Custom Query (113 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 113)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#55 mafoipsl mafoipsl fixed North pole validation

North pole validation for IPSLCM5A

#56 igcmg mafoipsl wontfix vargas - use the old compiler

IPSLCM5A : on vargas (IDRIS) you should use old version of compiler to avoid an error after 12-18 month into LMDZ.

This error occurs on points at -180 of longitude.

To use old compiler :

module switch fortran/ fortran/
module switch c++/ c++/
#57 igcmg mafoipsl wontfix vargas - error with NEMO on 5 procs

With IPSLCM5A , on vargas, with NEMO on 5 procs, you have an error at the beginning of the execution :

ERROR: 0031-250  task 30: Segmentation fault

No error with NEMO on 1 proc. But the run take more than 5000 s per simulated month ...

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.