02/05/10 10:25:13 (14 years ago)

Modified LMDZ4OR_v3 configuration to fit with IPSLCM5_v2 coupled
Now, LMDZ4OR_work is the working configuration using trunk of LMDZ and
LMDZ4OR_v2 fits with IPSLCM4_v2 coupled configuration.
Modifications :

  • compilation of LMD9695-L39 resolution by default
  • modified *.card, *.driver and *.def to fit with IPSLCM5_v2
  • added SBG component (like IPSLCM5_v2)
  • added POST directory
5 added
10 edited


  • CONFIG/LMDZOR/branches/LMDZ4OR_v3/LMDZOR/COMP/lmdz.card

    r855 r882  
     1# $Id$ 
    68# If noting is defined here, the job will get the JobName in the file  ../CREATE/config.card 
    9 # adjust=y during LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust Period, adjust=n after LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust 
    1113# LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 
    2224# With AR5 ozone(tropo + strato from LMDZOR-INCA-REPROBUS simulations) 
    2325ListNonDel= (${R_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${CREATE}/ATM/Output/Boundary/${CREATE}_clim_limit.nc, limit.nc),\ 
    24             (${R_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${CREATE}/ATM/Output/Boundary/${CREATE}_climoz_LMDZ.nc, climoz_LMDZ.nc),\ 
     26            (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/climoz_LMDZ_1995.nc, climoz_LMDZ.nc),\ 
    2527            (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/aerosols_11YearsClim_1995.nc, aerosols1980.nc),\ 
    2628            (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/aerosols_11YearsClim_1860.nc, aerosols.nat.nc) 
    2931List=   (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def_L${RESOL_ATM_Z}, physiq.def), \ 
    30         (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM_3D},    gcm.def),    \ 
     32        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM_3D}, gcm.def), \ 
    3133        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/run.def, .), \ 
    3234        (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def, .) 
    39 List=   (physiq.def, gcm.def, run.def, traceur.def) 
     41List=   (physiq.def, gcm.def, run.def, traceur.def, used_run.def) 
    5052Patches= (Patch_20091030_histcom_time_axis) 
    5153GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, aire) 
    52 TimeSeriesVars = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, iwp, lwp, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, LWupSFCclr, LWdn200, LWdn200clr, LWup200, LWup200clr, precip, prw, pluc, psol, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, snow, soll0, soll, sols0, sols, SWdnSFC, SWupSFC, SWup200, SWdnTOA, SWupTOA, SWdn200, SWdnSFCclr, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOAclr, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, taux_ter, taux_sic, taux_lic, taux_oce, tauy_ter, tauy_sic, tauy_lic, tauy_oce, lat_ter, lat_sic, lat_lic, lat_oce, topl0, topl, tops0, tops, topswad, topswai, tsol, tsol_ter, tsol_lic, tsol_oce, tsol_sic , u10m, u500, v10m, v500, w500, pourc_ter, pourc_oce, pourc_sic, pourc_lic) 
     54TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, iwp, lwp, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, LWupSFCclr, LWdn200, LWdn200clr, LWup200, LWup200clr, precip, prw, pluc, psol, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, snow, soll0, soll, sols0, sols, SWdnSFC, SWupSFC, SWup200, SWdnTOA, SWupTOA, SWdn200, SWdnSFCclr, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOAclr, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, taux_ter, taux_sic, taux_lic, taux_oce, tauy_ter, tauy_sic, tauy_lic, tauy_oce, lat_ter, lat_sic, lat_lic, lat_oce, topl0, topl, tops0, tops, topswad, topswai, tsol, tsol_ter, tsol_lic, tsol_oce, tsol_sic , u10m, u500, v10m, v500, w500, pourc_ter, pourc_oce, pourc_sic, pourc_lic) 
     55ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     56TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
     57ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    5560Patches = () 
    5661GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, aire) 
    57 TimeSeriesVars = (temp, phi, q, u, v, rh) 
     62TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
     63ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     64TimeSeriesVars3D = (temp, phi, q, u, v, rh) 
     65ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    6068Patches= (Patch_20091030_histcom_time_axis) 
    6169GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, aire) 
    62 TimeSeriesVars=() 
     71ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     72TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
     73ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    6576Patches = () 
    6677GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) 
    67 TimeSeriesVars = () 
     78TimeSeriesVars2D = () 
     79ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     80TimeSeriesVars3D = () 
     81ChunckJob3D = NONE 
    7084Patches= (Patch_20091030_histcom_time_axis) 
    7185GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) 
    72 TimeSeriesVars = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, iwp, lwp, phi500, precip, pluc, plul, prw, psol, rh2m, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, soll, sols, SWdnSFC, taux, tauy, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, tops, tsol, u10m, v10m, wind10m, wind10max, u850, v850, w850, phi850, q850, t850, u700, v700, w700, phi700, q700, t700, u500, v500, w500, phi500, q500, t500, u200, v200, w200, phi200, q200, t200) 
