[Ens_PARAMETRIC] active=n # ensemble name (must be equal to JobName in config.card) NAME=testpar # member nb (i.e nb of perturb initial restart for each date) MEMBER=10 # Default simulation length LENGTH=10Y # start date of the first ensemble BEGIN_INIT=20130101 # start date of the last ensemble END_INIT=20130101 # timestep between each periodic simulation PERIODICITY=1Y # start dates list NONPERIODIC=() # length list for non periodic simulation (NOTE: use length above if not fill) LENGTH_NONPERIODIC=() # Restart name INITFROM=v3h4BTxx # Restart directory INITPATH=/ccc/store/cont003/gen2211/nguyens/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical GHGREF1= epmax=0.997 rad_chaud1=14 rad_chaud2=14 GHGREF2= epmax=0.999 rad_chaud1=14 rad_chaud2=14 GHGREF3= epmax=0.997 ffallv_lsc=1.1 ffallv_con=1.1 rad_chaud1=14 rad_chaud2=14 GHGREF4= epmax=0.999 ffallv_lsc=1.1 ffallv_con=1.1 rad_chaud1=14 rad_chaud2=14 GHGREF5= epmax=0.999 ffallv_lsc=1.3 ffallv_con=1.3 rad_chaud1=14 rad_chaud2=14 GHGREF6= epmax=0.999 ffallv_lsc=1.3 ffallv_con=1.3 rad_chaud1=16 rad_chaud2=16 GHGREF7= epmax=0.999 ffallv_lsc=1.3 ffallv_con=1.3 rad_chaud1=12 rad_chaud2=12 LM6DIACT06= ok_ade=y ok_aie=y epmax=0.999 ffallv_lsc=1.1 ffallv_con=1.1 LM6DIPRE06= ok_ade=y ok_aie=y aer_type=preind epmax=0.999 ffallv_lsc=1.1 ffallv_con=1.1 LMDIACT06= ok_ade=y ok_aie=y flag_aerosol=1 epmax=0.999 ffallv_lsc=1.1 ffallv_con=1.1 LMDIPRE06= ok_ade=y ok_aie=y flag_aerosol=1 aer_type=preind epmax=0.999 ffallv_lsc=1.1 ffallv_con=1.1 LM6DIACT07= ok_ade=y ok_aie=y epmax=0.997 ffallv_lsc=1.1 ffallv_con=1.1 LM6DIPRE07= ok_ade=y ok_aie=y aer_type=preind epmax=0.997 ffallv_lsc=1.1 ffallv_con=1.1 LMDIACT07= ok_ade=y ok_aie=y flag_aerosol=1 epmax=0.997 ffallv_lsc=1.1 ffallv_con=1.1 LMDIPRE07= ok_ade=y ok_aie=y flag_aerosol=1 aer_type=preind epmax=0.997 ffallv_lsc=1.1 ffallv_con=1.1 LM6DIACT08= ok_ade=y ok_aie=y epmax=0.999 ffallv_lsc=1.3 ffallv_con=1.3 LM6DIPRE08= ok_ade=y ok_aie=y aer_type=preind epmax=0.999 ffallv_lsc=1.3 ffallv_con=1.3 LMDIACT08= ok_ade=y ok_aie=y flag_aerosol=1 epmax=0.999 ffallv_lsc=1.3 ffallv_con=1.3 LMDIPRE08= ok_ade=y ok_aie=y flag_aerosol=1 aer_type=preind epmax=0.999 ffallv_lsc=1.3 ffallv_con=1.3 #################################################################################### [Ens_DATE] # active=y to use this ensemble type active=n # ensemble name (must be equal to JobName in config.card) NAME=simupnp # Default simulation length (for both periodic and non periodic) LENGTH=2M # start date of the first ensemble BEGIN_INIT=20010101 # start date of the last ensemble END_INIT=20020101 # timestep between each periodic simulation PERIODICITY=1Y # date for the first restart (next = first+periodicity). CAUTION of the calendar! BEGIN_RESTART=18531231 # start dates list NONPERIODIC=(19500301,19500101,19910101) # restart dates list RESTART_NONPERIODIC=(18511231,19601231,19501231) # length list for non periodic simulation (NOTE: use length above if not fill) LENGTH_NONPERIODIC=(13M,1M,6M) # Restart name INITFROM=v3.historical6 # Restart directory INITPATH=/ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p86denv/dmf_import/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical #################################################################################### [Ens_PERTURB] # active=y to use this ensemble type active=y # ensemble name (must be equal to JobName in config.card) NAME=testdate # member nb (i.e nb of perturb initial restart for each date) MEMBER=10 # periodic simulations length LENGTH=10Y # start date of the first ensemble BEGIN_INIT=20130101 # start date of the last ensemble END_INIT=20130101 # timestep between each periodic simulation PERIODICITY=1Y # start dates list NONPERIODIC=() # length list for non periodic simulation (NOTE: use length above if not fill) LENGTH_NONPERIODIC=() # perturbation type PERTURB_BIN=(AddNoise, CPL, sstoc, O_SSTSST, 0.1) # Restart name INITFROM=v3h4BTxx # Restart directory INITPATH=/ccc/store/cont003/gen2211/nguyens/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical #INITPATH=/ccc/store/cont003/gen0826/labetoul/dmf_import/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical #INITPATH=/ccc/scratch/cont003/gen2211/nguyens/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical #INITPATH=/scratch/cont003/p86denv/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical #INITPATH=/ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p86mign/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical #INITPATH=/ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p48sefer/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical