Custom Query (102 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 102)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1 Your trac need a real logo somebody defect critical website
#26 Execution error message with IPSLCM4_v2 simulation IGCMG defect critical IPSL CM4 parallel version modeles
#41 Rebuild on SX8 at IDRIS and mercure igcmg enhancement critical IPSL CM4 parallel version IO
#71 Please add climserv jgipsl enhancement critical documentation
#104 Modèle IPSLCM6.0.8-LR igcmg task critical IPSLCM6 configuration
#3 Preliminary test igcmg enhancement major IPSL CM4 parallel version tools
#11 Cecill licence to be added igcmg task major IPSL CM4 parallel version documentation
#12 Création du répertoire CONFIG dans le serveur subversion svn igcmg enhancement major IPSL CM4 parallel version tools
#13 Création de la configuration IPSLCM4_v2 dans le répertoire CONFIG igcmg enhancement major IPSL CM4 parallel version modeles
#14 fait_AA_make correction for Psmile Include and sx8brodie options for OPA igcmg task major IPSL CM4 parallel version scripts
#15 OASIS compilation in batch mode on brodie igcmg defect major IPSL CM4 parallel version scripts
#16 Verification of LMDZINCA_v2 compilation on brodie acosce defect major IPSL ESM modeles
#17 IPSLCM4_v2 training slides mafoipsl task major IPSL CM4 parallel version documentation
#18 Added possibility to use MPI1 or MPI2 to run coupled model with libIGCM. igcmg enhancement major IPSL CM4 parallel version scripts
#19 Portability on scalar machine CCRT igcmg enhancement major IPSL CM4 parallel version scripts
#20 Création du tag IPSLCM4_v2_1 sur la configuration IPSLCM4_v2 aclsce task major IPSL CM4 parallel version modeles
#21 change dayref during the run acosce defect major IPSL ESM parallel version scripts
#23 aerosols effects acosce defect major IPSL ESM parallel version modeles
#24 Inca pre-processing in IPSL_ESM_V1 acosce defect major IPSL ESM parallel version modeles
#25 Pb with file on 96x71 resolution omamce, aclsce defect major IPSL CM4 parallel version tools
#28 dynzon file creation in IPSLCM4_v2 (LMDZ parallel) mafoipsl enhancement major IPSL CM4 parallel version modeles
#29 use same executable in forced and coupled mode for LMDZ mafoipsl enhancement major modeles
#30 error during execution of IPSLCM4_v2 after 3 days of simulation igcmg defect major IPSL CM4 parallel version modeles
#31 Added new IPSLCM5 coupled configuration (NEMO instead of OPA) aclsce enhancement major IPSL CM5 configuration
#32 Rebuild on TX7 at IDRIS mafoipsl enhancement major IPSL CM4 parallel version tools
#33 ISCCP output with IPSLCM4_V2 tag lead to a crash sdipsl defect major IPSL CM4 parallel version IO
#36 Pmagic implementation in albedo.F and reading in conf_phys.F90 mafoipsl enhancement major IPSL CM4 parallel version modeles
#37 warning message in OPA compilation : dynam1 (a common) has more than one size mafoipsl defect major IPSL CM4 parallel version modeles
#38 warning message in OPA compilation : comopa (a common) has more than one size igcmg defect major modeles
#39 ENSEMBLES variables sdipsl enhancement major IPSL CM4 parallel version IO
#40 add zahir (AIX) in libIGCM scripts sdipsl enhancement major IPSL CM5 scripts
#43 Pb with permissions put by dods_cp command on ccrt machine aclsce defect major PERMANENT TASK scripts
#44 Programme igcmg defect major documentation
#45 IPSLCM4_v2 on zahir mafoipsl defect major IPSL CM4 parallel version tools
#46 IPSLCM4_v2 : time axis in dynzon files (after create_se) mafoipsl defect major IPSL CM4 parallel version IO
#47 IPSLCM4_v2 : no start in 144x142x19 on platine (CCRT). Restart works well. aclsce defect major IPSL CM4 parallel version modeles
#48 IPSLCM4_v2 : installation on vargas (IDRIS) IBM Power6 mafoipsl enhancement major IPSL CM5 configuration
#50 CONFIG cleaning igcmg enhancement major IPSL CM5 documentation
#52 LMDZ4OR_v3 configuration created from IPSLCM5_v2 coupled configuration aclsce task major configuration
#53 Switch on/off stomate component in coupled and LMDZOR configuration aclsce enhancement major configuration
#54 create_etat0_limit : needed by default or not ? igcmg task major IPSL CM5 configuration
#55 North pole validation mafoipsl defect major IPSL CM5 modeles
#58 Pb fichier bands avec job CREATE jgipsl defect major config_v5
#59 On curie, add default project in jobs headers. igcmg enhancement major IPSLCM5A documentation
#60 Compilation XIOS pour CM6 omamce task major IPSLCM6 configuration
