A 2nd radiation call is performed for GHG only, in order to compute IRF at TOA, SRF and at the tropopause. NOTE the lmdz.card particularities : ================================== 1/ The GHG set is changed every 5 years of run cf lmdz.card, in order to calculate the corresponding IRFs in a piClim-control climate : [SmoothFiles] List= (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/config.def_${ConfType}_GHGpd_CO2pi, config.def, 1:1:5), \ (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/config.def_${ConfType}_GHGpi_CO2pd, config.def, 6:1:10), \ (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/config.def_${ConfType}_GHGpd, config.def, 11:1:15), \ (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/config.def_${ConfType}_2xCO2, config.def, 16:1:20), \ (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/config.def_${ConfType}_3xCO2, config.def, 21:1:25), \ (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/config.def_${ConfType}_4xCO2, config.def, 25:1:) Radiation variables from 2nd call have all the "ghg" suffixe (no matter the GHG combination). 2/ Customized xml files are used, with groups of 2D and 3D variables from 1st and 2nd radiation call, needed for calculating IRF TOA and SFC, and *tropopause variables needed for IRF at tropopause : [ParametersFiles] (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/context_lmdz.xml_2RadCall, context_lmdz.xml ), \ (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/field_def_lmdz.xml_2RadCall, field_def_lmdz.xml ), \ (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml_2RadCall, file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml ), \ NB An even better output organisation can be seen in piClim-histall/CM619-LR-piClim-histall-2 and -3 : 2D radiation variables from 1st and 2nd call for TOA and SFC are output in "histmth" whereas the 3D and the *tropopose variables are output in a separate file "histmthForIRFtropo" that can be erased after producing TS_MO for all these variables in the post-processing. 3/ 2D and 3D timeseria are made in postprocessing for all these variables needed to compute IRF at TOA, SRF and tropopause : [Post_1M_histmth] ... TimeSeriesVars2D= ... , rlutghg,rlutcsghg,rsutghg,rsutcsghg, rsusghg,rsuscsghg,rsdsghg,rsdscsghg,rlusghg,rluscsghg,rldsghg,rldscsghg, p_tropopause,t_tropopause,z_tropopause TimeSeriesVars3D= ... , rsu,rsucs,rsd,rsdcs,rlu,rlucs,rld,rldcs, rsughg,rsucsghg,rsdghg,rsdcsghg,rlughg,rlucsghg,rldghg,rldcsghg