


11:02 Changeset [235] by mmaipsl
Add unit for output in lmdz.
11:00 Changeset [234] by mmaipsl
Different options of lmdz and input files. Add TS variables.
10:56 Changeset [233] by mmaipsl
Add possibility to use ORCHIDEE_WATCHOUT to run ORCHIDEE offline with an …
10:55 Changeset [232] by mmaipsl
Add possibility to use STOMATE model in ORCHIDEE. Add new TS in SECHIBA.
10:53 Changeset [231] by mmaipsl
Change type_run for AMIP and switch aerosols to off. OK_journee=n.


16:31 Changeset [230] by acosce
ACo : change lmdz.driver in IPSL_ESM_V1 for taking in account the real …
16:07 Changeset [229] by acosce
ACo : change lmdz.driver in LMDZINCA for taking in account the real date …
15:37 Changeset [228] by aclsce
Added compile options for eshpux target (ES front-end).
15:23 Changeset [227] by aclsce
Added modifications for eshpux target (ES front_end) : oasis compilation …
14:53 Changeset [226] by aclsce
Added and modified options for eshpux target (ES front-end)


15:53 Climatology edited by mafoipsl


15:54 Ticket #27 (Change masks.nc file for ORCA2xLMD9671 configuration on rces452/p86denv ...) created by sdipsl
The mask file is now correct also for those previous common accounts …
15:31 WikiStart edited by mafoipsl
10:32 IPSLCM4_v2_PAR edited by mafoipsl
10:03 IPSLCM4_v2_PAR edited by mafoipsl
09:37 Climatology edited by mafoipsl


10:08 IPSLCM4_v2_PAR edited by mafoipsl
09:40 IPSLCM4_v2_PAR edited by mafoipsl


12:24 Ticket #26 (Execution error message with IPSLCM4_v2 simulation) created by aclsce
Error message : * 252 Floating-point zero divide PROG=coefcdrag …
12:22 Ticket #25 (Pb with masks.nc file on 96x71 resolution) created by aclsce
Wrong masks variable has been detected in 96x71 resolution file.
12:03 Changeset [225] by mmaipsl
Je change le courriel d'avertissement pour l'adresse mèl de Abdherrahmane …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.