     86TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, iwp, lwp, phi500, precip, pluc, plul, prw, psol, rh2m, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, soll, sols, SWdnSFC, taux, tauy, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, tops, tsol, u10m, v10m, wind10m, wind10max, u850, v850, w850, phi850, q850, t850, u700, v700, w700, phi700, q700, t700, u500, v500, w500, phi500, q500, t500, u200, v200, w200, phi200, q200, t200) 
     87ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     88TimeSeriesVars3D = (temp, theta, ovap, ovapinit, geop, vitu, vitv, vitw, pres) 
     89ChunckJob3D = 50Y 
    7592Patches= (Patch_20091030_histcom_time_axis) 
    7693GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) 
    77 TimeSeriesVars = (cldt, psol, q2m, slp, SWnetOR, SWdownOR, LWdownOR, precip, pluc, plul, prw, t2m, tsol, u10m, v10m, t1000, t925, t850, t700, t500, t300, t250, t200, t150, t100, t50, t30, t10, u1000, u925, u850, u700, u500, u300, u250, u200, u150, u100, u50, u30, u10, v1000, v925, v850, v700, v500, v300, v250, v200, v150, v100, v50, v30, v10, phi1000, phi925, phi850, phi700, phi500, phi300, phi250, phi200, phi150, phi100, phi50, phi30, phi10, w1000, w925, w850, w700, w500, w300, w250, w200, w150, w100, w50, w30, w10, q1000, q925, q850, q700, q500, q300, q250, q200, q150, q100, q50, q30, q10) 
     94TimeSeriesVars2D = (cldt, psol, q2m, slp, SWnetOR, SWdownOR, LWdownOR, precip, pluc, plul, prw, t2m, tsol, u10m, v10m, t1000, t925, t850, t700, t500, t300, t250, t200, t150, t100, t50, t30, t10, u1000, u925, u850, u700, u500, u300, u250, u200, u150, u100, u50, u30, u10, v1000, v925, v850, v700, v500, v300, v250, v200, v150, v100, v50, v30, v10, phi1000, phi925, phi850, phi700, phi500, phi300, phi250, phi200, phi150, phi100, phi50, phi30, phi10, w1000, w925, w850, w700, w500, w300, w250, w200, w150, w100, w50, w30, w10, q1000, q925, q850, q700, q500, q300, q250, q200, q150, q100, q50, q30, q10) 
     95ChunckJob2D = 30Y 
     96TimeSeriesVars3D = (temp, theta, ovap, ovapinit, vitu, vitv) 
     97ChunckJob3D = 10Y 
  • CONFIG/LMDZOR/branches/LMDZ4OR_v3/LMDZOR/COMP/lmdz.driver

    r855 r882  
     1# $Id$ 
    6264    PAT_ecrit_mth=$(   grep -v ^# ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def_L${RESOL_ATM_Z}  | grep 'ecrit_mth='   ) 
    6365    PAT_ecrit_ISCCP=$( grep -v ^# ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def_L${RESOL_ATM_Z}  | grep 'ecrit_ISCCP=' ) 
    6467    ##--Variables used by LMDZ in gcm.def -- 
    6568    PAT_iphysiq=$(   grep -v ^# ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM_3D} | grep iphysiq  ) 
    166169    IGCM_sys_Mv run.def.tmp run.def 
     171    ## Read ByPass_hgardfou_teta option in ${compname}.card --> divide teta* by 2 if [ $ByPass_hgardfou_teta = 1 ] 
     172    IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices ByPass_hgardfou_teta 
     173    eval ByPass_hgardfou_teta=\${${compname}_UserChoices_ByPass_hgardfou_teta} > /dev/null 2>&1 
     174    if [ ${ByPass_hgardfou_teta} = y ] ; then 
     175        awk '{ if ($0 ~ /^teta.*=/) {split($0,a,"=") ; print a[1]"="a[2]/2"."} else print $0}' gcm.def > gcm.def.tmp 
     176        IGCM_sys_Mv gcm.def.tmp gcm.def 
     177        echo 
     178        IGCM_debug_Print 1 "ByPass_hgardfou_teta : ^teta*/2 in gcm.def" 
     179        echo 
     180        cat gcm.def 
     181        ByPass_hgardfou_teta=n 
     182        IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices ByPass_hgardfou_teta "${ByPass_hgardfou_teta}" 
     183    fi 
     185    ## Read ByPass_hgardfou_mats option in ${compname}.card --> purmats=y 2 if [ $ByPass_hgardfou_mats = 1 ] 
     186    IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices ByPass_hgardfou_mats 
     187    eval ByPass_hgardfou_mats=\${${compname}_UserChoices_ByPass_hgardfou_mats} > /dev/null 2>&1 
     188    if [ ${ByPass_hgardfou_mats} = y ] ; then 
     189        sed -e "s/^purmats=.*/purmats=y/" gcm.def > gcm.def.tmp 
     190        IGCM_sys_Mv gcm.def.tmp gcm.def 
     191        echo 
     192        IGCM_debug_Print 1 "ByPass_hgardfou_mats : purmats=y in gcm.def" 
     193        echo 
     194        cat gcm.def 
     195        ByPass_hgardfou_mats=n 
     196        IGCM_card_WriteOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices ByPass_hgardfou_mats "${ByPass_hgardfou_mats}" 
     197    fi 
    168199    IGCM_debug_PopStack "ATM_Update" 
  • CONFIG/LMDZOR/branches/LMDZ4OR_v3/LMDZOR/COMP/orchidee.card

    r725 r882  
    9 List=   (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/carteveg5km.nc, .), \ 
    10         (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/soils_param.nc, .), \ 
    11         (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/routing.nc, .) 
    12 #       (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/PFTmap.1980.nc, pft_new.nc) 
     11List=   (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/soils_param.nc, .), \ 
     12        (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/routing.nc, .), \ 
     13        (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/PFTmap_IPCC_2000.nc, PFTmap.nc) 
    1516List=   () 
    16 ListNonDel= (${R_BC}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/lai2D.nc, .) 
    17 # For STOMATE : suppress unused lai file and add reftemp file 
    18 #            (${R_BC}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/reftemp.nc, .) 
