# $Id$ # INCLUDEDEF=orchidee.def INCLUDEDEF=orchidee_pft.def # Parameters of the driver differ between the coupled and off-line configs #************************************************************************** # Time length for one intergration # (default full lenght of forcing file) TIME_LENGTH = _AUTO_ # Time in the forcing file at which the model start if start date is # not set by the forcing file # (default 0) TIME_SKIP = _AUTO_ # Time length for one intergration (default full lenght of forcing file) START_DATE = _AUTO_ END_DATE = _AUTO_ DT_SECHIBA = 1200 FORCING_FILE = forcing_yearm1.nc forcing_year.nc forcing_yearp1.nc # If DRIVER_reset_time=y, read the year from forcing file instead of # taking it from restart file (default n) DRIVER_reset_time = _AUTO_ # Name of restart file for the driver (default NONE) RESTART_FILEIN = _AUTOBLOCKER_ # Value for atmospheric CO2 could be interactive (LMDz), a time series or fixed # (default=350) # ATM_CO2=287.14 : Year 1860 specified for TRENDY2 spinup ATM_CO2 = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 287.14 # Domain description #************************************************************************** GRID_FILE = NONE # To limit regional domain, full size of the forcing file or global domain is default #WEST_EAST = -180.0, 180.0 #SOUTH_NORTH = -90.0, 90.0 #WEST_EAST = -19.7, 62.7 #SOUTH_NORTH = -6.7, 62.7 # Time period over which to distribute the precipitation #************************************************************************** # In the driver files precipitation is the accumulated value over the # time step of the driver file (e.g. 6 hours). In ORCHIDEE it needs to # be decided whether over which time period (in seconds) this precip will come # down. Short periods make rain storms, long periods make drizzel. SPRED_PREC_SEC = 3600