelDirectories # - The modipsl local directory : ModelLocalDirs typeset sizelog thedate logfile mymodel i NbModelCommands NbModelNames logfile=${MODIPSL}/util/log set -A ListModelCommands -- $( cat ${logfile} | grep '\./model' | sed -e 's& &::&g') printDebugArray ListModelCommands NbModelCommands=${#ListModelCommands[@]} set -A ListModelNames -- $( cat ${logfile} | grep '\-\-\-\ Model' | sed -e 's&.*: *&&' ) printDebugArray ListModelNames NbModelNames=${#ListModelNames[@]} if [ ${NbModelCommands} -ne ${NbModelNames} ] ; then echo "Error with $0 script. number of model calls ${NbModelCommands} is not equal to model name ${NbModelNames} in util/log file." exit 1 fi set -A ListModelDates -- $( cat ${logfile} | grep '\./model' | sed -e 's&\ \./model .*&&' | sed -e 's&/&-&g' | sed -e 's& &_&g' ) printDebugArray ListModelDates #set -A ListModelDates -- $( cat ${logfile} | grep '\./model' | sed -e 's&\ \./model .*&&' | sed -e 's&^\(.*\)&"\1"&g' | xargs date +%g-%m-%d_%R:%S -d ) # We only use the last call to model here ! (( ModelNum = NbModelCommands - 1 )) (( i = 0 )) for mymodel in ${ListModelNames[@]}; do thedate=$( echo ${ListModelDates[$i]} | sed -e "s&_& &g" | sed -e "s&-&/&g") # echo $model $i ${ListModelDates[$i]} $thedate ListLineModels[$i]=$( grep -ni "${thedate}" ${logfile} | sed -e "s&^\([0-9]*\):.*&\1&" ) (( i = i + 1 )) done printDebugArray ListLineModels sizelog=$( wc -l ${logfile} | sed -e 's&^\([0-9]*\).*&\1&' ) LastModelFile=log_${ModelNum} tail --lines=$(( sizelog - ListLineModels[${ModelNum}] + 1 )) ${logfile} > ${LastModelFile} set -A ModelComponents -- $( cat ${LastModelFile} | grep '\-\-\-\ Component *: ' | sed -e 's&--- Component *: \(.*\)&\1&' ) printDebugArray ModelComponents NbComponents=${#ModelComponents[@]} set -A ModelTags -- $( cat ${LastModelFile} | grep '\-\-\-\ Tag *: ' | sed -e 's&--- Tag *: \(.*\)&\1&' ) printDebugArray ModelTags set -A ModelSystems -- $( cat ${LastModelFile} | grep '\-\-\-\ System *: ' | sed -e 's&--- System *: \(.*\)&\1&' ) printDebugArray ModelSystems set -A ModelServers -- $( cat ${LastModelFile} | grep '\-\-\-\ Server *: ' | sed -e 's&--- Server *: \(.*\)&\1&' ) printDebugArray ModelServers set -A ModelDirectories -- $( cat ${LastModelFile} | grep '\-\-\-\ Directory *: ' | sed -e 's&--- Directory *: \(.*\)&\1&' ) printDebugArray ModelDirectories set -A ModelLocalDirs -- $( cat ${LastModelFile} | grep '\-\-\-\ Local Dir *: ' | sed -e 's&--- Local Dir *: \(.*\)&\1&' ) printDebugArray ModelLocalDirs rm ${LastModelFile} rm ${logfile}