     17ListNonDel= () 
    24 List=   (sechiba_rest.nc, sechiba_rest.nc, start_sech.nc) 
    25 # For STOMATE :  
    26 #  \ 
    27 #       (stomate_rest_out.nc, stomate_rest.nc, stomate_rest_in.nc) 
     23# List restart that have to be saved/restored each loop (file out, saved, and in) : 
     24List=   (sechiba_rest_out.nc, sechiba_rest.nc, sechiba_rest_in.nc) 
    33 List=   (sechiba_out.nc, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_sechiba_history.nc, Post_1M_sechiba_history) 
    34 # For STOMATE :  
    35 #  \ 
    36 #       (stomate_history.nc, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_stomate_history.nc, Post_1M_stomate_history)  \ 
    37 #       (stomate_Cforcing.nc, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}_stomate_Cforcing.nc, NONE) \ 
    38 #       (stomate_forcing.nc, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}_stomate_forcing.nc, NONE) 
    40 #       (orchidee_watchout.nc, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_orchidee_watchout.nc, NONE) \ 
     30List=   (sechiba_history.nc, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_sechiba_history.nc, Post_1M_sechiba_history) \ 
     31        (sechiba_out_2.nc, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_sechiba_out2.nc, NONE) \ 
     32        (watchout.nc, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_watchout.nc, NONE) 
    43 Patches = (Patch_20090407_histcom_time_axis) 
    44 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, veget, time_counter, Areas) 
    45 TimeSeriesVars = (alb_nir, alb_vis, bqsb, evap, fluxlat, fluxsens, gqsb, netrad, qair, lai, rain, runoff, snow, snowf, snownobio, subli, tair, temp_sol, tsol_max, tsol_min, drainage) 
    47 [Post_1M_stomate_history] 
    48 Patches = () 
    49 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, PFT, time_counter) 
     35Patches = (Patch_20091030_histcom_time_axis) 
     36GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, veget, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac) 
     37TimeSeriesVars2D = (nobiofrac, alb_nir, alb_vis, bqsb, evap, fluxlat, fluxsens, gqsb, netrad, qair, rain, runoff, snow, snownobio, snowf, subli, tair, temp_sol, tsol_max, tsol_min, drainage) 
     38ChunckJob2D = NONE 
     39TimeSeriesVars3D = (lai, maxvegetfrac, vegetfrac, CO2FLUX) 
     40ChunckJob3D = NONE 
  • CONFIG/LMDZOR/branches/LMDZ4OR_v3/LMDZOR/COMP/orchidee.driver

    r776 r882  
     1# $Id$ 
    6769    esac 
     71    ORCHIDEE_sed HYDROL_CWRR ${orchidee_UserChoices_NEWHYDROL} 
     74    ORCHIDEE_sed SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL ${orchidee_UserChoices_sechiba_LEVEL} 
    7176##    if [ ${year} -eq 1950 ] ; then 
    7580##    fi 
    77     if ( [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] && [ "${config_SRF_Restart}" = "n" ] ) ; then 
    78         ORCHIDEE_sed SECHIBA_reset_time y 
    79     else 
    80         ORCHIDEE_sed SECHIBA_restart_in start_sech.nc 
    81         ORCHIDEE_sed SECHIBA_reset_time y 
     82    if ( [ ${CumulPeriod} -ne 1 ] || [ "${config_SRF_Restart}" != "n" ] ) ; then 
     83        ORCHIDEE_sed SECHIBA_restart_in sechiba_rest_in.nc 
    8284    fi 
  • CONFIG/LMDZOR/branches/LMDZ4OR_v3/LMDZOR/PARAM/gcm.def_144x96x19

    r764 r882  
    1010## nombre d'iterations de l'operateur de dissipation   gradiv 
    11 nitergdiv=1 
    1212## nombre d'iterations de l'operateur de dissipation  nxgradrot 
    5454##  Fonction  f(y) avec y = Sin(latit.) si = .true. , sinon y = latit.          
     56## Facteur multiplication des precip convectives dans KE 
     58##  Facteur additif pour l'albedo 
  • CONFIG/LMDZOR/branches/LMDZ4OR_v3/LMDZOR/PARAM/gcm.def_72x45x19

    r764 r882  
    1010## nombre d'iterations de l'operateur de dissipation   gradiv 
    11 nitergdiv=1 
    1212## nombre d'iterations de l'operateur de dissipation  nxgradrot 
    5454##  Fonction  f(y) avec y = Sin(latit.) si = .true. , sinon y = latit.          
     56## Facteur multiplication des precip convectives dans KE 
     58##  Facteur additif pour l'albedo 
  • CONFIG/LMDZOR/branches/LMDZ4OR_v3/LMDZOR/PARAM/orchidee.def

    r765 r882  
     3#                    Namelist for ORCHIDEE 
    3 # Parameter file for LMDZ4OR_v2 configuration 
    4 # See comments : http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/ 
     8#          OPTIONS NOT SET 
    7 # STOMATE_OK_STOMATE is not set 
    8 # STOMATE_OK_DGVM is not set 
    9 # STOMATE_WATCHOUT is not set 
    10 SECHIBA_restart_in=default 
    11 SECHIBA_rest_out=sechiba_rest.nc 
    12 SECHIBA_reset_time=y 
    14 OUTPUT_FILE=sechiba_out.nc 
    15 WRITE_STEP=2592000 
     13#          Management of display in the run of ORCHIDEE 
     16# Model chatting level 
     17# level of online diagnostics in STOMATE (0-4) 
     18# With this variable, you can determine how much online information STOMATE 
     19#  gives during the run. 0 means virtually no info. 
     20BAVARD = 1 
     21# default = 1 
     23# Flag for debug information 
     24# This option allows to switch on the output of debug 
     25#         information without recompiling the code. 
     26DEBUG_INFO = n 
     27#default = n 
     29# ORCHIDEE will print more messages 
     30# This flag permits to print more debug messages in the run. 
     31LONGPRINT = n 
     32#default = n 
     36# To reset the time coming from SECHIBA restart file 
     37# This option allows the model to override the time 
     38#  found in the restart file of SECHIBA with the time 
     39#  of the first call. That is the restart time of the GCM. 
     40SECHIBA_reset_time = y 
     41# default = n 
     44#          Files : incoming / forcing / restart /output 
     46# Ancillary files : 
     49# Name of file from which the vegetation map is to be read 
     50# If !IMPOSE_VEG 
     51# If LAND_USE  
     52#   default = pft_new.nc 
     53#   The name of the file to be opened to read a vegetation 
     54#   map (in pft) is to be given here.  
     55# If !LAND_USE 
     56#   default = ../surfmap/carteveg5km.nc 
     57#   The name of the file to be opened to read the vegetation 
     58#   map is to be given here. Usualy SECHIBA runs with a 5kmx5km 
     59#   map which is derived from the IGBP one. We assume that we have 
     60#   a classification in 87 types. This is Olson modified by Viovy. 
     61VEGETATION_FILE = PFTmap.nc 
     64# Name of file from which the bare soil albedo 
     65# If !IMPOSE_AZE 
     66# The name of the file to be opened to read the soil types from  
     67#  which we derive then the bare soil albedos. This file is 1x1  
     68#  deg and based on the soil colors defined by Wilson and Henderson-Seller. 
     69SOILALB_FILE = soils_param.nc 
     70# default = ../surfmap/soils_param.nc 
     72# Name of file from which soil types are read 
     73# If !IMPOSE_VEG 
     74# The name of the file to be opened to read the soil types.  
     75#  The data from this file is then interpolated to the grid of 
     76#  of the model. The aim is to get fractions for sand loam and 
     77#  clay in each grid box. This information is used for soil hydrology 
     78#  and respiration. 
     79SOILTYPE_FILE = soils_param.nc 
     80# default = ../surfmap/soils_param.nc 
     82# Name of file from which the reference 
     83# The name of the file to be opened to read 
     84#  temperature is read 
     85#  the reference surface temperature. 
     86#  The data from this file is then interpolated 
     87#  to the grid of the model. 
