Custom Query (113 matches)


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Results (7 - 9 of 113)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#39 fixed ENSEMBLES variables sdipsl sdipsl

Add/Modify? histday and histhf to fill ensembles variables without too much post-processing

#40 fixed add zahir (AIX) in libIGCM scripts sdipsl mafoipsl

Add zahir (AIX) in libIGCM scripts

zahir is the scalar MPP computer at IDRIS.

The OS on next scalar MPP at IDRIS will be the same on Power 6. We need to prepare IPSLCM4/5 portability on Power6 and porting libIGCM on zahir is a prerequisite.

#91 fixed Move ins_job to libIGCM sdipsl jgipsl

The script ins_job in modipsl/util is directly related to libIGCM. I think it should be moved to libIGCM. It would also be good to change name and rewrite it a bit.

If this is done, in util/ins_job a warning should be written with instructions on how to create jobs with the new script in libIGCM.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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