#61 Compilation NEMO pour CM6 omamce task major IPSLCM6 configuration
#62 Repertoires CM6 dans les répertoires communs IGCM omamce task major IPSLCM6 configuration
#63 Bug dans NEMO/OPA_SRC/IOM/iom.F90 omamce defect major IPSLCM6 modeles
#64 Pb d'allocation dans NEMO/sbccpl.F90 omamce defect major IPSLCM6 modeles
#65 Recuperer les bons fichiers pour NEMO (orca et pisces) igcmg enhancement major IPSLCM6 configuration
#66 Gestion automatique des frequences de sortie NEMO omamce enhancement major IPSLCM6 configuration
#67 Correction de parsub dans namelist_ice_ORCA2 omamce defect major IPSLCM6 modeles
#68 LIM2 : changement de creepl dans la namelist_ice_ORCA2 omamce defect major IPSLCM6 modeles
#69 Probleme compilation de rebuild sur curie igcmg defect major tools
#72 Rebuild with IOIPSL tag v2_2_3 installed on curie and on ada. mafoipsl defect major PERMANENT TASK IO
#73 Add all files required by ORCA1. mafoipsl task major IPSLCM6 Shared files
#74 Bands files for LMDZ jgipsl task major IPSLCM6 performances
#75 Synchronisation of IGCM files mafoipsl task major IPSLCM6 Shared files
#78 IPSLCM6 : add historical experiment. mafoipsl task major IPSLCM6 config_v6
#79 Verification of input text files mafoipsl task major IPSLCM6 modeles
#80 Coherence verification of forced and coupled configuration. mafoipsl task major IPSLCM6 config_v6
#81 Switch to netcdf parallel by default on ada. mafoipsl task major IPSLCM6 IO
#82 MPI/OpenMP run on ada aclsce task major IPSLCM6 scripts
#83 Add IPSLCM6_rc0 trusting on ada and curie. mafoipsl task major IPSLCM6 trusting
#84 Send a message when ticket are created, modified and closed. igcmg enhancement major IPSLCM6 documentation
#88 Verif output_level, monitoring, Post in component cards aclsce task major IPSLCM6 config_v6
#89 diaptr ocean file with XIOS cetlod task major IPSLCM6 IO
#91 Move ins_job to libIGCM sdipsl enhancement major scripts
#92 Error in lmdz.driver in v6 for CARBON_CYCLE igcmg defect major config_v6
#93 Modèle IPSLCM6.0.3-LR igcmg task major IPSLCM6 configuration
#94 Modèle IPSLCM6.0.4-LR omamce task major IPSLCM6 configuration
#95 closea : bilan en eau de mers fermées n'est pas nul ! omamce defect major IPSLCM6 config_v6
#96 Switch from XIOS1 to XIOS2 in IPSL-CM6 aclsce task major IPSLCM6 IO
#97 Add a trusting on curie for IPSLCM6.0.5 igcm task major IPSLCM6 trusting
#98 IPSLCM6.0.5 on ada (IDRIS) igcmg task major IPSLCM6 config_v6
#99 TGCC curie : Use new functionality of module to use a common environnement. igcmg task major IPSLCM6 Shared files
#100 Modèle IPSLCM6.0.5-LR igcmg task major documentation
#101 To limit the number of small files, add scalar variables outputs in histmth. igcmg enhancement major IPSLCM6 configuration
#102 Modèle IPSLCM6.0.6-LR igcmg task major documentation
#103 Modèle IPSLCM6.0.7-LR igcmg task major configuration
#106 N+1=+1 for IPSLCM6 igcm task major IPSLCM6 trusting
#107 Check parallel decomposition in MPI/OpenMP for IPSLCM6 igcm task major IPSLCM6 trusting
#108 Modèle IPSLCM6.0.9-LR igcmg defect major configuration
#109 Error sur le Monitoring so et thetao en profondeur omamce defect major IPSLCM6 tools
#110 Adapt IOIPSL to handle restart variables having 3, 4 or 5 dimensions jgipsl task major IO
#111 Modèle IPSLCM6.0.10-LR igcmg task major configuration
#112 Create new tag IOIPSL igcmg task major IO
#113 Modèle IPSLCM6.0.11-LR igcmg task major configuration
#114 Modèle IPSLCM6.0.12-LR igcmg task major IPSLCM6 configuration
#115 Modèle IPSLCM6.0.13-LR igcmg task major IPSLCM6 configuration
#116 IPSLESM6.0.0-LR configuration created from IPSLCM6.0.13-LR coupled configuration igcmg enhancement major IPSL ESM config_v6
#117 Modèle IPSLCM6.0.14-LR igcmg task major IPSLCM6 configuration
#119 Modèle IPSLCM6.0.15-LR igcmg task major IPSLCM6 configuration
#121 Inconsistent order of make and clean (AA_make) igcmg defect major config_v6
#51 cpp key in argument in NEMO igcmg enhancement minor IPSL CM5 modeles
#70 Nettoyage dans lmdz.driver pour lancement automatique du create_etat0_limit enhancement minor config_v5
#86 IPSLCM5v5 decadal experiment on Ada and Curie task minor config_v5
#90 clean up in modipsl/util jgipsl enhancement minor scripts
#34 Little inconsistency with histday IO in IPSLCM2_v2 sdipsl enhancement trivial IPSL CM4 parallel version IO
#35 Inconsistency with histmth IO in IPSLCM4_v2 (AMIP vs CLIM type_run) sdipsl enhancement trivial IPSL CM4 parallel version IO
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