
Version 2 (modified by jgipsl, 13 years ago) (diff)


New set up of the coupled model of IPSL. This configuration contains possiblity to run IPSLCM5A, IPSLCM5B or IPSLCM5_C

Extrate using modipsl, all the same as IPSLCM5A excepte the configuration should be IPSLCM5_v4 Add in mod.def :

#-H- IPSLCM5_v4  IPSLCM5_v4 coupled configuration
#-H- IPSLCM5_v4  CMIP5 version 08/12/2011
#-H- IPSLCM5_v4  with 5 NEMO sub-domains for vargas or titane by default
#-H- IPSLCM5_v4  NEMO svn branches/CMIP5_IPSL 3205 
#-H- IPSLCM5_v4  XMLF90 svn trunk revision 297
#-H- IPSLCM5_v4  XMLIO_SERVER svn trunk revision 297
#-H- IPSLCM5_v4  IOIPSL/src svn tags/v2_2_1
#-H- IPSLCM5_v4  LMDZ4 branches LMDZ4_AR5 revision 1602
#-H- IPSLCM5_v4  ORCHIDEE version orchidee_1_9_5
#-H- IPSLCM5_v4  OASIS3 tag ipslcm5a
#-H- IPSLCM5_v4  IPSLCM5_v4 svn 
#-H- IPSLCM5_v4  libIGCM tag libIGCM_v1_12
#-M- IPSLCM5_v4
#-C- IPSLCM5_v4  IOIPSL/tags/v2_2_1/src        HEAD         8  IOIPSL/src modeles
#-C- IPSLCM5_v4  ORCHIDEE            orchidee_1_9_5         2  .          modeles
#-C- IPSLCM5_v4  OASIS3                    ipslcm5a         1  prism      .
#-C- IPSLCM5_v4  LMDZ4/branches/LMDZ4_AR5/     1602        11  LMDZ4      modeles
#-C- IPSLCM5_v4  CONFIG/IPSLCM/IPSLCM5_v4        HEAD         8  IPSLCM5_v4   config
#-C- IPSLCM5_v4  tags/libIGCM_v1_12            HEAD        10  libIGCM    .
#-C- IPSLCM5_v4  branches/CMIP5_IPSL/NEMO      3205         7  .          modeles
#-C- IPSLCM5_v4  branches/CMIP5_IPSL/UTIL      3205         7  .          modeles
#-C- IPSLCM5_v4  XMLF90                         297        12  .          modeles
#-C- IPSLCM5_v4  XMLIO_SERVER/trunk             297        12  XMLIO_SERVER       modeles

In ins_job, add at line 110, following lines :

 print - "\nWorking with file ${F_CFG}\nin directory ${j}\nfor ${n_f}";
  if [ ! X$( echo ${j} | grep USER_SPEC ) = X ] ; then
      echo "USER_SPEC directory exist in path, do not use this config.card"

# Add specific treatment if new type of configuration
  if [ -d ${j}/USER_SPEC ] && [ -d ${j}/GENERAL ] ; then
      echo "This is new configuration structure"
      IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${j}'/'${F_CFG} UserChoices JobName
      IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${j}'/'${F_CFG} UserChoices UserSpec
      echo "JobName=${config_UserChoices_JobName}"
      if [ X${config_UserChoices_UserSpec} = X ] ; then
	echo "The variable UserSpec must be added in config.card in section UserChoices"
	echo "UserSpec gives the directory for the .card configurtaion files for the wanted experiement. For exemple UserSpec=IPSLCM5/historical"
	echo "UserSpec= $Config_UserChoices_UserSpec "
	echo "UserSpec= $Config_UserChoices_UserSpec "

      if [ -d ${j}/${config_UserChoices_JobName} ] ; then
	  echo "Directory ${j}/${config_UserChoices_JobName} exist already, continue next config.card"
      cp -r ${j}/USER_SPEC/${config_UserChoices_UserSpec} ${j}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}
      cp -r ${j}/GENERAL/* ${j}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}/.
      cp -f ${j}/${F_CFG}  ${j}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}/.
      echo new j=$j
# end test and work

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