     88#  The aim is to get a reference temperature either 
     89#  to initialize the corresponding prognostic model 
     90#  variable correctly (ok_dgvm = TRUE) or to impose it 
     91#  as boundary condition (ok_dgvm = FALSE) 
     92REFTEMP_FILE = reftemp.nc 
     93# default = reftemp.nc 
     95# Input and output restart file for SECHIBA : 
     98# Name of restart to READ for initial conditions 
     99# This is the name of the file which will be opened 
     100#  to extract the initial values of all prognostic 
     101#  values of the model. This has to be a netCDF file. 
     102#  Not truly COADS compliant. NONE will mean that 
     103#  no restart file is to be expected. 
     104SECHIBA_restart_in = NONE 
     105# default = NONE 
     107# Name of restart files to be created by SECHIBA 
     108# This variable give the name for the restart files.  
     109#  The restart software within IOIPSL will add .nc if needed. 
     110SECHIBA_rest_out = sechiba_rest_out.nc 
     111# default = sechiba_rest_out.nc 
     113# Input and output restart file for STOMATE : 
     116# Name of restart to READ for initial conditions of STOMATE 
     118# This is the name of the file which will be opened of STOMATE 
     119#   to extract the initial values of all prognostic values of STOMATE. 
     121# default = NONE 
     123# Name of restart files to be created by STOMATE 
     125# This is the name of the file which will be opened 
     126#        to write the final values of all prognostic values 
     127#        of STOMATE. 
     128STOMATE_RESTART_FILEOUT = stomate_rest_out.nc 
     129# default = stomate_restart.nc 
     131# Forcing files for TESTSTOMATE and FORCESOIL 
     134# Name of STOMATE's forcing file 
     135# Name that will be given to STOMATE's offline forcing file 
     136#STOMATE_FORCING_NAME = stomate_forcing.nc 
     137#default = NONE 
     139# Size of STOMATE forcing data in memory (MB) 
     140# This variable determines how many 
     141#  forcing states will be kept in memory. 
     142#  Must be a compromise between memory 
     143#  use and frequeny of disk access. 
     145# default = 50 
     147# Name of STOMATE's carbon forcing file 
     148# Name that will be given to STOMATE's carbon offline forcing file 
     149#STOMATE_CFORCING_NAME = stomate_Cforcing.nc 
     150# default = NONE 
     153# Produced forcing file name (SECHIBA puis STOMATE) : 
     156# ORCHIDEE will write out its forcing to a file 
     157# This flag allows to write to a file all the variables 
     158#  which are used to force the land-surface. The file  
     159#  has exactly the same format than a normal off-line forcing 
     160#  and thus this forcing can be used for forcing ORCHIDEE. 
     162# default = n 
     164# Filenane for the ORCHIDEE forcing file 
     166# This is the name of the file in which the 
     167#  forcing used here will be written for later use.  
     168WATCHOUT_FILE = orchidee_watchout.nc 
     169# default = orchidee_watchout.nc 
     171# ORCHIDEE will write out with this frequency 
     173# This flag indicates the frequency of the write of the variables.  
     174DT_WATCHOUT = 1800 
     175# default = dt 
     177# STOMATE does minimum service 
     178# set to TRUE if you want STOMATE to read 
     179#  and write its start files and keep track 
     180#  of longer-term biometeorological variables. 
     181#  This is useful if OK_STOMATE is not set, 
     182#  but if you intend to activate STOMATE later. 
     183#  In that case, this run can serve as a  
     184#  spinup for longer-term biometeorological 
     185#  variables. 
     186#STOMATE_WATCHOUT = y 
     187# default = n 
     189# Output file name (SECHIBA and STOMATE) : 
     191# Name of file in which the output is going 
     192# This file is going to be created by the model 
     193#  to be written 
     194#  and will contain the output from the model. 
     195#  This file is a truly COADS compliant netCDF file. 
     196#  It will be generated by the hist software from 
     197#  the IOIPSL package. 
     198OUTPUT_FILE = sechiba_history.nc 
     199# default = cabauw_out.nc 
     201# Flag to switch on histfile 2 for SECHIBA (hi-frequency ?) 
     202# This Flag switch on the second SECHIBA writing for hi (or low)  
     203#  frequency writing. This second output is optional and not written 
     204#  by default. 
     206# default  = FALSE 
     208# Name of file in which the output number 2 is going 
     209#   to be written 
     211# This file is going to be created by the model 
     212#   and will contain the output 2 from the model. 
     213SECHIBA_OUTPUT_FILE2 = sechiba_out_2.nc 
     214# default  = sechiba_out_2.nc 
     216# Name of file in which STOMATE's output is going to be written 
     217# This file is going to be created by the model 
     218#  and will contain the output from the model. 
     219#  This file is a truly COADS compliant netCDF file. 
     220#  It will be generated by the hist software from 
     221#  the IOIPSL package. 
     222STOMATE_OUTPUT_FILE = stomate_history.nc 
     223# default = stomate_history.nc 
     225# Write levels for outputs files (number of variables) : 
     228# SECHIBA history output level (0..10) 
     229# Chooses the list of variables in the history file.  
     230#  Values between 0: nothing is written; 10: everything is  
     231#  written are available More details can be found on the web under documentation. 
     232#  web under documentation. 
     234# default = 5 
     236# SECHIBA history 2 output level (0..10) 
     238# Chooses the list of variables in the history file.  
     239#   Values between 0: nothing is written; 10: everything is  
     240#   written are available More details can be found on the web under documentation. 
     241#   web under documentation. 
     242# First level contains all ORCHIDEE outputs. 
     244# default = 1 
     246# STOMATE history output level (0..10) 
     247#  0: nothing is written; 10: everything is written 
     249# default = 10 
     251# Write frequency for output files (SECHIBA in seconds et 
     252# STOMATE in days) : 
     254# Frequency in seconds at which to WRITE output 
     255# This variables gives the frequency the output of 
     256#  the model should be written into the netCDF file. 
     257#  It does not affect the frequency at which the 
     258#  operations such as averaging are done. 
     259WRITE_STEP = 86400.0 
     260# default = 86400.0 
     262# Frequency in seconds at which to WRITE output 
     264# This variables gives the frequency the output 2 of 
     265#   the model should be written into the netCDF file. 
     266#   It does not affect the frequency at which the 
     267#   operations such as averaging are done. 
