oasis_init_comp: Calling MPI_Init -> error : WARNING: void CServer::initialize(void) It is impossible to allocate the requested number of pools = 0 on the secondary server. It will be set so that there is one process per pool. > Error [CNc4DataOutput::writeFieldData_ (CField* field)] : In file '/ccc/cont003/home/gencmip6/p86mign/DCPP-C/IPSLCM6.1.5/modipsl/modeles/XIOS/src/io/nc4_data_output.cpp', line 2691 -> On writing field data: hfcorr In the context : nemo_server_server_5 Error when calling function ncPutVaraType(ncid, varId, start, count, data) NetCDF: Numeric conversion not representable Unable to write data given the location id: 2424832 and the variable whose id: 20 and name: hfcorr