


16:01 Changeset [4230] by cpipsl
remove COMP_old directory and config.card_old file
15:59 Changeset [4229] by cpipsl
rename piControl directory into piControl_TEST directory
14:57 Changeset [4228] by cpipsl
IPSLESM6: remove pdControl experiment
14:51 Changeset [4227] by cpipsl
IPSLESM6: update of the AA_make file
12:28 Changeset [4226] by tlurton
Added script for generation of hybrid CNRM ozone files for Tier 2 …


13:01 Changeset [4225] by cetlod
NEMO_v6 : improve AA_make


18:26 IPSLCM6-MR edited by mafoipsl


23:24 Changeset [4224] by oboucher
ScenarioMIP ssp370 r4
23:24 Changeset [4223] by oboucher
ScenarioMIP ssp370 r3
23:23 Changeset [4222] by oboucher
ScenarioMIP ssp370 r2
23:22 Changeset [4221] by oboucher
ScenarioMIP ssp585
23:21 Changeset [4220] by oboucher
ScenarioMIP ssp126
11:16 Changeset [4219] by mafoipsl
For pdControl_TEST and piControl_TEST consolidation of TS in opa9.card.


16:56 Changeset [4218] by acosce
there was an error of typo in traceur.def name in NP case
14:27 Changeset [4217] by cpipsl
IPSLESM6: update of GENERAL directory up to CM6.1.8 configuration
12:15 Changeset [4216] by acosce
Add modification to use vers 6.1.8 with AER in LMDZORINCA
12:01 Changeset [4215] by acosce
propagate dev from LMDZOR_v6 (.1.8) to LMDZORINCA_v6 for GENERAL/PARAM …


15:34 Changeset [4214] by jgipsl
Added revision numbers for configuration files for LMDZOR_v6.1.8 …
15:32 Changeset [4213] by jgipsl
As done in IPSLCM6: only add flag related to volcanic diagnostics, …
14:25 PerformancesIPSLCM6 edited by mafoipsl
14:24 Changeset [4212] by jgipsl
Added LMDZOR_v6.1.8 according to IPSLCM6.1.8-LR
14:23 PerformancesIPSLCM6 edited by mafoipsl
14:21 DossierTechnique_2019.docx attached to PerformancesIPSLCM6 by mafoipsl
14:20 DossierTechnique_2019.pdf attached to PerformancesIPSLCM6 by mafoipsl
08:13 Changeset [4211] by acosce
modification in inca.card to allow a trusting to run on this configuration


15:06 Changeset [4210] by acosce
forget some files in 144x142x79 version of LMDZORINCA to use Inca Restart …
14:27 PerformancesIPSLCM6 edited by mafoipsl
14:26 Changeset [4209] by acosce
Add a new configuration with Inca and Reprobus coupled in the same model …
14:18 Changeset [4208] by acosce
Update orchidee card in LMDZORINCAREPROBUS configuration to use last …


14:54 PerformancesIPSLCM6 edited by mafoipsl
14:51 PerformancesIPSLCM6 edited by mafoipsl
14:29 PerformancesIPSLCM6 edited by mafoipsl
11:56 IPSLCM6-MR edited by mafoipsl


15:41 Changeset [4207] by acosce
update lmdzorinca_v6 card to vers 1.7


11:16 Changeset [4206] by tlurton
Commit exp. CM61-LR-scen-ssp245.


17:53 IPSLCM6-MR edited by mafoipsl


17:31 IPSLCM6/IPSL-CM6A-LR edited by aclsce
15:27 Changeset [4205] by jgipsl
Removed script. This is obsolete and not working anymore.
15:14 Changeset [4204] by acosce
modificatin in inca.card to allow a trusting to run on this configuration
12:56 Changeset [4203] by cetlod
update mod.def for NEMOv6
12:54 Changeset [4202] by cetlod
NEMOv6 for OMIP : update initial conditions for PISCES and file for …


11:47 Changeset [4201] by acosce
Add restart for the re-submission in inca configuration AER LR job
11:46 Changeset [4200] by acosce
remove restart files from inca.card we choose to start the model by …


18:38 IPSLCM6-MR edited by mafoipsl
16:06 Changeset [4199] by omamce
O.M. : MOASAIX, suppress generation of NetCDF3 files
12:53 Changeset [4198] by cetlod
NEMOv6 : update configurations
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.