Custom Query (113 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 113)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#89 cetlod aclsce fixed diaptr ocean file with XIOS

diaptr ocean file with XIOS in order to have same method to handle all the ouptuts in all components.

#91 sdipsl jgipsl fixed Move ins_job to libIGCM

The script ins_job in modipsl/util is directly related to libIGCM. I think it should be moved to libIGCM. It would also be good to change name and rewrite it a bit.

If this is done, in util/ins_job a warning should be written with instructions on how to create jobs with the new script in libIGCM.

#92 igcmg jgipsl fixed Error in lmdz.driver in v6 for CARBON_CYCLE

In lmdz.driver in ATM_Carbon_Update, rev 2410, the follwing section can not work since the change by using IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile :

    if [ ${lmdz_UserChoices_CARBON_CYCLE} = historical ] ; then
            # Modify co2_ppm in config.def only for historical run
            # If not historical run, keep co2_ppm value set earlier by IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile
        IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker config.def co2_ppm     ${CO2_ppm}

The function IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile can only change the value of a parameter if it is equal AUTO.

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