     268#   That is IF the coding of the calls to histdef 
     269#   are correct ! 
     270WRITE_STEP2 = 1800.0 
     271# default = 1800.0 
     273# STOMATE history time step (d) 
     274# Time step of the STOMATE history file 
     275# Care : this variable must be higher than DT_SLOW 
     276STOMATE_HIST_DT = 10. 
     277# default = 10. 
     280# FORCESOIL CARBON spin up parametrization 
     283# Number of time steps per year for carbon spinup. 
     285# default = 12 
     287# Number of years saved for carbon spinup. 
     288FORCESOIL_NB_YEAR = 1 
     289# default = 1 
     292# Parametrization : 
     295# Activate STOMATE? 
     296# set to TRUE if STOMATE is to be activated 
     298# default = n 
     300# Activate DGVM? 
     301# set to TRUE if Dynamic Vegetation DGVM is to be activated 
     302STOMATE_OK_DGVM = n 
     303# default = n 
     305# Activate CO2? 
     306# set to TRUE if photosynthesis is to be activated 
     307STOMATE_OK_CO2 = y 
     308# default = n 
     310# Flag to force the value of atmospheric CO2 for vegetation. 
     311# If this flag is set to true, the ATM_CO2 parameter is used 
     312#  to prescribe the atmospheric CO2. 
     313# This Flag is only use in couple mode. 
     314FORCE_CO2_VEG = FALSE 
     315# default = FALSE 
     317# Value for atm CO2. 
     318# If FORCE_CO2_VEG (in not forced mode) 
     319# Value to prescribe the atm CO2. 
     320#  For pre-industrial simulations, the value is 286.2 . 
     321#  348. for 1990 year. 
     322ATM_CO2 = 350. 
     323# default = 350. 
     325# constant tree mortality 
     326# If yes, then a constant mortality is applied to trees.  
     327#  Otherwise, mortality is a function of the trees'  
     328#  vigour (as in LPJ). 
     329LPJ_GAP_CONST_MORT = y 
     330# default = y 
     332# no fire allowed 
     333# With this variable, you can allow or not 
     334#  the estimation of CO2 lost by fire 
     335FIRE_DISABLE = n 
     336# default = n 
     338# Average method for z0 
     339# If this flag is set to true (y) then the neutral Cdrag 
     340#  is averaged instead of the log(z0). This should be 
     341#  the prefered option. We still wish to keep the other 
     342#  option so we can come back if needed. If this is 
     343#  desired then one should set Z0CDRAG_AVE = n 
     344Z0CDRAG_AVE = y 
     345# default = y 
     347# parameters describing the surface (vegetation + soil) : 
    19 SECHIBA_OUTPUT_FILE2 = sechiba_out_2.nc 
    20 WRITE_STEP2 = 86400.0 
    22 # 
    23 STOMATE_OUTPUT_FILE=stomate_history.nc 
    24 STOMATE_HIST_DT=10. 
    26 SECHIBA_DAY=0.0 
    27 SECHIBA_ZCANOP=0.5 
    28 DT_SLOW=86400. 
    29 # IMPOSE_VEG is not set 
    30 VEGETATION_FILE=carteveg5km.nc 
    31 # VEGETATION_FILE=pft_new.nc 
    32 DIFFUCO_LEAFCI=233. 
    33 CONDVEG_SNOWA=default 
    34 # IMPOSE_AZE is not set 
    35 SOILALB_FILE=soils_param.nc 
    36 SOILTYPE_FILE=soils_param.nc  
    37 ENERBIL_TSURF=280. 
    38 HYDROL_SNOW=0.0 
    39 HYDROL_SNOWAGE=0.0 
    40 HYDROL_SNOWICE=0.0 
    42 HYDROL_HDRY=1.0 
    43 HYDROL_HUMR=1.0 
    44 HYDROL_BQSB=default 
    45 HYDROL_GQSB=0.0 
    46 HYDROL_DSG=0.0 
    47 HYDROL_DSP=default 
    48 HYDROL_QSV=0.0 
    50 HYDROL_TAU_HDIFF=1800. 
    51 THERMOSOIL_TPRO=280. 
    53 ROUTING_FILE=routing.nc 
    54 LAI_MAP=y 
    55 LAI_FILE=lai2D.nc 
    56 SECHIBA_QSINT=0.02 
     350# Should the vegetation be prescribed 
     351# This flag allows the user to impose a vegetation distribution 
     352#  and its characterisitcs. It is espacially interesting for 0D 
     353#  simulations. On the globe it does not make too much sense as 
     354#  it imposes the same vegetation everywhere 
     355IMPOSE_VEG = n 
     356# default = n 
     358# Flag to use old "interpolation" of vegetation map. 
     360#  If you want to recover the old (ie orchidee_1_2 branch)  
     361#   "interpolation" of vegetation map. 
     363# default = n 
     365# Vegetation distribution within the mesh (0-dim mode) 
     366# If IMPOSE_VEG 
     367# The fraction of vegetation is read from the restart file. If 
     368#  it is not found there we will use the values provided here. 
     369SECHIBA_VEG__01 = 0.2 
     370SECHIBA_VEG__02 = 0.0 
     371SECHIBA_VEG__03 = 0.0 
     372SECHIBA_VEG__04 = 0.0 
     373SECHIBA_VEG__05 = 0.0 
     374SECHIBA_VEG__06 = 0.0 
     375SECHIBA_VEG__07 = 0.0 
     376SECHIBA_VEG__08 = 0.0 
     377SECHIBA_VEG__09 = 0.0 
     378SECHIBA_VEG__10 = 0.8 
     379SECHIBA_VEG__11 = 0.0 
     380SECHIBA_VEG__12 = 0.0 
     381SECHIBA_VEG__13 = 0.0 
     382# default = 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 
     384# Maximum vegetation distribution within the mesh (0-dim mode) 
     385# If IMPOSE_VEG 
     386# The fraction of vegetation is read from the restart file. If 
     387#  it is not found there we will use the values provided here. 
