Stratospheric aerosol files for LMDz can be created by running on ciclad the script ./ which itself prepares two more files and submit a job on ciclad which may take a couple of days to run. The stratospheric AOD data originates from data prepared by Beiping Luo ETZH for CMIP6. See and The data were provided in June 2016 and were not versioned (but were later referred as v2). A new version (v3) was made available on 15 September 2017 due to a glitch in the 1970s data. The new version also modified the trend in the background aerosol. Beiping calculated for the solar radiation 8 bands (bands 1-6 for the SW 6 bands model and 7-8 for the SW 2 bands model) and likewise for the 16 bands of the RRTM LW model. The data are processed in IDL on ciclad for different resolutions of the IPSL model and aerosol optical properties are generated for AOD, omega and g per model layer (SW), and absorption AOD per model layer (LW). The stratospheric aerosol data extends into the troposphere but a mask is applied in the LMDz model to remove tropospheric data. The data are interpolated on the vertical from the CMIP6 altitude coordinate (z, resolution 0.5 km) to the model coordinate (sigma). This is done using a monthly (10-year mean) climatology of the geopotential height. = 10 yr climatology from a coupled IPSL-CM6.0.12 simulation = zonal mean of the above file (cdo zonmean = same as above but ferret'ized so that can be read in idl In September 2017 the processing idl routine was to v4 changed to rely on climatological LMDz altitudes that vary monthly and with latitude (based on GEOP variable Z=GEOP/RG/1000 [in km]). Start from a file with monthly GEOP variable cdo divc,9810. cdo zonmean ferret'ize file to make it readable by ferret We have files for LR, MR, HR model versions. The data are fed on ciclad (currently in /data/$USER/CMIP6/VOLC/) Annual files: taulwstrat.2D.$ and taulwstrat.2D.$ to be used for historical simulations Average 1850-2014 conditions (no seasonal cycle): and to be used for piControl, pdControl and for scenario runs (past a 10 year transition from 2014 conditions) subject to changes in the protocol Following the CMIP6 protocol, a linear transition between 2014 and average conditions is performed and should be used for the period 2015-2023. Average conditions should then be used for 2024 onwards. CMIP6 stratospheric aerosols are activated in LMDz with flag_aerosol_strat=2 Files to be renamed as and for use by LMDz No additional interpolation between months is done. Olivier Boucher 27/07/2016 Revised 10/09/2017 Revised 04/10/2017 Revised 15/04/2018 Revised 18/09/2018