Custom Query (113 matches)


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Results (25 - 27 of 113)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#25 omamce, aclsce aclsce fixed Pb with file on 96x71 resolution

Wrong masks variable has been detected in 96x71 resolution file.

#28 mafoipsl mafoipsl fixed dynzon file creation in IPSLCM4_v2 (LMDZ parallel)

dynzon file creation i IPSLCM4_v2 (LMDZ parallel)

dynzon file is not created anymore in IPSLCM4_v2, we have to modify LMDZ dyn3dpar code to create it even in parallel mode.

#29 mafoipsl mafoipsl fixed use same executable in forced and coupled mode for LMDZ

use same executable in forced and coupled mode for LMDZ

Use the same executable in forced and coupled mode for LMDZ Actually, there is an error during execution due to unusable MPI subroutines called in forced mode.

[0] Trace back of process [0,0]:
                 Called from mpisx_print_suspend_process ELN=?(4011b14a8) LANG=C
                 Called from mpisx_send_print_suspend ELN=?(4011b29f0) LANG=C
                 Called from mpisx_suspend ELN=?(4011b6308) LANG=C
                 Called from MPID_SHMEM_Check_incoming ELN=?(40113734c) LANG=C
                 Called from mpi_recv_ ELN=?(400fbd884) LANG=C
                 Called from prism_init_comp_proto ELN=695(400560378) LANG=F90
                 Called from mod_const_mpi.init_const_mpi ELN=16(40005d4a8) LANG=F90
                 Called from gcm ELN=480(4000014d8) LANG=F90
                 Called from main.o ELN=?(4012d4510) LANG=C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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