     388SECHIBA_VEGMAX__01 = 0.2 
     389SECHIBA_VEGMAX__02 = 0.0 
     390SECHIBA_VEGMAX__03 = 0.0 
     391SECHIBA_VEGMAX__04 = 0.0 
     392SECHIBA_VEGMAX__05 = 0.0 
     393SECHIBA_VEGMAX__06 = 0.0 
     394SECHIBA_VEGMAX__07 = 0.0 
     395SECHIBA_VEGMAX__08 = 0.0 
     396SECHIBA_VEGMAX__09 = 0.0 
     397SECHIBA_VEGMAX__10 = 0.8 
     398SECHIBA_VEGMAX__11 = 0.0 
     399SECHIBA_VEGMAX__12 = 0.0 
     400SECHIBA_VEGMAX__13 = 0.0 
     401# default = 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 
     403# LAI for all vegetation types (0-dim mode) 
     404# If IMPOSE_VEG 
     405# The maximum LAI used in the 0dim mode. The values should be found 
     406#  in the restart file. The new values of LAI will be computed anyway 
     407#  at the end of the current day. The need for this variable is caused 
     408#  by the fact that the model may stop during a day and thus we have not 
     409#  yet been through the routines which compute the new surface conditions. 
     410SECHIBA_LAI__01 = 0. 
     411SECHIBA_LAI__02 = 8. 
     412SECHIBA_LAI__03 = 8. 
     413SECHIBA_LAI__04 = 4. 
     414SECHIBA_LAI__05 = 4.5 
     415SECHIBA_LAI__06 = 4.5 
     416SECHIBA_LAI__07 = 4. 
     417SECHIBA_LAI__08 = 4.5 
     418SECHIBA_LAI__09 = 4. 
     419SECHIBA_LAI__10 = 2. 
     420SECHIBA_LAI__11 = 2. 
     421SECHIBA_LAI__12 = 2. 
     422SECHIBA_LAI__13 = 2. 
     423# default = 0., 8., 8., 4., 4.5, 4.5, 4., 4.5, 4., 2., 2., 2., 2. 
     425# Height for all vegetation types (m) 
     426# If IMPOSE_VEG 
     427# The height used in the 0dim mode. The values should be found 
     428#  in the restart file. The new values of height will be computed anyway 
     429#  at the end of the current day. The need for this variable is caused 
     430#  by the fact that the model may stop during a day and thus we have not 
     431#  yet been through the routines which compute the new surface conditions. 
     432SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__01 = 0. 
     433SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__02 = 50. 
     434SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__03 = 50. 
     435SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__04 = 30. 
     436SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__05 = 30. 
     437SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__06 = 30. 
     438SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__07 = 20. 
     439SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__08 = 20. 
     440SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__09 = 20. 
     441SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__10 = .2 
     442SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__11 = .2 
     443SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__12 = .4 
     444SLOWPROC_HEIGHT__13 = .4 
     445# default = 0., 30., 30., 20., 20., 20., 15., 15., 15., .5, .6, 1.0, 1.0 
     448# Fraction of the 3 soil types (0-dim mode) 
     449# If IMPOSE_VEG 
     450# Determines the fraction for the 3 soil types 
     451#  in the mesh in the following order : sand loam and clay. 
     452SOIL_FRACTIONS__01 = 0.28 
     453SOIL_FRACTIONS__02 = 0.52 
     454SOIL_FRACTIONS__03 = 0.20 
     455# default = 0.28, 0.52, 0.20 
     457# Fraction of other surface types within the mesh (0-dim mode) 
     458# If IMPOSE_VEG 
     459# The fraction of ice, lakes, etc. is read from the restart file. If 
     460#  it is not found there we will use the values provided here. 
     461#  For the moment, there is only ice. 
     462SECHIBA_FRAC_NOBIO = 0.0 
     463# default = 0.0 
     465# Fraction of the clay fraction (0-dim mode) 
     466# If IMPOSE_VEG 
     467# Determines the fraction of clay in the grid box. 
     468CLAY_FRACTION = 0.2 
     469# default = 0.2 
     471# Should the surface parameters be prescribed 
     472# This flag allows the user to impose the surface parameters 
     473#  (Albedo Roughness and Emissivity). It is espacially interesting for 0D 
     474#  simulations. On the globe it does not make too much sense as 
     475#  it imposes the same vegetation everywhere 
     476IMPOSE_AZE = n 
     477# default = n 
     479# Emissivity of the surface for LW radiation 
     480# If IMPOSE_AZE 
     481# The surface emissivity used for compution the LE emission 
     482#  of the surface in a 0-dim version. Values range between  
     483#  0.97 and 1.. The GCM uses 0.98. 
     484CONDVEG_EMIS = 1.0 
     485# default = 1.0 
     487# SW visible albedo for the surface 
     488# If IMPOSE_AZE 
     489# Surface albedo in visible wavelengths to be used  
     490#  on the point if a 0-dim version of SECHIBA is used.  
     491#  Look at the description of the forcing data for  
     492#  the correct value. 
     493CONDVEG_ALBVIS = 0.25 
     494# default = 0.25 
     496# SW near infrared albedo for the surface 
     497# If IMPOSE_AZE 
     498# Surface albedo in near infrared wavelengths to be used  
     499#  on the point if a 0-dim version of SECHIBA is used.  
     500#  Look at the description of the forcing data for  
     501#  the correct value. 
     502CONDVEG_ALBNIR = 0.25 
     503# default = 0.25 
     505# Surface roughness (m) 
     506# If IMPOSE_AZE 
     507# Surface rougness to be used on the point if a 0-dim version 
     508#  of SECHIBA is used. Look at the description of the forcing   
     509#  data for the correct value. 
     510CONDVEG_Z0 = 0.15 
     511# default = 0.15_stnd 
     513# Height to be added to the height of the first level (m) 
     514# If IMPOSE_AZE 
     515# ORCHIDEE assumes that the atmospheric level height is counted 
     516#  from the zero wind level. Thus to take into account the roughness 
     517#  of tall vegetation we need to correct this by a certain fraction 
     518#  of the vegetation height. This is called the roughness height in 
     519#  ORCHIDEE talk. 
     520ROUGHHEIGHT = 0.0 
     521# default = 0.0 
     523# The snow albedo used by SECHIBA 
     524# This option allows the user to impose a snow albedo. 
     525#  Default behaviour is to use the model of snow albedo 
     526#  developed by Chalita (1993). 
     527CONDVEG_SNOWA = default 
     528# default = use the model of snow albedo developed by Chalita 
     530# Switch bare soil albedo dependent (if TRUE) on soil wetness 
     531# If TRUE, the model for bare soil albedo is the old formulation. 
     532#  Then it depend on the soil dry or wetness. If FALSE, it is the  
     533#  new computation that is taken, it is only function of soil color. 
