Custom Query (113 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#36 mafoipsl mafoipsl fixed Pmagic implementation in albedo.F and reading in conf_phys.F90

Pmagic implementation

Add a parameter pmagic in albedo computation.

  • Initialised in conf_phys.F90 or gcm.def
  • Used in albedo.F
#37 mafoipsl mafoipsl fixed warning message in OPA compilation : dynam1 (a common) has more than one size

OPA compilation : dynam1 common size warning

A warning message appears : sxld warning: multiply defined symbol dynam1_, in ../../../lib/libopa.a, has more than one size

New investigation under progress (YM and MAF)

#38 igcmg mafoipsl fixed warning message in OPA compilation : comopa (a common) has more than one size

OPA compilation : comopa common size warning

A warning message appears : sxld warning: multiply defined symbol comopa_, in ../../../lib/libopa.a, has more than one size

This COMMON appears in redrunnc.F and savrunnc.F with zdept(1)

      REAL zdtsec
      REAL zdept(1), zlamt(imax,jmax), zphit(imax,jmax)
      COMMON /comopa/zdtsec, zlamt, zphit,zdept

and with ztmask(imax,jmax) elsewhere :

      REAL zglamt(imax,jmax),zgphit(imax,jmax),ztmask(imax,jmax)
      COMMON /comopa/zdtsec,zglamt,zgphit,ztmask
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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