# $HeadURL: svn://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/orchidee/trunk/ORCHIDEE_OL/OOL_SEC_STO_FG3/PARAM/run.def $ # $Date: 2018-12-06 13:51:22 +0100 (jeu. 06 déc. 2018) $ # $Revision: 5648 $ #************************************************************************** # Suggested parameter set up for ORCHIDEE 2.0 # See all optional parameters in modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE/orchidee.default # # Note when running with libIGCM, variables set here to _AUTOBLOCKER_ can # not be changed in run.def otherwwise the simulation will stop. Variables # set to _AUTO_ can be changed from the comp.card but they can also be # changed directly in the run.def. A value set in run.def can never be # changed again by libIGCM. #************************************************************************** # Activate Stomate component (default y) STOMATE_OK_STOMATE = _AUTOBLOCKER_ # Time length for one intergration (default full lenght of forcing file) START_DATE = _AUTO_ END_DATE = _AUTO_ DT_SECHIBA = 1200 FORCING_FILE = forcing_yearm1.nc forcing_year.nc forcing_yearp1.nc # # Domain description file # GRID_FILE = NONE WEST_EAST = -19.7, 62.7 SOUTH_NORTH = -6.7, 62.7 SPRED_PREC_SEC = 3600 # Parameters related to the restart file and the start date #************************************************************************** # Time in the forcing file at which the model start if start date is not set by the forcing file (default 0) TIME_SKIP = _AUTO_ # If DRIVER_reset_time=y, read the year from forcing file instead of taking it from restart file (default n) DRIVER_reset_time = _AUTO_ # Name of restart file for the driver (default NONE) RESTART_FILEIN = _AUTOBLOCKER_ # Name of restart file for sechiba part of the model (default NONE) SECHIBA_restart_in = _AUTOBLOCKER_ # Name of restart file for stomate part of the model (default NONE) STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN = _AUTOBLOCKER_ # Parameters related to the diagnostic output files #************************************************************************** # Use XIOS for writing diagnostics file (defulat y) XIOS_ORCHIDEE_OK = _AUTOBLOCKER_ # Flag to activate sechiba_out_2.nc history file when using IOIPSL for SECHIBA (defulat n) SECHIBA_HISTFILE2 = _AUTO_ # Writefrequency in seconds in sechiba_history.nc when using IOIPSL (default 86400) # If WRITE_STEP=0 then all IOIPSL output are deactivated WRITE_STEP = _AUTO_ # Writefrequency in seconds sechiba_out_2.nc when using IOIPSL (default 1800) WRITE_STEP2 = _AUTO_ # Writefrequency in days in stomate_history.nc when using IOIPSL (default 10) STOMATE_HIST_DT = _AUTO_ # Writefrequency in days or -1 for monthly output in stomate_ipcc_history.nc when using IOIPSL (default 0) STOMATE_IPCC_HIST_DT = _AUTO_ # Print level for text output in out_orchidee_* # PRINTLEV = 1 : some output in initialization phase # PRINTLEV = 2 : more output in initialization phase and printing of new date # PRINTLEV = 3, 4,.. : more output also at each timestep PRINTLEV=2 # Hydrology parameters #************************************************************************** # Activate the multi-layer diffusion scheme adapted from CWRR (default y) HYDROL_CWRR = y # Activate river routing (default y) RIVER_ROUTING = y # Activate creation of river_desc.nc file # RIVER_DESC will be activated only the first execution in the simulation RIVER_DESC = _AUTO_ # SOILTYPE_CLASSIF : Type of classification used for the map of soil types (default zobler) SOILTYPE_CLASSIF = zobler # Parameters related to vegetation map #************************************************************************** # Update vegetation frequency (default 0Y) VEGET_UPDATE = _AUTO_ # Read lai map (default n) LAI_MAP = n # Prescribed vegetation (default n) IMPOSE_VEG = n # Parameters related to nitrogen cycle #************************************************************************** # Update nitrogen input maps (default 0Y) NINPUT_UPDATE = _AUTO_ # Impose the CN ratio of leaves STOMATE_IMPOSE_CN = _AUTO_ # Set STOMATE_READ_CN=y to read cnleaf_map.nc file if STOMATE_IMPOSE_CN=y STOMATE_READ_CN = n CNLEAF_VAR = CN_LEAF # Parameters related to surface and thermal physical properties #************************************************************************ # ROUGH_DYN : Account for a dynamic roughness height (activation of Su et al. parametrization) (default y) ROUGH_DYN=y # OK_FREEZE : Activate the complet soil freezing scheme (default y) OK_FREEZE=y # OK_EXPLICITSNOW : Activate explict snow scheme (default y) OK_EXPLICITSNOW=y # Carbon related parameters #************************************************************************** # Analytic spinup (default n) SPINUP_ANALYTIC = _AUTO_ SPINUP_PERIOD = _AUTO_ # Value for atmospheric CO2 (default=350) ATM_CO2 = _AUTO_: DEFAULT = 350. # Activate harvest of wood (default y) DO_WOOD_HARVEST=y # Deactivate fire (default FIRE_DISABLE=y) FIRE_DISABLE=y # Optimized parameters to be used with PFTmap with 15 pfts such as # files in IGCM/SRF/PFTMAPS/CMIP6/ESA-LUH2v2/historical/15PFT.v1 #************************************************************************** # Use 15 PFTs. Note that PFTmap.nc must contains 15PFTs. # PFT=10, 14 and 15 share the same parametrization except for VCMAX25, LAI_MAX, FRAC_GROWTHRESP, # MAINT_RESP_SLOPE_C and ALWAYS_INIT specified below. # (default NVM=13) NVM=15 PFT_TO_MTC=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,10,10 PFT_NAME__10='temperate C3 grass ' PFT_NAME__14='tropical C3 grass ' PFT_NAME__15='boreal C3 grass ' VCMAX25__10 = 50.0 VCMAX25__14 = 50.0 VCMAX25__15 = 40.0 LAI_MAX__10 = 2.5 LAI_MAX__14 = 2.5 LAI_MAX__15 = 2.0 ALWAYS_INIT__10 = y ALWAYS_INIT__14 = n ALWAYS_INIT__15 = y # Parameters below are different from default values of ORCHIDEE_2_0. # These values correspond to the previous default values and were used # during developement of ORCHIDEE-CN #************************************************************************** FRAC_GROWTHRESP__02 = 0.28 FRAC_GROWTHRESP__03 = 0.28 FRAC_GROWTHRESP__04 = 0.28 FRAC_GROWTHRESP__05 = 0.28 FRAC_GROWTHRESP__06 = 0.28 FRAC_GROWTHRESP__07 = 0.28 FRAC_GROWTHRESP__08 = 0.28 FRAC_GROWTHRESP__09 = 0.28 FRAC_GROWTHRESP__10 = 0.28 FRAC_GROWTHRESP__11 = 0.28 FRAC_GROWTHRESP__12 = 0.28 FRAC_GROWTHRESP__13 = 0.28 FRAC_GROWTHRESP__14 = 0.28 FRAC_GROWTHRESP__15 = 0.28 # Parameters below are different from default values of ORCHIDEE_2_0 # because they were tuned for the developements of ORCHIDEE-CN #************************************************************************** MOIAVAIL_ALWAYS_GRASS=0.4 MOIAVAIL_ALWAYS_TREE=0.8 TCST_SNOWA=3 #PHENO_GDD_CRIT_C(K) PHENO_GDD_CRIT_C__00012=360 PHENO_GDD_CRIT_C__00013=450 #HUM_MIN_TIME(days) HUM_MIN_TIME__00012=50 #GDD_SENESCENCE(K) GDD_SENESCENCE__00012=1600 #ALLOC_MIN(nan) ALLOC_MIN__00007=0.35000 ALLOC_MIN__00008=0.70 ALLOC_MIN__00009=0.20 # File and variable name for nitrogen input files #************************************************************************** Nammonium_FILE = ndep_nhx.nc Nammonium_VAR = nhx Nnitrate_FILE = ndep_noy.nc Nnitrate_VAR = noy Nfert_FILE = NONE Nfert_VAR = nfer Nmanure_FILE = NONE Nmanure_VAR = Nmanure Nfert_cropland_FILE = nfert_cropland.nc Nfert_cropland_VAR = nfer Nmanure_cropland_FILE = nmanure_cropland.nc Nmanure_cropland_VAR = Nmanure Nfert_pasture_FILE = nfert_pasture.nc Nfert_pasture_VAR = Nfer Nmanure_pasture_FILE = nmanure_pasture.nc Nmanure_pasture_VAR = Nmanure Nbnf_FILE= bnf.nc Nbnf_VAR= BNF_MGN_PERM2_PERYR