     535# default = FALSE 
     537# Initial snow mass if not found in restart 
     538# The initial value of snow mass if its value is not found 
     539#   in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     540#   started without a restart file. 
     541HYDROL_SNOW = 0.0 
     542# default = 0.0 
     545# Initial snow age if not found in restart 
     546# The initial value of snow age if its value is not found 
     547#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     548#  started without a restart file. 
     549HYDROL_SNOWAGE = 0.0 
     550# default = 0.0 
     552# Initial snow amount on ice, lakes, etc. if not found in restart 
     553# The initial value of snow if its value is not found 
     554#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     555#  started without a restart file. 
     556HYDROL_SNOW_NOBIO = 0.0 
     557# default = 0.0 
     559# Initial snow age on ice, lakes, etc. if not found in restart 
     560# The initial value of snow age if its value is not found 
     561#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     562#  started without a restart file. 
     563HYDROL_SNOW_NOBIO_AGE = 0.0 
     564# default = 0.0 
     566# Initial soil moisture stress if not found in restart 
     567# The initial value of soil moisture stress if its value is not found 
     568#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     569#  started without a restart file. 
     570HYDROL_HUMR = 1.0 
     571# default = 1.0 
     573# Total depth of soil reservoir 
     574HYDROL_SOIL_DEPTH = 2. 
     575# default = 2. 
     577# Initial restart deep soil moisture if not found in restart 
     578# The initial value of deep soil moisture if its value is not found 
     579#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     580#  started without a restart file. Default behaviour is a saturated soil. 
     581HYDROL_BQSB = default 
     582# default = Maximum quantity of water (Kg/M3) * Total depth of soil reservoir = 150. * 2 
     584# Initial upper soil moisture if not found in restart 
     585# The initial value of upper soil moisture if its value is not found 
     586#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     587#  started without a restart file. 
     588HYDROL_GQSB = 0.0 
     589# default = 0.0 
     591# Initial upper reservoir depth if not found in restart 
     592# The initial value of upper reservoir depth if its value is not found 
     593#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     594#  started without a restart file. 
     595HYDROL_DSG = 0.0 
     596# default = 0.0 
     598# Initial dry soil above upper reservoir if not found in restart 
     599# The initial value of dry soil above upper reservoir if its value  
     600#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     601#  started without a restart file. The default behaviour 
     602#  is to compute it from the variables above. Should be OK most of  
     603#  the time. 
     604HYDROL_DSP = default 
     605# default = Total depth of soil reservoir - HYDROL_BQSB / Maximum quantity of water (Kg/M3) = 0.0 
     607# Initial water on canopy if not found in restart 
     608# The initial value of moisture on canopy if its value  
     609#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     610#  started without a restart file. 
     611HYDROL_QSV = 0.0 
     612# default = 0.0 
     614# Soil moisture on each soil tile and levels 
     615# The initial value of mc if its value is not found 
     616#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     617#  started without a restart file. 
     619# default = 0.3 
     621# US_NVM_NSTM_NSLM 
     622# The initial value of us (relative moisture) if its value is not found 
     623#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     624#  started without a restart file. 
     625US_INIT = 0.0 
     626# default = 0.0 
     628# Coefficient for free drainage at bottom 
     629# The initial value of free drainage if its value is not found 
     630#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     631#  started without a restart file. 
     632FREE_DRAIN_COEF = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 
     633# default = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 
     635# Bare soil evap on each soil if not found in restart 
     636# The initial value of bare soils evap if its value is not found 
     637#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     638#  started without a restart file. 
     639EVAPNU_SOIL = 0.0 
     640# default = 0.0 
     642# Initial temperature if not found in restart 
     643# The initial value of surface temperature if its value is not found 
     644#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is  
     645#  started without a restart file. 
     646ENERBIL_TSURF = 280. 
     647# default = 280. 
     649# Initial Soil Potential Evaporation 
     650# The initial value of soil potential evaporation if its value  
     651#  is not found in the restart file. This should only be used if 
     652#  the model is started without a restart file.  
     653ENERBIL_EVAPOT = 0.0 
     654# default = 0.0 
     656# Initial soil temperature profile if not found in restart 
     657# The initial value of the temperature profile in the soil if  
     658#   its value is not found in the restart file. This should only  
     659#   be used if the model is started without a restart file. Here 
     660#   we only require one value as we will assume a constant  
     661#   throughout the column. 
     662THERMOSOIL_TPRO = 280. 
     663# default = 280. 
     665# Initial leaf CO2 level if not found in restart 
     666# The initial value of leaf_ci if its value is not found 
     667#  in the restart file. This should only be used if the model is 
     668#  started without a restart file. 
     669DIFFUCO_LEAFCI = 233. 
     670# default = 233. 
     673# Keep cdrag coefficient from gcm. 
     674# Set to .TRUE. if you want q_cdrag coming from GCM. 
     675#  Keep cdrag coefficient from gcm for latent and sensible heat fluxes. 
     676#  TRUE if q_cdrag on initialization is non zero (FALSE for off-line runs). 
     677CDRAG_FROM_GCM = y 
     678# default =  IF q_cdrag == 0 ldq_cdrag_from_gcm = .FALSE. ELSE .TRUE. 
     681# Artificial parameter to increase or decrease canopy resistance 
     682# Add from Nathalie - the 28 of March 2006 - advice from Fred Hourdin 
     683# By PFT. 
     684RVEG_PFT = 1., 0.5, 0.5, 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.5, 1., 0.5 
     685# default = 1. 
     688# Interception reservoir coefficient. 
     689# Transforms leaf area index into size of interception reservoir 
     690#  for slowproc_derivvar or stomate. 
     691SECHIBA_QSINT = 0.02 
     692# default = 0.1 
     695# LAND_USE 
     698# Read a land_use vegetation map 
     699# pft values are needed, max time axis is 293 
     700LAND_USE = y 
     701# default = n 
     703# Year of the land_use vegetation map readed 
     704# year off the pft map 
     705# If LAND_USE (11 = 1860 - 1850 +1 for PFTmap.20C3M.nc, 1 for PFTmap_IPCC_2000.nc)  
     706VEGET_YEAR = 1 
     707# default = 282 
     709# Update vegetation frequency (since 2.0 version) 
     710# The veget datas will be update each this time step. 
