Custom Query (113 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 113)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#52 aclsce aclsce fixed LMDZ4OR_v3 configuration created from IPSLCM5_v2 coupled configuration

Creation of LMDZOR configuration which fits with IPSLCM5_v2 coupled configuration. LMDZ4OR_work is the working configuration using trunk of LMDZ. LMDZ4OR_v2 fits with IPSLCM4_v2 coupled configuration.

#53 aclsce aclsce fixed Switch on/off stomate component in coupled and LMDZOR configuration

Add the possibility to activate or desactivate easily stomate component in IPSLCM5_v2 coupled configuration and LMDZOR forced configuration.

#54 igcmg aclsce fixed create_etat0_limit : needed by default or not ?

The use of create_etat0_limit may be a problem if the binary file was generated to run on parallel way (i.e the way to launch it becomes specific to every machine). Is it really needed to launch create_etat0_limit ? What about creating LMDZ restart files once for each standard resolution ? In this case, the compilation and the execution would not be necessary...

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