     711# If LAND_USE 
     712VEGET_UPDATE = 0Y 
     713# default = 1Y 
     715# treat land use modifications 
     716# With this variable, you can use a Land Use map 
     717# to simulate anthropic modifications such as    
     718# deforestation.                                 
     719# If LAND_USE 
     720LAND_COVER_CHANGE = n 
     721# default = y 
     725# agriculture allowed? 
     726# With this variable, you can determine 
     727#  whether agriculture is allowed 
     728AGRICULTURE = y 
     729# default = y 
     731# Harvert model for agricol PFTs. 
     732# Compute harvest above ground biomass for agriculture. 
     733# Change daily turnover. 
     734HARVEST_AGRI = y 
     735# default = y 
     737# herbivores allowed? 
     738# With this variable, you can activate herbivores  
     739HERBIVORES = n 
     740# default = n 
     742# treat expansion of PFTs across a grid cell? 
     743# With this variable, you can determine 
     744#  whether we treat expansion of PFTs across a 
     745#  grid cell. 
     746TREAT_EXPANSION = n 
     747# default = n 
     751# Time within the day simulated 
     752# This is the time spent simulating the current day. This variable is 
     753#  prognostic as it will trigger all the computations which are 
     754#  only done once a day. 
     755SECHIBA_DAY = 0.0 
     756# default = 0.0 
     758# Time step of STOMATE and other slow processes 
     759# Time step (s) of regular update of vegetation 
     760#  cover, LAI etc. This is also the time step 
     761#  of STOMATE. 
     762DT_SLOW = 86400. 
     763# default = un_jour = 86400. 
     767# Allows to switch on the multilayer hydrology of CWRR 
     768# This flag allows the user to decide if the vertical 
     769#  hydrology should be treated using the multi-layer  
     770#  diffusion scheme adapted from CWRR by Patricia de Rosnay. 
     771#  by default the Choisnel hydrology is used. 
     772HYDROL_CWRR = n 
     773# default = n 
     775# do horizontal diffusion? 
     776# If TRUE, then water can diffuse horizontally between 
     777#  the PFTs' water reservoirs. 
     778HYDROL_OK_HDIFF = n 
     779# default = n 
     782# time scale (s) for horizontal diffusion of water 
     783# If HYDROL_OK_HDIFF 
     784# Defines how fast diffusion occurs horizontally between 
     785#  the individual PFTs' water reservoirs. If infinite, no 
     786#  diffusion. 
     787HYDROL_TAU_HDIFF = 1800. 
     788# default = 86400. 
     790# Percent by PFT of precip that is not intercepted by the canopy (since TAG 1.8). 
     791# During one rainfall event, PERCENT_THROUGHFALL_PFT% of the incident rainfall 
     792#  will get directly to the ground without being intercepted, for each PFT.. 
    58793PERCENT_THROUGHFALL_PFT = 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30. 
    59 RVEG_PFT = .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5 
    61 #LAND_USE=y 
    62 #VEGET_YEAR=0 
    63 #VEGET_UPDATE=1Y 
     794# default = 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30. 
     796# Decides if we route the water or not 
     797# This flag allows the user to decide if the runoff 
     798#  and drainage should be routed to the ocean 
     799#  and to downstream grid boxes. 
     800RIVER_ROUTING = y 
     801# default = n 
     803# Name of file which contains the routing information 
     804# The file provided here should allow the routing module to 
     805#  read the high resolution grid of basins and the flow direction  
     806#  from one mesh to the other. 
     807ROUTING_FILE = routing.nc 
     808# default = routing.nc 
     810# Time step of the routing scheme 
     811# If RIVER_ROUTING 
     812# This values gives the time step in seconds of the routing scheme.  
     813#   It should be multiple of the main time step of ORCHIDEE. One day 
     814#   is a good value. 
     815ROUTING_TIMESTEP = 86400 
     816# default = 86400 
     818# Number of rivers  
     819# If RIVER_ROUTING 
     820# This parameter chooses the number of largest river basins 
     821#  which should be treated as independently as rivers and not 
     822#  flow into the oceans as diffusion coastal flow. 
     823ROUTING_RIVERS = 50 
     824# default = 50 
     826# Should we compute an irrigation flux  
     827# This parameters allows the user to ask the model 
     828#  to compute an irigation flux. This performed for the 
     829#  on very simple hypothesis. The idea is to have a good 
     830#  map of irrigated areas and a simple function which estimates 
     831#  the need to irrigate. 
     832DO_IRRIGATION = n 
     833# default = n 
     835# Name of file which contains the map of irrigated areas 
     836# If IRRIGATE 
     837# The name of the file to be opened to read the field 
     838#  with the area in m^2 of the area irrigated within each 
     839#  0.5 0.5 deg grid box. The map currently used is the one 
     840#  developed by the Center for Environmental Systems Research  
     841#  in Kassel (1995). 
     842IRRIGATION_FILE = irrigated.nc 
     843# default = irrigated.nc 
     845# Should we include floodplains  
     846# This parameters allows the user to ask the model 
     847#  to take into account the flood plains and return  
     848#  the water into the soil moisture. It then can go  
     849#  back to the atmopshere. This tried to simulate  
     850#  internal deltas of rivers. 
     851DO_FLOODPLAINS = n 
     852# default = n 
  • CONFIG/LMDZOR/branches/LMDZ4OR_v3/LMDZOR/PARAM/physiq.def_L19

    r855 r882  
    1 ## $Id$ 
     1# $Id$ 
    33### type_ocean = force / slab  /couple 
  • CONFIG/LMDZOR/branches/LMDZ4OR_v3/LMDZOR/PARAM/run.def

    r855 r882  
    2727## activation du filtre fft 
    29 ## run.sed results are below 
  • CONFIG/LMDZOR/branches/LMDZ4OR_v3/LMDZOR/config.card

    r687 r882  
    3838#D- For each component, Name of component, Tag of component 
    3939ATM= (lmdz, LMDZ4-dev) 
    40 SRF= (orchidee, orchidee_1_9_4) 
     40SRF= (orchidee, orchidee_1_9_4_AR5) 
     41SBG= (stomate, orchidee_1_9_4_AR5) 
    4748ATM= (gcm.e, lmdz.x) 
    4849SRF= ("", "") 
     50SBG= ("", "") 
    97 #D-- SRF - 
     99#D-- SRF - SECHIBA 
     112#D-- SBG - STOMATE 
     116#-- Last day of the experience used as restart 
     118# Define restart simulation name 
     121#-- Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.